OPTM- Chapter 521 The Battle Begins!

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Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Office of the Fleet Admiral.

“Any other thoughts? Since Whitebeard wants to fight, let’s fight!”

As expected, Akainu was firmly on the side of the war faction. Upon hearing Sengoku’s request, he stood up angrily and shouted, “We currently have the advantage, so why shouldn’t we fight? Even if the opponent is Whitebeard, so what?”

“The criminals must be dealt with!”

Akainu’s attitude reflected that of many officers, including Rowen, who also sided with him this time.

As he said, the Marines had the upper hand, so why not fight?
It would only take a day for the Marines temporarily stationed in Totto Land to reach the battlefield, while Whitebeard’s [Moby Dick] was deep in the New World and couldn’t arrive in a short time.

Moreover, as the strongest force in the Grand Line, the Marines were not afraid to face a single Yonko group.

Finally, Whitebeard wanted to use his resistance to tell the world that the pirate era was not over. The Marines could not allow that to happen!

This battle was not only about personal honor for the Marines but also about the future direction of the sea.

Whether the Marines would be able to rewrite history after the Marineford War Year depended almost entirely on this battle.

“I understand your desire to fight, but first take a look at this…”

Sengoku’s face showed no emotion as he calmly handed out some documents to everyone. Rowen curiously picked up his copy and seemed to understand.

“So that’s it. The Marines aren’t afraid of the Yonko, but they can’t face so many forces together.”

It was a list.

Spread out on the list were the names of various faction leaders, subtly telling the Marines not to escalate the situation.

Although there wasn’t a single threatening word in the entire document, if the Marines engaged in combat, they would inevitably face their legal retribution afterward.

BIG MOM’s downfall involved much more than just the era and the pirates. Think of the tea party she hosted in the original story; the interest groups associated with the BIG MOM pirates were widespread enough to give the Charlotte family the most prominent information network.

Now that BIG MOM had fallen, these forces were undergoing a major reshuffling.

Previously, those who had shown goodwill to the Marines, such as “Shipping King” Umit and “Pleasure District Queen” Stussy, had expanded their businesses at least threefold!

Now, in this time of divided interests, if the Marines fought another Yonko, it could result in losses for everyone.

At the same time, those who remained hungry had their eyes red, protecting their last remaining assets. If this last hope was destroyed by war, it was easy to imagine what they would do.


“These guys don’t dare go after Whitebeard, but they come to threaten us? Do they think the Marines are easier to bully than the Yonko?”

Momousagi was full of killing intent, her delicate face radiating a sinister aura.

“Actually, that’s true!”

Rowen really wanted to answer her like that.

The Marines and the Pirates could generally be divided into order and chaos camps.

The Marines maintained order, so of course they would be affected. The Whitebeard Pirates, as a chaotic pirate group, had no such order and discipline, and they wouldn’t be affected by these factions.

So their threats meant nothing to Whitebeard.

But they struck at the Achilles heel of the Marines, who maintained order.

Who was easier to bully was obvious.

“Still, we shouldn’t compromise!”

Aokiji, unexpectedly energetic, spoke up in support of Akainu: “From the previous war with the BIG MOM Pirates, I realized that people’s wishes are never satisfied. Temporary concessions only lead to more demands, becoming the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

“We may gain peace now by enduring, but what about the future?”

“If our soldiers get used to compromising for peace, who will we rely on in a major war?”

“As soldiers, we can follow orders and endure humiliation, but we cannot accept threats from outsiders!”

The past stable situation of the Shichibukai, Yonko, and Naval Headquarters for over a decade had long since passed. It was now the era of naval warfare. They could no longer return to the past, to that humiliating time when they had to endure to maintain the situation.

“I request to lead the attack, Fleet Admiral!”

Akainu rose and saluted solemnly: “If the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) blame us, I will take full responsibility!”



Sengoku couldn’t help but slam the table in anger and stand up cursing: “As long as I’m in charge, it’s my responsibility! Isn’t taking the blame what I’m used to?”

Sengoku suddenly grinned: “Things have indeed changed!”

“You used to be afraid to accept the reality of fighting a Yonko.”

Sengoku’s gaze shifted to a young man with a flat top haircut, smoking a cigar, who stood out among the group of thirty-something officers.

“Rowen, follow my orders!”

Rowen: “…”

How did the subject change so suddenly?!!!


“I need the Assassination Force’s intelligence network to monitor Whitebeard’s every move. Can you manage that?”

Military orders are absolute, and Rowen dared not make a rash decision.

After careful consideration, Rowen realized that although the original Assassination Force had been disbanded, its intelligence network still existed and couldn’t just be discarded.

Especially those undercover agents and intelligence officers that only the Fleet Admiral and the Assassination Force Commander had the right to know about. These personnel gradually returned to the organization after the reform.

In addition, the newly reformed Assassination Force needed a formal way to present itself.


“Mission accepted!”

Although the order was given to Rowen, Akainu was pleased with it.

As expected, Sengoku quickly said, “Excellent! Akainu, I appoint you as the commander for this battle. Make sure to suppress Whitebeard’s arrogance and show the power of the Marines!”

“But remember, as long as the conflict remains a localized skirmish, you cannot make a move.”

There had to be a just cause for action!

If Whitebeard attacks us, it’s only fair for us to retaliate, right?

Akainu, full of joy and strength, replied, “Understood!

Sengoku presented this list not to emphasize the seriousness of the situation, but as a test to see who had the courage and responsibility in times of crisis.

Akainu’s extremism earned him this opportunity; otherwise, the command of this battle would definitely have gone to Kizaru instead of him.

As for Rowen, whose strength was comparable to theirs…

Well, he’s only a Vice Admiral.

Even if his reputation on the seas was equal to that of the three Admirals, internally, a Vice Admiral couldn’t take the lead in a war against a Yonko – Garp didn’t even have that qualification.

The chance to bring the Assassination Force back into the public eye was already a special consideration of Sengoku.

“Whitebeard, huh!”

Rowen turned and exchanged a glance with Chaton, both of them smiling knowingly.

A stepping stone offered on a platter should not be wasted.

“Charge! Break their lines of fire with me!”

“Brothers, aim well and shoot!”

“Colonel! The first assault team requests support; there’s a troublesome enemy here!”

Bang! Bang! Boom!


Gunshots, cannon fire, shouts, screams, the smell of gunpowder, and the stench of blood all came together to form the most primitive, brutal, and bloody scene.

Humans began killing each other for their own purposes!

“Send the seventh squad to support the fifth squad!”

Amidst the smoke of cannon fire, Vista, his face covered in soot, wrapped his sword with a bandage around his palm, struggling to keep the sweat and blood on his hands from making his grip unstable.

At that moment, he looked up and saw a pirate ship being attacked by the marines from both sides, its dragon bones breaking. He immediately gave a loud command.

But after waiting a moment, he noticed that no one responded.

He immediately turned around.

“Not good! The enemy has flanked us!”

“Third and fifth squads, follow me to stop them!”

A group of “water ghosts” had somehow appeared on the surface of the sea where the seventh support squad was supposed to be. They climbed onto the pirate ship, killing, drilling holes, and planting explosives, catching the pirates off guard.

At that moment, Vista turned his head, and with a bang, a fiery explosion erupted, sending wooden splinters flying everywhere and causing painful injuries.

Fighting against the current Marines required caution against their countless tactics.

Vista could only be thankful that the Marines’ air force couldn’t reach the battlefield due to the great storm; otherwise, his squad alone would have had no chance against the Marines.

“Your opponent is me, Vista!”


A towering iron figure descended from the sky, accompanied by flames.

Mozambia landed heavily on one knee, creating cracks in the deck.

“Vegapunk San, your equipment needs upgrading!”

Mozambia removed the flying backpack that was emitting thick black smoke from his back, flexed his hands, and orange-yellow light began to radiate from the conduits that covered his technologically advanced body.

The power reactor in his chest was running at full capacity, giving him monstrous strength.


Mozambia pulled a nearly five-meter-long composite Zanbato out of a hidden compartment at his side and assembled it. He looked at Vista not far away and grinned: “Come play with me, little bug!”


Vista knew he couldn’t leave easily, so he signaled others to provide support with his eyes and faced Mozambia head-on.

(Chapter End)


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