OPTM-Chapter 457 Drums of Heaven!

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Just like Katakuri once told Luffy, Haki also has different levels. The same Haki in different hands can produce vastly different effects.

Hmm, naturally, after saying this, he was defeated by Luffy.

Proving with actions that being a “commentator” is not an easy job.

Devil Fruit Awakening is also like this.

It also has different levels.

Kizaru couldn’t believe that Rowen, who couldn’t even control the will of the awakened fruit, had half a foot in the Gates Of Hell, and yet he managed to skip the years or even decades of accumulation that ordinary people need to go through and directly entered the Second Stage.

“What a Monster!”

An evaluation that Kizaru hadn’t uttered since graduating from the recruit camp spewed from his mouth. Feeling the power of thunder that filled the space, Kizaru thought for a moment.

“Let’s retreat for now!”


Falling heavily to the ground, watching the twelve-faced Thunder Drums hanging high in the sky, each face the size of a battleship, BIG MOM’s eyelids twitched.

“Not good!”

If you ask what shameless advantage Logia Ability users have, besides their Elementalization physique, it’s their unreasonable attack range!

Every move, every style, is like a real natural disaster, unavoidable and inescapable!
And thunder, in this regard, has a unique advantage!


The depressed drumbeats suddenly rang out, instantly spreading throughout Cake Island.

An inexplicable oppressive atmosphere began to spread and it felt as if the sky collapsing, making people involuntarily hold their breath, looking up in horror at the sky.


As the drumbeats resounded, a huge thunder curtain spread over Cake Island. The entire space where Cake Island was located was filled with orderly thunder, flashing brightly.


The thunderous explosion filled the sky, and in just an instant, Cake Island experienced a strong earthquake.

“Stop it!”

BIG MOM gnashed her teeth in anger and called out to Prometheus, who quickly flew to her fist and punched towards the sky.

Heavenly Feuer!


With a punch, the scorching fire pillar tore through everything, shredding the surrounding thunder serpents, and forcibly tearing open a path.

The momentum didn’t diminish as the flame storm tilted its angle, from bottom to top, banging on one of the drums.


Without waiting to confirm the result, BIG MOM roared and summoned Thunder Cloud Zeus.

“Understood, MAMA!”

Zeus didn’t say a word extra as he began to exert all his strength to spread out his body, blocking the dark clouds accurately above the heads of the living beings on Cake Island.

They all saw it. Rowen intended to use this terrifying attack to completely destroy Cake Island!

Destroy the core of Totto Land!

Once he succeeded, even if the “BIG MOM” pirate group won this war, it would be tantamount to defeat.

Just like in the original series in which Aokiji and others desperately blocked the tsunami caused by Whitebeard, and Sengoku sent Blackbeard flying, giving him no chance to boast.

Thunder Cloud Zeus is a special Homie created by BIG MOM’s Soul-Soul Fruit ability, filling the soul with the natural phenomenon of dark clouds. It has an innate advantage in controlling thunder and is like a weakened version of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit).

Although it couldn’t compete with the true Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit) Ability user Rowen, under the massive infusion and amplification of souls by BIG MOM, it was enough to withstand such a dispersed large-range attack.

Well, at least that’s what they and BIG MOM think.

In Rowen’s eyes, this was just a futile effort.

In the sky, a thunderous explosion sent Prometheus flying, and Rowen stood unscathed in front of the drum, indifferently raising his hand, thumb and middle finger pinched together.

Then, with a slight twist of his hand.


For the descent of the Thunder God, the drums played!!!




Each heavy drumbeat reverberated through the heavens and the earth, striking directly at the hearts of the people. In the face of this terrifying scene, which looked like the end of the world, before the real attack arrived, many people on Cake Island quickly fell into a coma.

These were the light and shadow effects of Logia Ability users’ actions, which could outshine the other Devil Fruit abilities of users from the other two categories.

Thunder wouldn’t stop its attack just because they were unconscious. When the first muffled drum sounded, Zeus’s face, which had become fully ferocious due to its enlarged size, twisted its nose and eyes together.

The terrifying amount of electricity penetrated from the outside into its body, tearing the dark clouds apart.

Then, the second muffled drumbeat came.


The layer of clouds formed by Zeus instantly disintegrated, melting away like ice and snow, revealing the sky that had been blocked by it.

“MAMA, I can’t hold on anymore!”

Zeus screamed in terror.

After Awakening, Rowen’s thunder power didn’t change in “quantity,” but the “quality” change was too obvious.

The last time they clashed, it could rely on being Homies, with the core advantage of the soul filled by BIG MOM, to battle against Rowen, the master of thunder.

This time, facing the higher-level thunder with “Fusion” power, those currents weren’t controlled by it at all. Instead, because of the Fusion, it had a special feeling that its body was being devoured and disappearing.


The third muffled thunder resounded, and the space around Cake Island and its surroundings vibrated in unison. Houses and rocks trembled in the tremor, and the residents stood stunned in place for a moment.

BIG MOM knew it wasn’t that they were scared silly, but in the flash of Thunderlight, these people were instantly electrocuted by a large amount of invisible thunder, causing their hearts to stop instantly, leading to their untimely deaths.

“What do you think you are doing to my Totto Land!!!”

The uncontrollable roar was earth-shattering as BIG MOM’s long hair fluttered messily behind her, resembling a wicked ghost.

Huffing and puffing!

A group of gray-white shadows flew out from her, blinking into a huge gray-white cloud.

Upon closer inspection, it would be noticed that these clouds had countless different faces, some resembling human, some animal.

Soul Storm!

Bang! Bang!

Thud! Thud!

The consecutive muffled drumbeats clashed with the gray clouds, and non-human-like piercing screams echoed in the air as each face turned into ashes in the thunderous power.

Large patches of gray clouds were scattered, but as a result, the two attacks of Drums of Heaven did not achieve the expected effect. A large part of the attacks were blocked by Soul Storm, with less than one in eleven landing on the ground.

In the sky above, Rowen calmly watched this scene, showing no surprise in his face.

“He” remembered this move, which was used once on Pott Island, if it weren’t for Kizaru suddenly intervening, “he” knew it wouldn’t have ended well for him.

But with the progress in strength, today’s move, Soul Storm, could only make him admire it at most.

It was no longer that kind of terrifying attack where death was inevitable if one couldn’t avoid it.

Moreover, the remaining attacks of Drums of Heaven were getting stronger each time.

“Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!”

Rowen didn’t move, but BIG MOM didn’t dare to stop for a moment.

After the storm was dispersed, she had to continue to erupt with more souls to counter the death drums of Drums of Heaven.

Prometheus and the recovering Zeus joined the battle at the same time. Due to the difference in energy levels, they could only use brute force, relying on their characteristic of not dying to block with their bodies.

The Tremor of Drums of Heaven came one after another, and the two sides struggled like wrestling, back and forth.



The earth-shattering terrifying roar reverberated between the heavens and the earth. Minister of Juice Smoothie spewed out a large pool of blood, collapsing to the ground in a state of unknown life or death.

Prometheus and Zeus were directly torn into pieces. Fortunately, Homies didn’t have the concept of “death,” otherwise, they would have disappeared long ago.

As for the soldiers of the Anger Legion who rushed to support, whether they were chess soldiers or pirates, they were all killed or injured under this final intense thunderstorm.

Looking around, the entire Cake Island, except for a few lucky ones who had hidden in underground rooms, only had one person left standing on the ground.

“Heh heh.”

BIG MOM continued to pant heavily while holding Napoleon in her right hand, clenching her left fist, standing on the edge of the cliff transformed from Seducing Woods, facing the sea, her chest heaving up and down.

The setting sun shone on her slightly pale face, making her bloodshot eyes clear. Her disheveled hair was wet with sweat, draped behind her, and her pink polka-dot dress was stained with dirt.



Suddenly clenching her fist, BIG MOM looked up to the sky and howled.

“I want you dead!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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