OPTM-Chapter 509 The Correct Use of Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit)!

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Tons of seawater poured into the sky. Faced with the power of the Soul-Soul Fruit Awakening, every non-living being would succumb to the control of the Soul-Soul Fruit, forming a huge and powerful force of nature to suppress the opponent with absolute power.

The waves roared like a mountain collapsing into the sea, creating a deafening sound.


But in the blink of an eye, lightning flashed and thunder roared.

The laser burst out, tearing through thousands of tons of seawater. Rowen, in his Thunder Titan mode, stood in the void, his hands pressing against the fist thrown by BIG-MOM, pulling it back with force.


The collision between his knee and BIG-MOM’s nose naturally ended in victory for his knee, but Rowen also felt his knee bone shatter. Under the amplification of Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki), BIG-MOM’s nose was as hard as steel.

Relying on his self-healing ability, Rowen remained expressionless despite the intense pain. In the air, where he should have had no place to borrow strength, as a Thunder Lightning Human, he could move freely without needing a point of leverage.

Twisting to avoid BIG-MOM’s swinging flame fist, Rowen reversed his body, channeling thunder into his knees and slamming them into BIG-MOM’s forehead.


“Cough Cough… Get off me!”

BIG-MOM was no match for Rowen in a speed-oriented melee. Repeatedly injured, BIG-MOM coughed up blood, her entire body pulsating with haki.

The considerable pressure of the wind coming at him made Rowen hesitate for a second, and then he was struck in the stomach by a heavy blow.


Being hit by the opponent, Rowen was not dismayed, but rather pleased.

As he was knocked away, he raised both hands, and endless electric currents began to converge in the void, forming shimmering white spears.

Meteor Spear – Gungnir!

Xiū Xiū Xiū!

Bang Bang Bang!

Countless thundering spears rained down on BIG-MOM like a storm, exploding and electrifying her with each impact, causing her to scream in agony.

Whether it was active or passive, as long as Rowen could create distance and have time to launch attacks, his chances of winning would be incredibly high.

“It hurts like hell, asshole!”

Despite being covered by a massive explosion, BIG-MOM remained completely calm. She waved her hand to disperse the thunderous web covering her body, then raised a single hand.

Soul Storm!

Countless wailing faces spewed out of her palm, quickly flying and swirling around the outside, forming a terrifying Soul Storm.

In terms of physical destructiveness, Soul Storm was negligible, but its lethality was absolutely unprecedented in Rowen’s experience.

Because it targeted the soul.

Those materials deprived of “life” were suddenly violated by a “trade-off” that burned their own souls in exchange.

He had accidentally touched some of them before, and instantly large swaths of flesh lost their vitality. It didn’t hurt much, but there was a piercing cold that penetrated his body.

Faced with this move, Rowen had to stop moving and counterattack. Otherwise, when the entire space was filled with Soul Storm and BIG-MOM moved with a cloud of Soul Black Clouds, he would be suppressed to death.

Super Electromagnetic Cannon!


In his Titan mode, the size of the Thunder Dragon Crescent Halberd was no longer comfortable for Rowen to wield, but it served perfectly as a cannonball.

At that moment, Rowen’s hands overlapped and stretched out, and the Thunder Dragon Crescent-sided Halberd floated in the air under the power of electricity, then “Bang!

Huā Lā La!

A gravitational hurricane of pure speed and destructive power instantly sucked in tens of thousands of wailing souls, tearing them to pieces in an instant, and scattering them into the wind.

But at that moment, BIG-MOM seized the opportunity to close in, forcing Rowen into a melee with her.

Soul Deterrence!


Suddenly, an extremely dark force enveloped Rowen, causing his perception to slow down and the bright sunlight to turn cold and chilling. In a seemingly empty place, countless pairs of eyes seemed to appear and watch him, sending chills down his spine.

This was a move that BIG-MOM often used against her enemies. As long as there was a hint of fear in one’s heart, regardless of one’s strength, all of one’s life would be directly taken away.

Of course, this move had no effect on Rowen. At most, he felt apprehension, not fear. Why should he fear BIG-MOM, a person who wasn’t even afraid of death itself?

BIG-MOM also never thought that Soul Deterrence could directly subdue Rowen. After reaching today’s level step by step, the will of any strong individual was as hard as steel, unshakable.

She only needed the momentary hesitation when Rowen broke free from Soul Deterrence, just like now…

Flame Violent Strike!

Flames and thunder manifested from thin air on her fist. BIG-MOM closed the space around Rowen with her massive and powerful arm, then struck fiercely!


In an instant, the unsuspecting Rowen was hit directly and split in half.

From the middle of his nose bridge to his left hip, his flesh and blood body shattered into electric arcs, hurled hundreds of meters away by the force of the impact.

Being caught off guard didn’t mean he would just take the hit.

In an instant, Rowen kept his entire body elementalized, avoiding the blow that would have severely injured him.

Then, leveraging the speed of being a Thunder-Lightning Human, before BIG·MOM could press her advantage, Rowen’s remaining right hand clenched and shot upward with a punch.



This punch hit her chin squarely, causing BIG-MOM’s head to buzz incessantly, and she spat out a mouthful of clotted blood.

Seeing BIG-MOM jump up from the blow, Rowen pulled back his already prepared left hand to his waist, then threw out another straight punch.


His angry fist swept across her heavily scarred abdomen.

BIG-MOM screamed in pain, her body recoiling backward, stepping on the spray to create distance, her eyes glaring fiercely at Rowen.

“Damn monster!”

For others at this level of combat, using full-body elementalization to dodge attacks was tantamount to seeking death. Think of how Dragon ended up. But Rowen was a Thunder-Lightning Human.

The lightning advantage gave him incredibly fast reaction and movement speeds. Trying to take advantage of lightning strikes was as futile as Dragon’s situation back then… Forget Akainu, they had to call Kizaru. Did BIG-MOM have Kizaru’s speed?

Of course, she didn’t.

So she had no way to deal with Rowen.

“You’re not qualified to tell me that, BIG-MOM!” Rowen chuckled softly.

At the same time, he focused his mind slightly, feeling amazed at BIG-MOM’s resilience. Even an Admiral would probably die several times if he had to endure such a succession of heavy blows. Yet, BIG-MOM was still bouncing around.

Regardless of everything else, just this vitality alone, Rowen admitted that he couldn’t learn it.

There was no such thing as absolute fairness. The gap between naturally gifted monsters and ordinary humans was like Heaven’s Peak, and it was understandable.

“Hmm?” Rowen’s expression was very sincere, so sincere that BIG-MOM was somewhat shocked. She looked at Rowen seriously for a moment before saying, “I see, you haven’t discovered your own uniqueness yet, Soryu!”

The “monster” in her mouth didn’t specifically refer to looks or talent, but rather that Rowen himself was a monster in her eyes.

Just as when ordinary people see something they don’t understand, they can be collectively called “monsters.

As a result, Rowen responded with a standard answer based on appearance, which made BIG-MOM realize… Rowen still didn’t recognize himself. He still thought of himself as a human.

Thinking about this, BIG-MOM stood up and laughed heartily, “Chī Chī Chīchī chī! I see, so that’s it!”

A monster who didn’t even know who or what he was, yet was able to force them into a fierce fight, with the threat of death looming at any moment.

This joke had gone too far!

Rowen was about to frown and ask, but BIG-MOM suddenly stopped laughing, her eyes glared at him fiercely, the corners of her mouth turned up ominously, “I won’t tell you the answer, Soryu. If you want to know, find out for yourself!”

“Chī Chī Chī, hā hā hā hā hā!”

Rowen’s eyes darkened, not because of BIG-MOM’s concealment, but because of something else.

“Are you done with this nonsense, fatso?”

Zī Zī… Bang!

Suddenly, divine thunder fell from the sky, with dark clouds hanging low.

“You have disappointed me too much, BIG MOM… If you wanted to make me uncomfortable, to disturb my state of mind, I admit that you have succeeded.

“But you’ve also succeeded in making me angry.”

“Originally, I wanted you to live up to the title of Yonko and die in a brave and dignified battle. But now I’ve changed my mind…”

Suddenly, a great sense of crisis enveloped BIG MOM.

She immediately stopped laughing, clenched her fists and guarded herself against Rowen’s trump card.

If it was still a weakness like “Imprison Dragon Lock Sky”, BIG-MOM would let Rowen know the result of bluffing without strength!

But soon, BIG-MOM’s scalp tingled, an unprecedented feeling of fear erupting from her heart, causing her hands and feet to tremble slightly!

“Damn it, what is this?!!!”

Rowen didn’t answer, but calmly raised his hand.

“Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit) is hailed as the strongest Logia in terms of its actual killing power, and among them, only fifty percent comes from speed…”

“Although we surpass 99.9% of the world’s speed, since Kizaru’s Glint-Glint Fruit speed is equal to mine, and our neural reflexes remain unchanged, we cannot determine the winner.”

“The battle instincts of top-level fighters and exceptional Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) have the same effect, which is why you’ve been able to fight me until now.”


The air trembled and lightning bolts danced in the space between the two, compressing and expanding the air at high temperatures, undergoing hundreds of compressions and contractions per second.

“Also, only three parts come from the destructive power…”

Rowen continued, slowly turning his palm.

“Since the temperature of lightning’s instantaneous eruption only increases as the consumer becomes stronger, unlike speed, the innate advantages are not as significant.”

“At least in the case of insufficient physical conditions to verify the killing power, Paramecia Dice Fruit is more practical than Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit).”


Around them, the wriggling electric snakes gradually formed an electric net, the terrifyingly high temperatures gathering inside it, making BIG-MOM’s skin tingle and imprinting in her genes the instinctive fear of the sky that terrestrial creatures have.

“And the other two parts…”

With that, Rowen smiled. “You already know the answer, don’t you?”

Rowen didn’t need BIG-MOM to answer, because her expression had already given him the most complete answer.

After all, BIG-MOM didn’t move a muscle during his actions!

Not because she couldn’t, but because she didn’t dare!

With densely scattered electric arcs running all over her body, as fine as hair, her mind couldn’t discern the various threats appearing around her at that moment.

From all directions, top, bottom, left, right, front, back, seamless!

She didn’t know from where the real hidden move would come, nor did she know what Rowen was really planning to do.

At this moment, BIG·MOM turned into a blind, deaf, and mute person who could see, hear, and speak!

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