OPTM- Chapter 498 Death Row! Target: New World!

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The absence of questions is the biggest problem.

Is Dragon the type of person who only cares about the surface?

The answer: He naturally didn’t!

Awakened by Rowen’s words, everyone turned to look, suddenly realizing that the capture of Dragon itself was shrouded in an eerie atmosphere.

The massive mobilization of Marine aircraft couldn’t be concealed from anyone. Even if the Revolutionary Army didn’t know they were the target, they should have taken defensive measures, right?

However, they didn’t!

The entire Revolutionary Army headquarters, Baltigo, had only a handful of personnel. Besides the heavily scrutinized Dragon, the other target was the “Devil Child” Nico Robin!

Are they important?

Yes, they were very important!

Upon learning about Robin’s involvement with the Revolutionary Army, Sengoku had lost sleep for days. The Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) kept calling him, demanding the immediate capture of Nico Robin.

But compared to the Revolutionary Army as a whole, these two were insignificant.

Without their leader, the Revolutionary Army’s power wouldn’t plummet like a cliff; it would still be the same headache for the government.

Without Nico Robin… they didn’t have her in the first place!

Is Dragon inferior to Roger?

Yes he is!

His influence falls short of Roger’s by a significant margin.

But Dragon isn’t Roger either!

He didn’t disband the Revolutionary Army before being captured and left the decision to the public.

Where did this dispersed military force go?

What are they planning?

Once out of Dragon’s control, how many earth-shattering events will they cause?
No one can say for sure.

So, Rowen was certain that killing Dragon would lead to very unfavorable consequences. Not knowing what they were dealing with couldn’t change the fact that it was precisely the outcome Dragon desired.

At the same time, killing him was also what the government wanted. He used the government’s hatred and greed against them, setting a trap for them.

Failing to see this is a conspiracy, but seeing it is a counter-conspiracy!

Whether it’s a win or a loss, Dragon has outmaneuvered them all!

Rowen’s raid on the headquarters caught Dragon slightly off guard, but the outcome wouldn’t change. It’s just like traveling from point A to point B; whether by car or by train, the method differs, but the destination remains the same.

So here’s the question…

Should they gamble or not?

On this point, the silent attendees reached a unanimous answer.

“Hahaha! That’s truly my son!” Suddenly, a Den Den Mushi on Sengoku’s desk opened its mouth wide and burst into absurd laughter.

Sengoku’s mind went blank, and veins bulged on his forehead as he roared, “Garp! Is this something to laugh about?!”

Aokiji and Garp couldn’t return from the New World frontline, but their status was sufficient to eavesdrop via Den Den Mushi.

After hearing Rowen’s account, who knows what went through the old man’s mind, as he laughed in front of government officials.

To this, the Marine commanders twitched their mouths, their faces dark.

All they could do was marvel at how the old man was still the same old man!

“Cough cough, everyone! Shouldn’t we notify the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) about this matter first?” Rob Lucci cleared his throat to attract everyone’s attention and said.

“Yes! It’s of great importance; we must inform the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars)!” The awakened government officials nodded repeatedly, no longer caring about Garp’s rudeness.

If their decision led to Dragon’s scheme succeeding, the indifferent Marine, who are a bunch of obedient fools and watchdogs, wouldn’t be targeted by the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars).

But these clerks, who considered themselves top-tier in Mary Geoise, would be the first to lose their heads!

When Roger ushered in the era of pirates at the execution platform, a large group of officials who were the most joyous about it buried themselves with him.

Sure enough, after hearing the results of the meeting discussion, the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) quickly set aside their previous intentions to use Dragon’s execution to establish their authority and issued new orders.

“Lock Dragon away in Level 6 Eternal Hell, and postpone the execution for two years!”

They could kill him but ity didn’t have to be right away.

Sengoku and the others breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) didn’t have too strong a desire to kill, they would have ample time to investigate.

“Two years postponement” was also the final ultimatum given to Marine by the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars). If they couldn’t solve the Revolutionary Army problem within two years, Fleet Admiral Sengoku would be done for.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the Den Den Mushi.

“Vice Admiral Soryu!”


Rowen stood up with a serious expression. Once again, his role in uncovering Dragon’s scheme couldn’t be overstated, and the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) would surely commend him.


“Immediately head to the New World to provide support! The matter of the Revolutionary Army is of utmost importance and requires the full effort of the Marine. Therefore, quickly end the war in the New World and shift the focus!”

Upon receiving this order, Rowen first froze, then sucked in a breath through his teeth.


I almost forgot.

Although he uncovered Dragon’s scheme, which saved face for the government, bringing back a guy they couldn’t kill… what about the promise the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) made earlier?

Where’s their dignity?

As the saying goes, accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger. When working within the system, one must consider the mood of their immediate superiors. Just because you handle things well doesn’t guarantee you’ll receive a commendation.

This was a direct appointment from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), bypassing the death decree issued by Sengoku. Rowen could only stand at attention once again and raise his hand. “Understood! I’ll ensure the mission is completed!”


As the Den Den Mushi emitted a unique sound and fell into slumber, the office fell silent. Then, someone relaxed, wearing a smile.

The smiles spread like a plague, and everyone was pleased with the outcome, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off their chests.

To Marine, the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) made sense; by ending the war in the New World, they’d have more resources to deal with the Revolutionary Army.

To the officials, although they didn’t know what had happened, having Rowen named as the scapegoat by the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) removed the danger from their heads.

Except for Sengoku!

“Heh…” He grimaced, clutching his stomach, hammering the tabletop with his other hand in frustration, then shooting Rowen a look that said, “Look at the mess you’ve made.”

They had agreed to boil the frog in warm water, but now it had turned into deep-frying!

Grand Line, G-10 Branch.

“I heard you’re going on another mission?”

In the office of the Base Head, Ain set down her teacup with a faint expression, lightly asking.

“Hmm?” Rowen looked up from organizing reports, then leaned back down. “Yes, it’s a direct appointment from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars); I have no choice.”

“Oh, be careful then.”

“Pffft…!!!” Rowen sprayed out a mouthful of tea, looking incredulously at Ain. “You’re not mad at me?”

Before, Ain had been angry enough to “return to her mother’s house,” and Rowen had to coax her back with Zephyr’s help, but she had never given him a warm look.

Feelings weren’t about who gave more or less, or what was worth it or not.

Rowen felt he owed Ain a promise and had been avoiding her during this time.

But now…

Had she taken the wrong medicine?

Seeing Rowen’s expression, Ain, her fingers twirling through her thick, ocean-blue hair, hummed softly.


Then she turned and left the room.

Rowen sat in the office, suspicious, before finally pulling out the Den Den Mushi. “Henry, get your ass over here!”

(End of Chapter)


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