OPTM-Chapter 500 Cake Island’s Shocking Changes!

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New World, Cake Island.

Months of continuous warfare had left the inhabitants of Cake Island, often regarded as the “New World Heaven” by outsiders, in a state of unease.

The streets were bustling with hurried pedestrians, businesses were suffering, and despite being in the heart of their stronghold, the atmosphere resembled that of a city during the economic depression of the last century.

At this stage of the war, it was evident to any discerning observer that the Big Mom Pirates were done for. Their morale was shattered, and even if the war were to end, they couldn’t secure their position as Yonko.

The confidence to continue the fight came from the Marines!

And it was precisely this despair of the Big Mom Pirates.

Engaging in battle with the Marines, backed by over 170 Allied Kingdom Members of the World Government, was a futile endeavor for any force without a solid foundation.

What further chilled the Big Mom Pirates was that this war hadn’t even cost the government much in terms of resources. The Marines’ formidable strength, led by the likes of Admiral Soryu and others, had largely footed the bill.

Apart from manpower and resources, Totto Land’s contribution to this confrontation was merely a fraction of the Marine’s financial resources.

Under such extreme circumstances, Totto Land’s lack of rebellion was already a powerful testament to Big Mom’s personal influence.

At this moment, at the top of a building in Cake Island City, in Big Mom’s room.

“How is Snack’s condition?”

Seated in a smooth white chair, Big Mom, wearing a long dress, asked with a gloomy expression.

Big Mom’s appearance had changed considerably compared to a few months ago. Her dark circles were heavy, her gaze fierce and malicious, her cheeks sunken, and she had lost a significant amount of weight.

There was always an indescribable sense of oppression in the air, making even the brightest lights seem dimmer.

It was the Haoshoku pressure infused with killing intent, intangible but awe-inspiring.

Previously, even ordinary people dared to meet her gaze and speak when she wasn’t angry. But now, except for the Four Sweet Commanders, no one dared to be in the same room with her.

The reason was not because of Totto Land’s dire situation, but…

Smoothie stole a glance at the belly beneath Big Mom’s pink dress. She knew there was a huge scar there, and when the doctors finished diagnosing it, Big Mom angrily pounded them into a pulp.

“He’s awake, but his left hand is disabled, with thirty-seven fractures in his body and internal organs ruptured. He won’t be able to engage in combat for a short time.”

Surviving a confrontation with a powerhouse like “Iron Fist” Garp, without being killed on the spot, was a testament to Snack’s remarkable defensive capabilities.

But Big Mom wouldn’t see it that way…

“Humph! Useless trash!”

Big Mom’s expression turned cold, and her terrifying Haoshoku surged wildly, causing a strong wind to sweep through the sealed room. The overpowering aura made Smoothie hold her breath.

After a moment, the wind subsided, and Big Mom’s lips curled up, then quickly receded. She asked, “How are the tasks I assigned to you, Katakuri?”

There were three people in the room: “Yonko” Big Mom, “Minister of Juice” Smoothie, and “Minister of Biscuit” Cracker, who was currently commanding the frontline Dictate operations. As Four Sweet Commanders, he was entrusted with significant responsibilities by Big Mom.

Another Four Sweet Commander, Snack, had been critically injured and was near death in the last raid, so the only other person in the room was “Minister of Flour” Katakuri!

In response to the question, Katakuri remained calm and answered respectfully, “They’ve all been dispatched, Mama.”

“But so far, we’ve only received responses from ‘Shipping King’ Umit and ‘Pleasure District Queen’ Stussy. The members of the Dark Four Uranus aren’t all united. The remaining two probably…”

Katakuri didn’t finish his sentence, believing that Big Mom was well aware that even if Umit and Stussy agreed to support Totto Land, they would demand extraordinary benefits.

The Underground World didn’t care about sympathy; it only cared about profit.

Their hesitance to act wasn’t because they felt sorry for Totto Land’s situation but because…

“Are our partners in the government and Marine…”

Katakuri didn’t dare to finish his sentence. With the Gorōsei issuing commands, anyone who acted would face death!

“Humph! Do they think my Totto Land is finished?!”

Big Mom stood up angrily, roaring loudly.

Like the last monarch of a dying dynasty, raging in impotence.

The two didn’t dare to speak further, only lowering their heads and waiting for Big Mom to vent.

After a moment…

“Have Umit and Stussy’s support arrived?”

Big Mom’s unpredictable mood swings had been evident recently. Katakuri didn’t hesitate and quickly replied, “They’ve arrived at Chip Island. They said the next batch of support would require us to pay upfront.”

“Then give it to them!”

Big Mom waved her hand, commanding, “Go, Katakuri, deliver the supplies to the frontline, and be wary of Marine’s Beheading Force.”

The Marine Beheading Force was a special operations team composed of Marine leaders who had broken through desperate situations under intense lightning stimulation. Since they had almost reached the end and saw no hope of breaking through, they decided to contribute their light and heat to Justice.

The Big Mom Pirates wouldn’t fear them in a one-on-one battle, but they were adept at guerrilla warfare.

So far, at least thirty of Big Mom’s children had fallen victim to their beheading, and countless pirate captains had been killed.

Although they had arranged a series of countermeasures and engaged in battles repeatedly, overall, it was still a disadvantageous situation for the Big Mom Pirates.

Thieves don’t leave empty-handed.

Regardless of whether they win or lose, they have achieved their goal of disrupting the rear.

However… Katakuri knew that those who were attacked weren’t truly dead.

Marines made them “reasonably” disappear and then transferred them out. And in reality, he was the “Dictate officer” of the Beheading Force.

“I will, Mama!”

Katakuri lowered his head, not wanting Big Mom to see the struggle in his eyes.

Sengoku had entrusted him with the lives of the Corporal soldiers as his response. If Katakuri didn’t want them to die horribly, continuing cooperation was the only way out.

Totto Land, Chip Island.

This was an island shrouded in the aroma of baked starch, with a large factory in the center dedicated to producing the most delicious baked potato chips. The furnaces in the factory burned year-round, making the climate hot.

“Vearth Kaldi, arrange manpower to distribute the supplies by ship. I’ll be back soon.”

Katakuri walked up to the 13th child of the Charlotte Family, “Minister of Chips” Charlotte Vearth Kaldi, and spoke.

“Of course, Big Brother!”

Vearth Kaldi trusted him implicitly. Although Katakuri wasn’t as trusted by Mama as he used to be, he was still their “perfect” older brother, so there must be other things to arrange for him to do.

Entering the rest area, Katakuri cautiously surveyed his surroundings, ensuring there was no surveillance before reaching into his pocket for a small mirror and tapping on the glass.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before long…

“Are you ready, Katakuri San?”

A figure emerged from the other side of the room through the mirror, Dante was dressed in black combat attire with a bandage wrapped around his forehead, faintly stained with blood.

“Yes, indeed.”

Katakuri looked at him with complex eyes. “This time, we won’t be coming back… Are they okay inside?”

“They have food, clothing, and shelter… What could be wrong?”

Dante shook his head silently, flipping his hand, and a stream of clear water fell into his palm.

Even Rowen didn’t know that Sengoku had secretly contacted Dante, who remained in the New World for training, to handle the most critical part of this grand scheme.

But even if he knew, he wouldn’t mind.

Dante was also a person with his own thoughts.

Believing in Sengoku’s integrity, he wouldn’t force Dante, so this decision must have been his own will.

Katakuri fell silent.

Indeed, only Brûlée’s Mirror World could be controlled by her alone. As long as she didn’t agree, not even Big Mom could forcefully enter.

Next, all they needed to do was bring them near the Battleship prepared by the Marines. They wouldn’t even need to meet in person; they could directly transfer through the Mirror World, ensuring top-notch safety.


Knock! Knock!

“Katakuri Nii San, are you in there? Mama sent someone to find you.”

Both of their expressions tightened simultaneously as they turned to look at the door.

However, Dante only sensed a hidden Killing Intent lurking outside the door. Whereas Katakuri, he had already seen Smoothie burst in through the door, wielding a longsword, and coming at him.


Dante instantly drew his sword, and thousands of silver crescents erupted, preemptively attacking like a swarm of bees.

Moonlike Stream Murdering Sword, Broken Moon Chaos!

(End of Chapter)

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