OPTM-Chapter 515 First Grade Glory Medal! True Privileged Individuals!

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Ding! Dong!

With a slight noise, the elevator slowly opened.

Looking up, Rowen found himself in a clean, spacious and luxurious corridor.

The walls and floors were all covered with precious stones, smooth enough to reflect shadows. Thin white threads were embedded between transparent, water-like stones. Rowen couldn’t identify the type of stone, but he was certain of its extraordinary value.

As the core of the government, where the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) resided, they naturally did not share the floor with outsiders. At the end of the long corridor, there was only one large door leading to the elevator, flanked by vases of exotic flowers and plants.

Rowen adjusted his clothes, stepped out of the elevator and approached the door. With deliberate calm, he knocked three times “dong dong dong”.


“Come in…”

With permission granted, Rowen placed his hand on the slit of the door and took a deep breath.

Zhī ya!

Unexpectedly heavy, the door, obviously made of wood, gave the impression of being as hard as iron. Recalling it in his mind, Rowen confirmed it:

The entire door was made of Treasure Tree Adam!

Such extravagance from the rich government!

Slightly astonished, the door opened, revealing a spacious lounge before Rowen’s eyes.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see the white clouds parallel to the Holy Land, and the sea, roaring with great momentum, appeared calm and unremarkable from this distance. The fireplace was burning brightly, filling the room with warmth.

Five elders with different expressions sat on the sofa in the middle of the living room, resembling a tribunal. They all looked up at the newcomer.

“Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral Rowen, codenamed Soryu (Azure Dragon), reporting!”

His voice was firm and his demeanor calm.

“Hmm, not bad!”

The elder with the long mustache was pleased with Rowen’s composure. Having seen too many extremes of “Justice” and endured countless acts of “kowtowing,” Rowen’s straightforward attitude – doing what he was told and not interfering – was refreshing to the long-moustached elder.


The burly Mediterranean elder crossed his arms and grunted slightly, but said nothing.

Even now, he believed that Rowen would be the next Garp, especially after he had killed Big Mom and rumors had spread that he was being hailed as a “hero” among the Marines.

As for why Rowen couldn’t be Garp yet, it was because Garp had personally ended an era!

For Rowen to achieve the same status, he would have to end the pirate era completely.

Of course, the difficulty of this task was immense.

Time moves on, and what’s ancient isn’t necessarily terrifying… except for the ancient weapons.

“You must have some idea why we called you here, Soryu (Azure Dragon).”

The only blonde Gorōsei member spoke.

“I dare not speculate!”

When under someone’s roof, one must keep one’s head down; Rowen did not want to engage in speculative words and draw the Gorōsei’s attention.

“There is no need to be cautious in your words and actions, Soryu (Azure Dragon). Merit must be rewarded or punished accordingly; as a Marine, you should be well aware of this.”

The long mustached one reminded him with satisfaction.

“The Marines value military merit the most,” a principle firmly established by the government.

As the strongest military force representing the government to the outside world, and the main line of defense of the “Holy Land” Mary Geoise, the core of the Marines consisted only of those who had earned merit through actual contributions.

Incidents such as Spandam’s misuse of his family’s influence to control CP-9 were confined to the government and would not occur within the Marine ranks.


Rowen nodded in agreement.

“Last time, your capture of Dragon was commendable, but we didn’t have a chance to reward you. This time, by defeating the Big Mom Pirates, you’ve done another great deed. Therefore, after our discussion, we have decided…”

The Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) were known for their decisive actions, as if time itself was trying to catch up with them. After a short conversation, the long mustached Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) spoke directly.

“We hereby award Vice Admiral Rowen of the Marine Headquarters a Class 1 Medal of Honor.”


“That’s it?”

Rowen looked confused.

Old Vic, are you pulling my leg?

Only one Glory Medal? Is all this ceremony really necessary?

“Hmph, fool, do you even know what a Class 1 Glory Medal means?”

The Mediterranean Elder was enraged by Rowen’s reaction and pointed at him, scolding, “Even that asshole Garp only managed to earn a Class 2 Glory Medal. What more are you not satisfied with?”

Rowen blinked.

“My apologies, esteemed elders. I really had no idea.”


“Enough, ignorance is forgivable.”

Anyone who had fought and bled for an unclear reward would inevitably feel dissatisfied.

Seeing Rowen’s frustration, the long-moustached elder stepped in and explained, “Let me clarify this, Rowen. The Glory Medal system is a supplemental reward system established by the government for individuals who make significant contributions to maintaining government control and world peace.”

“Take Marines, for example. Your current military merit would be sufficient for promotion to Admiral, but how do you think you’d fare if you were promoted directly to Admiral?”

Shaky foundation, more harm than good!

Whether it’s Akainu or Aokiji, they both had a large number of vice admirals supporting them. This accumulated support was something Rowen couldn’t match even with his considerable achievements.

Rowen began to understand.

While military merit was highly valued in the Marines, promotion wasn’t the only way to recognize it.

That is why the Honor Medal System was established.

“It seems you understand now?”

The long-moustached elder continued, “Of course, although it won’t promote you, the Medal of Honor is a symbol of privilege. Its special meaning… Let me give you another example. The five of us are holders of the Supreme Grade Glory Medals.”


Like a stone causing ripples in a pond, Rowen’s mind was struck with a thunderous realization, similar to Conan flipping the switch.

The Empty Throne, Im!

Unlike the selective revelation of the long-moustached Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), Rowen, well versed in the original text, understood the hidden implications.

The Glory Medal was not only a symbol of government privilege, but also designated for special individuals by the Im-sama who reigns over the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) and the Celestial Dragons!

“Thus, holders of the Glory Medal are sometimes derisively referred to as ‘Honorable Nobles’. Those with high status and influence aren’t necessarily honorable nobles, but all honorable nobles have high status and influence. Do you understand?”

This was almost a direct admission to Rowen after leaving him in the dark before.

Young man, your future lies between the stars and the seas!

The long-moustached Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) didn’t know that Rowen had already grasped the deeper meaning behind their words, and they were merely informing him of their privileges.

For example, as long as he didn’t kill them, he could treat Celestial Dragons as he pleased.

Did the government have the authority to grant such privileges?

Rowen wasn’t sure.

But he knew that Im-sama definitely did!

The delicate relationship between the Celestial Dragons and the government was something that even the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) were willing to bow down to, a special group that politics couldn’t touch.

Both sides can’t say who’s higher or lower; they’re just in mutual balance.

In the original work, Akainu resigned the Shichibukai title out of disgust for deceiving the world and falsely promoting Doflamingo, claiming that the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) were being ridden like puppets by the Celestial Dragons.

It’s clear that the Celestial Dragons are not so supreme after all.

Only Im-sama on the Empty Throne is the true core of the government!

Only they can stand above them and bestow the Medal of Glory.

In a trance, Rowen suddenly understood why there was not a single Celestial Dragon to be seen on the streets of the Holy Land today.

The warning from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) was only one thing; more importantly, they made it clear that he would soon possess the First Grade Glory Medal.

And the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) emphasized this privilege by telling him: “There’s no need to hold back, young man! From now on, he can confidently stand by their side and do his best to deal with Orrick.

“So, are you satisfied with this reward?”

After the long-moustached Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) finished speaking, he asked with a smiling face.

“Satisfied, very satisfied!”

As that great mountain of Celestial Dragons suddenly receded above his head, the clear and relieved feeling in his entire body was as refreshing as eating a bowl of ice cream in the summer.

(End of this chapter)


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