OPTM-Chapter 495 There’s Someone Above You!

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Marine Headquarters, Officer Villa District.

“In water, the ability to self-replicate without the need for additional nutrients… truly remarkable!”

The Officer Villa District occupied a considerable area, and as a Vice Admiral, Rowen had a vast courtyard to himself. At this moment, in an underground warehouse within the courtyard, Rowen’s face was filled with astonishment as he observed the slowly undulating liquid inside a transparent water tank.

Just a few days ago, Rowen was certain that the tank contained nothing more than half a crate of seawater, which he had personally collected from the shore. But now, within the tightly sealed and opaque walls of the tank, the seawater was flowing on its own, forming distinct layers that moved up and down.

It was akin to the “Nether River Water” discovered in Alabasta!

Although the Underground Nether River had been destroyed by him, Rowen had managed to salvage a small vial of Nether River Water, pouring it into a thumb-sized container made of gold before its demise.

Originally intended to be handed over to Caesar or Vegapunk for research, to explore any potential benefits, the countless mysteries of the One Piece World always piqued their interest. However, the sudden downfall of Moria and the ensuing chaos had left Rowen with no time for such pursuits.

Concerned about the possibility of parasites from Baltigo causing issues during his journey back, he had housed the contents in a glass water tank, akin to an aquarium. Upon returning from Baltigo, what was once seemingly lifeless water had miraculously come to life!

The self-replicating ability, disregarding the conservation of energy, left Rowen dumbfounded. While his own healing abilities might appear to defy logic to outsiders, those familiar with him understood the principles of energy conservation.

The process of healing injuries not only required energy but also consumed it at an alarming rate!

Based on this alone, Rowen had made the decision not to let anyone know of their existence!

“This is much simpler than the calamity I had anticipated!”

Inside the Underground warehouse, Rowen’s lips curled upwards. “Perhaps it was meant to be? If you hadn’t left, I would never have obtained this so effortlessly.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At that moment, the courtyard gate was pounded on, causing Rowen to furrow his brows in silent contemplation.

Zi Zi…

Electric currents crackled in place, casting a faint blue glow in the space, but when Rowen turned back, he had vanished without a trace.

“Long time no see, Zero Sama!”

In an instant, Rowen was at the doorstep, pulling open the gate with a faint smile on his face.

Masked Zero regarded him seriously, speaking after a long pause. “No wonder you were able to apprehend Dragon; indeed, you have grown much stronger!”

Rowen’s demeanor towards Zero remained as calm as ever, but it should not be forgotten that he had already drawn a clear line between himself and Lirisk.

Previously, it was because of Lirisk’s association that Zero would not have instigated any trouble unnecessarily, as Rowen had the confidence to deal with him. However, now, Rowen relied solely on his own abilities, possessing the confidence to face anything calmly.

This was a gradual change resulting from an increasing self-awareness, colloquially referred to as “the confidence of the strong,” fundamentally different from the “madness of the undying” seen before.

It was no wonder Akainu was astonished, feeling as though Rowen had transformed into a different person.

“Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?”

Rowen gestured with a tilt of his head, inviting Zero inside.

“No need, I’m just here to deliver a message.”

Zero shook his head, his mask obscuring any expression. “The Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) have instructed me to inform you that they are highly satisfied with Marine’s recent actions. Your invaluable contribution to apprehending Dragon has earned you their favor.”

As a mere Vice Admiral, Rowen did not have the standing to elicit concern from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), and in their eyes, Fleet Admiral Sengoku was nothing more than the leader of a watchdog, subject to their whims.

Hence, this favor was not directed at “Vice Admiral Rowen, who captured Dragon,” but rather at Rowen personally.

Despite the extraordinary achievement of apprehending Dragon, which could have warranted a position next only to the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) themselves, Rowen had made no requests.

Upon his return, he had even avoided the limelight, staying indoors for several days to give them time to handle the aftermath, thus sparing them considerable trouble.

The dispatch of Zero by the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) was the most significant indication of their gratitude.

It could roughly be understood as:

“Young man, rest assured, you have someone backing you up!”

Zero was well aware that rumors of Rowen being severely punished had once again circulated within the Celestial Dragons’ household, alleging that he had struck Celestial Dragons and disregarded the authority of the World Nobles.

Even the incident at the Sabaody Archipelago, where he had been disrespectful to Donquixote Saint Mjosgard, was being brought up for discussion.

Calculating the timing, it coincided with Lirisk’s return to the Holy Land.

Now, with the appearance of the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) attitude, these rumors dissipated like snow under the scorching sun. Before Zero left the Holy Land, everything had been calm, without a ripple.

“Thank you for the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars)’ favor! It’s an honor I hardly deserve!”

Rowen’s lips curled upwards, modestly declining.

Although he was not familiar with political circles and had no interest in playing political games, it didn’t mean he was naive. If this operation were to be rewarded based on merit, the final move that trapped the enemy was solely his accomplishment!

How should such a significant contribution be rewarded?

To say he had risen above his station would not be an exaggeration.

Strategically withdrawing was not only a political decision but also a philosophy of life.

If you lacked the ability to overturn the existing order, it was best to be conspicuous in your actions and inconspicuous in your demeanor.

Rowen possessed everything: talent, cunning, means, strength, connections, wealth, and fame. The only weak point lay in the accumulation of military merit and the manifestation of his own worth.

It had nothing to do with needing a higher position but was a reflection of awareness.

For example, when discussing the Marines, it was impossible to ignore the old, stubborn Garp.

This widespread recognition was a privilege, a tacit approval from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars).

So, when the old man cursed the Celestial Dragons in front of the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), they turned a blind eye. Even the Celestial Dragons themselves couldn’t be bothered, let alone dare to retaliate.

Now, such privileged individuals could add one more… As long as the government existed, as long as Rowen belonged under government jurisdiction, he was a titleless “World Noble”!

Zero didn’t believe such obvious placations. If Rowen said no, then no. Where would the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars)’s pride be?

This matter was a unilateral notification from the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), not a consultation of Rowen’s attitude.

Shaking his head, Zero ignored it and turned to leave.

“Oh, Zero Sama, how’s the recent situation in the Holy Land?”


Stopping in his tracks, Zero turned back to look at him seriously before saying, “It’s much better than you imagine.”

With that said, Zero tore open a rift in space and disappeared the next second.

Rowen could feel a powerful aura swiftly departing, seemingly flickering before settling on a battleship on the ocean’s surface.

“Better than I imagined…?”

“So that’s how it is!”

Rowen silently smirked, revealing a hint of cold amusement.

Orrick’s first attempt seemed to have ended in utter failure! But Rowen believed this wouldn’t be the end. While Orrick had failed, he had also forced the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) to expose many things.

For example, they couldn’t suppress it by their own hands; they could only guide its release, leading to a full-scale war with Big Mom.

Knowing oneself and the enemy ensures victory in a hundred battles. Before the final outcome is revealed, both sides can afford to lose.

“Vice Admiral Rowen, Fleet Admiral wants you to hurry to the office for a meeting!”

From afar, a Marine soldier ran over panting, looking at Rowen standing at the doorway, perplexed by his scanning gaze.

Why was Vice Admiral Rowen standing at the door?

(End of this chapter)

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