OPTM-Chapter 506 Desperate Counterattack! Starfall Great Explosion!

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Rowen had witnessed Akainu’s power before. As an Admiral and an Awakening user of the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit, he had displayed the devastating power of his technique “Meigo – Nether Hound” in destroying half of Whitebeard’s skull and piercing Dragon’s chest in previous encounters.

But the molten Iron Fist created by Big Mom felt different from Akainu’s Meigo – Nether Hound.

Akainu’s Meigo – Nether Hound was more condensed in power. Although he and Aokiji hadn’t mastered Zephyr’s exclusive technique “Military Wrist·Deep Gate,” they had derived Meigo – Nether Hound and Raving Pheasant Beak from it.

The combination of the original technique and control was far beyond what Big Mom’s Soul-Soul Fruit Assimilation could learn in terms of mastering the strength of the original attributes.

So, Big Mom sought qualitative change through quantitative change.

If Akainu’s Meigo – Nether Hound was like a concentrated and compressed energy beam, more focused in power, then Big Mom’s molten Iron Fist was a chaotic and rampant collection of magma, less concentrated in power but more destructive under the influence of a massive amount of lava.

The explosion range covered a kilometer in all directions!

The suddenness of the assault was staggering. After all, who would expect someone to hide in lava and launch a surprise attack? Rowen barely managed to step back, holding his Dragon crescent-sided halberd horizontally in front of his chest.

The next moment, the Iron Fist struck him.



The deafening clash of metal echoed through the air as large chunks of scattered lava fell to the ground, merging with the rolling seawater, creating a large amount of white smoke.

Rowen felt his hands numb. The power he had acquired through diligent practice as the “Natural Destroyer” was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap with someone like him, a normal person trying to “make an effort.”

In an instant, the Dragon crescent-sided halberd slipped from his grasp. Seizing the opportunity, Big Mom, with her momentum, swiftly transformed her arm, enveloped in a magma gauntlet half the size of her body, which was quickly filled with dispersed lava.


Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki) suddenly surged, followed by another forceful push.

“Get out of here!!!”


The orange-yellow fluid splattered, illuminating the sky like fireworks.

The terrifying impact caused the lava to ignore gravity and radiate outwards in a straight line in all directions. The sky, devoid of anything but an instant ago, was covered by a sky full of flames, resembling Doomsday.

Whoosh… Thud!

Under such a heavy blow, flight abilities based solely on Elementalization were naturally inadequate.

Rowen plummeted into the sea like a meteor, creating white waves towering over 100 meters.

“Sea, engulf him!”

Having succeeded, Big Mom didn’t recklessly pursue further. Instead, she dispersed the energy from her Soul-Soul Fruit Awakening to the sea’s surface, giving commands.

At this moment, the ocean beneath her feet was surprisingly mobilized by her, turning into temporary Homies.

Magma, seawater, flames, Thunder Cloud.

As a Yonko, Big Mom was undoubtedly qualified for her position!

She seemed like a witch from a fairy tale, manipulating mysterious sorcery, turning anything into her weapon.

If it weren’t for Rowen’s power after Awakening suppressing her, the power of the “Black Sun” Raigo – Thunder Greeting just now might have been reduced several times over!

The reason was the same: after the Soul-Soul Fruit Awakening, the effect was to turn everything into a soul entity, subject to Big Mom’s control.

Receiving the command, the white waves that exploded on the sea’s surface fell downwards at an incredible speed. Instead of water splashing and flying under the influence of gravity, it was as if the footage was reversed, falling back into the sea along its original trajectory.

It could be imagined that Rowen underwater at this moment couldn’t form a vacuum area in the seawater with inertia alone. The mobilized seawater would actively press against him, forcing him to make contact with the ocean from all directions.

Splish… Splash!

White waves splashed on the surface, but beneath the sea, there were rolling undercurrents.

Rowen opened his eyes and saw ghostly white souls wandering in the surrounding seawater, as if water spirits, instinctively generating a suction force in the seawater, rendering him unable to move.

Ordinarily, Rowen wouldn’t mind falling into the seawater. After accepting Seastone practice, the normal restraining effect couldn’t render him powerless.

Otherwise, what would be the point of his efforts to train his physique?

But this time was different. This stretch of the sea had turned into Big Mom’s Homies, countering the restraining effect while facing off against a Yonko’s Awakening-level Devil Fruit ability. Calling Kaido wouldn’t have yielded much different results.

However, at this moment, Rowen remained calm.

Other Ability users targeted by Big Mom in this manner were almost finished. Even if he wouldn’t die, he would lose his ability to resist until he fell unconscious from lack of oxygen. However, Rowen’s trump card was never exclusive to the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder-Thunder Fruit).

There were others.


A sudden tremor echoed through the calm sea as Thunderlight burst forth from Rowen, forming an invisible barrier in an instant.

While in full contact with seawater, he indeed couldn’t resist a Yonko’s Awakening power. However, as long as there was a slight gap, a bit of strength to recover, just relying on a single Homies wouldn’t be enough to deal with Rowen.


Plunging into the seabed, his feet sank into the sand.

A Dragon’s roar soared into the sky, taking advantage of the slightest space squeezed out by the barrier. Mysterious patterns quickly appeared on Rowen’s chest, arms, legs, and head, and then…

Whoosh… Clang!

The Thunder crescent-sided halberd tore through the seawater, landing right beside Rowen.

Grabbing the weapon with a reverse grip, Rowen pushed off with his feet and shot out in a straight line.

Bang… Whoosh… Crash!

“I also believe that no Devil Fruit power is invincible, only the person is!”

Surrounded by electric serpents, brilliant runes formed behind Rowen, as the Thunder crescent-sided halberd surged with electricity, traversing the sky.

Super Electromagnetic Cannon!

“What? This can’t be!”

At the moment the Dragon’s roar sounded, Big Mom immediately realized something was wrong. If Rowen had lost his ability to resist, there wouldn’t have been any commotion.

Before she could retreat, amidst the dance of thunder, the black thunder halberd pierced straight into her abdomen.

It’s worth mentioning that the previous Super Electromagnetic Cannon launched by Katakuri only damaged the superficial flesh of Big Mom, causing Dante to be covered in blood, but the injuries were not fatal.

Caesar’s concoctions were decent for assistance, but they were out of the question for winning outright.

Here, it specifically refers to ingesting the Newt-Newt Fruit’s biological poison gas “Death Nation.”

However, this time, the thunder halberd penetrated the belly, instantly crushing the surrounding internal organs. Even for Big Mom, this was considered a severe injury!


Big Mom instantly vomited a large puddle of blood, with her massive body making this volume of blood measured in “buckets.” Just now, she had sent Rowen flying, but now the tables had turned.

Heaven Manipulating Thunder God·Starfall Great Explosion!

Controlling the surrounding electric currents, Rowen remained expressionless. Knocking Big Mom into the air didn’t give him any sense of satisfaction; all he had was the most rational judgment and the most ruthless pursuit.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Hundreds of white lasers streaked across the sky, predicting Big Mom’s trajectory and converging on her.


Just one shot from God’s Cry Shot was enough to destroy a small island. What about hundreds of them fired simultaneously?

Rowen provided the answer.

Hundreds of shots from God’s Cry Shot exploded in the same location, generating a tsunami that surpassed Adrian Sea’s roar. If it hit the Red Line a few more times, Rowen was confident he could ventilate the entire Grand Line.

God’s Cry Shot was an unstable form of Raigo – Thunder Greeting. Rowen used his enhanced control after Awakening to maintain Raigo – Thunder Greeting in the form of God’s Cry Shot just before it exploded. Therefore, it appeared white.

In this state, the lightning strike from Raigo – Thunder Greeting was just incidental; the explosion’s impact was the most lethal.

Amidst the Thunderlight, Rowen could only see Big Mom’s massive body being repeatedly thrown and pulled back by the explosions, a clear arrangement of events until everything ahead was consumed by thunder and lightning.

(End of Chapter)


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