OPTM-Chapter 469 Arrival of Katakuri!

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Deep within the cliffs of Alabasta…

The dry desert environment had left little trace of time on the stone door. The reliefs on the door were vividly visible, depicting the wicked Dragon roaring defiantly with a single claw planted on the peak tower of a majestic city fortress.

Below, a town engulfed in flames, and knights on horseback wielding swords, leading soldiers seemingly battling the wicked Dragon.

“What is this? The ancient history of Alabasta?” Rowen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

To excavate the treasure, Lirisk had gathered many experts, including an archaeologist rumored to have authored over ten books, ranking among the world’s top historians.

“No, it shouldn’t be,” Replied the scholar, a thin and frail figure barely reaching 5’4″, pushing up the glasses on his nose. “Based on geographical surveys and historical records, Alabasta was already a desert kingdom in the ancient era, a thousand years ago.”

“On this relief, besides the main figure of the wicked Dragon and the knights, there are also depictions of rivers and mountains in the distance, terrain not found in Alabasta at all.”

It must be said that top-level scholars generally had a good mindset.

After witnessing Rowen’s daring challenge to the Celestial Dragons, ordinary workers trembled in fear at the thought of making mistakes and facing fatal consequences.

But this old scholar remained calm and composed as if giving a lecture to his own students.

Rowen wasn’t his student, of course, but the old scholar’s mindset had reached a level of equanimity, unperturbed by honor or disgrace.

And his true students…

Rowen glanced at three young men and women nearby, barely standing with trembling legs, and continued, “So, what is your speculation?”

“Vice Admiral Soryu said this treasure map was left behind by a pirate crew 300 years ago, right?” The old scholar lifted the silver-threaded map in his hand, and the dim yellow light from the lantern illuminated the crude wooden table, with several photos left by Vice Admiral Comil for treasure hunting beside it.

“Yes, do you think it’s related to them?”


The old scholar nodded and said, “The exquisite craftsmanship and the elaborate drawings and texts used to deceive outsiders are not something those illiterate pirates could handle!”

Rowen: “…”

Well, he wasn’t wrong!

Pirates were mostly illiterate, weren’t they?

At least, more than seven parts of them were, except for the ship’s doctor and navigator, not a single one knew their ABCs.

Take Luffy, for example!

Some small pirate crews even had illiterate members in both positions. The navigator relied on accumulated sea experience, and the ship’s doctor was a veterinarian.

With a calm disdain for pirates, the old scholar continued, “Although it’s possible for pirates to play tricks, I would rather believe that the Pirate Captain who left behind this treasure map was of noble lineage!”

“After all, the symbolic significance of this mural is too obvious… Only a noble household would pass down the legends of their ancestors, considering it a family honor, even carving it on the door of their tomb after death, to recognize their ancestry.”

The relief on the stone door told a legend, the heroic deeds of a group of knights fighting the wicked Dragon.

The old scholar’s confidence stemmed from this.

It was akin to a “family cemetery.”

Ordinary families could have one, but… was it necessary?

“Grave door?” Rowen rubbed his chin. “So, the treasure location is actually a tomb? And the tomb’s owner was a noble-turned-pirate? And then this Pirate Captain of unknown origin died in Alabasta, so this tomb exists?”

“As far as we can tell, yes,” The old scholar nodded. “The surveying team has examined the terrain. Starting from the tomb’s entrance, the structure extends over a stable underground rock layer of thirty thousand square meters. It can accommodate even the largest of tombs.”

Nobles becoming pirates wasn’t uncommon.

The desire for freedom wasn’t exclusive to commoners.

Before the age of pirates, many adventurous nobles set sail with their retinue, giving themselves grand titles like children playing make-believe.

Not to mention examples like Vinsmoke Sanji, who went from a prince to a commoner by chance.

“Please, allow me to excavate it, Vice Admiral Soryu!” The old scholar’s tone was filled with curiosity.

Behind the construction of such a large-scale tomb, what secrets were hidden?

As an archaeologist, he had initially been forced to provide consulting services to avoid trouble, but he hadn’t expected such a stunning discovery.

He was so excited that his face flushed red, fearing he might collapse from breathlessness.

“…Alright, but I must remind you,” After a moment of thought, Rowen agreed to his request.

“Don’t worry!” The old scholar exclaimed, almost jumping up with excitement. Then, restraining his impulse to start working immediately, he patted his bony chest. “Everything excavated inside belongs to you, Vice Admiral Soryu. I only need a copy of the documents!”

“I wasn’t referring to that,” Rowen couldn’t help feeling embarrassed for the scholar’s lack of emotional intelligence. He smacked his lips and reminded him, “A normal person wouldn’t want their final resting place disturbed.”

“Why would the tomb’s owner leave a map guiding us here?”


The old scholar froze instantly, then broke out in a cold sweat.


In the past, every ancient tomb he had excavated had been meticulously hidden, fearing discovery.

And now, this one, while it took some effort to locate due to the changing desert landscape, was not only marked but even had a map left behind!


Was the owner afraid of loneliness after death and intentionally invited people to party at their grave?



Suddenly, a violent shaking shook the cave.

Something heavy behind the door seemed to have been shattered and crashed to the ground with a resounding thud.

The old scholar was startled, and turning around, he saw that the ten-meter stone door, which hundreds of workers couldn’t budge an inch, had swung open.

Rowen withdrew his dust-covered hand, a smirk playing on his lips.

“I hope you can give me an answer to this question.”

“Gū lū…”

“Ooh, ooh!”

The air circulated through the yellow sand pit, emitting an unpleasant wailing sound. Staring at the pitch-black entrance of the tomb, the old scholar swallowed hard, feeling his scalp tingle in an instant.

Rowen was naturally curious about what would happen inside the tomb. However, through the Heart Network, he noticed a familiar figure approaching, so he entrusted the task to the old scholar and left on his own.

Amidst the endless yellow sand, a weary camel was trekking through the desert.

The glaring sun made heads dizzy, and Katakuri, atop the camel, reached for a water pouch and took a sip of the murky water collected from an oasis halfway. Then, he carefully stowed away the water pouch, not daring to make any sudden movements, even as sweat trickled down his eyelashes, his actions gentle and delicate.

In the desert, the saying “water is the source of life” was brutally confirmed. Whether human or animal, even insects living underground, death was the only outcome without adequate water replenishment.

“We should be close by now, right?” Katakuri thought to himself.

The twin-humped camel emitted a weak, weary groan as it trudged heavily, climbing up a sand dune.

“It’s just over there!”

Beyond the distant cliffs, a large-scale camp, discordant against the yellow sand, stretched for hundreds of meters. Katakuri’s eyes lit up, preparing to quicken his pace.

But then…

Zī Zī!

“You know, I don’t want to kill you right now.”

“But if too many people see me sparing you, I’ll have big trouble later…”

The icy complaint echoed in his ears, and Katakuri lowered his head slightly, looking at the sharp tip of the halberd pressed against his neck, his eyes filled with shock.

What kind of speed was this?

In the instant that the images of death foreseen by Future Prediction flashed through his mind, the thunder halberd was already upon him!

(End of this chapter)

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