OPTM-Chapter 439 Ancient Weapon!

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It was a night with just a few stars twinkling under the moon’s gentle glow.

After enduring the onslaught of the tsunami during the day, the sea was now serene, illuminated by the bright moonlight casting a soft radiance on the weathered stone steps.

Garfield Island appeared desolate, lacking in grandeur even within the palace walls. At night, the palace stood almost deserted, resembling a ghost town, especially after being seized by the Marines, the silence becoming even more pronounced.

Were it not for the national flag still proudly waving atop the palace, it could easily be mistaken for an enormous abandoned complex.

Deep within the palace, Rowen cautiously made his way through its labyrinthine corridors until he reached a secluded spot in the King’s bed-chamber. After ensuring no one was nearby through his Heart Network, he gently tapped the wall five times in a specific pattern.

Creak… Creak…

Under the moonlight, the seemingly solid wall slowly slid open, revealing a dimly lit corridor adorned with torches.

Gathering his resolve, Rowen stepped inside.

Following the day’s meeting, Bald Zero had sent him an envelope with no explicit instructions, only a request to meet at this specific time and place.

Walking down the passage, Rowen eventually entered a room about ten square meters in size.

A round table occupied the center, surrounded by ten seats.

“I heard Garfield was founded by ten powerful knights four centuries ago to secure a homeland for their descendants. Is it more than just a legend?” Rowen inquired with curiosity.

The stone chairs at the table, each intricately carved, depicted various weapons and sets of armor on their backs, indicating a diverse group of individuals, both men and women, suggesting they didn’t belong to a single person.

Kizaru was also summoned. Upon hearing Rowen’s question, he raised an eyebrow and smirked, “You might find it hard to believe, Rowen.”

“Those ten knights were actually agents of the World Government.”

Rowen: “…”

Given the World Government’s 800-year history, it wasn’t surprising that they had orchestrated such a complex plan four centuries earlier.

This revelation shed light on why a king from the Member Kingdom would willingly collaborate with the government and the Marines, even at the expense of surrendering his palace. It was likely that every king throughout history had been under the government’s absolute control.

The torchlight was dim, obscuring their expressions as the three sat facing each other. It resembled a clandestine criminal transaction, yet had the air of a meeting among underworld bosses.

“Both of you are exceptional Marines, trusted by the government. I won’t beat around the bush.”

“Before we discuss the purpose, take a look at this.”

Zero dispensed with formalities. After a brief caution, he produced two A4-sized papers from his pocket and handed them to Kizaru and Rowen.

Rowen scrutinized the papers carefully and then narrowed his eyes.

“This is…!!!”

“Don’t ask. Even if you do, I won’t tell you.”

Zero glanced at Rowen, who appeared serious and said casually, “Just follow the orders. Don’t worry about the rest.”

Kizaru seemed unperturbed. He nodded and sighed, “So many troubles.”

Indeed, there were many troubles!

Rowen quickly adjusted his expression and calmly nodded in agreement.

Dealing with the Ancient Weapon was always troublesome.

The documents contained information about the government’s “Ancient Weapon Revival Plan”.

Until now, Rowen, with his narrative advantage, had thought he was leading the charge in this matter. He hadn’t wanted to act against Franky and Fish-Man Island, just waiting for the right time. But now…

Rowen couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

At the very moment he hadn’t had the chance to act, the government had already begun reviving “Uranus”! Can you believe it?!

It was “revive,” not “search”!

This meant they had already located one of the three world-destroying Ancient Weapons, Uranus, but couldn’t deploy it yet, hence the secrecy.

When did the government find Uranus?

Rowen’s mind raced.

Was it from the Poneglyph in Kano Country?

Or was it something else?

“Oh, Rowen, how’s your body holding up?”

Zero suddenly inquired, “Rayleigh’s Haoshoku Impact isn’t simple. You better be cautious to avoid any hidden dangers.”

“Don’t worry, sir. So far, everything’s fine. I won’t leave any hidden illnesses behind.”

Rowen replied calmly.

In truth, he didn’t know what had happened himself. Just like when he lost consciousness during the explosion in Dressrosa when he woke up, there was nothing wrong with his body.

But he had definitely felt dead before. That sensation could only be described as “death.” Rowen urgently wanted to understand what Haki Awakening was and what was happening to his body.

“As long as you’re aware… I know you have many questions. You can go back and ask your Sensei.”

Zero nodded without saying more. There was no way he could explain Rowen’s inexplicable self-healing ability, even with all his experience.

Kaido’s impenetrable defense could still be explained by his Devil Fruit ability and his demonic lineage’s unique traits. But how could Rowen, an ordinary person, possess such potent self-healing abilities?

But… isn’t this a blessing in disguise?

Zero’s expression subtly curled into a smirk.

“Go back and ask Zephyr Sensei…?” Rowen pondered silently over these words as if latching onto some crucial point.

“Alright, let’s get down to business,” Bald Zero said, transitioning the conversation.

“I’m sure you two have already guessed that the data stolen during the day was about the Ancient Weapon ‘Uranus’,” Bald Zero continued, speaking gravely and addressing the existence of Uranus directly, causing Rowen and Kizaru to immediately perk up. “Now that thing has been reinforced, and this data, even if others get their hands on it, will only give them a rough idea.”

“But the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) are worried. If this data falls into the wrong hands and is used by someone with malicious intent, it could trigger a disaster akin to the era of pirates!”

Undoubtedly, the thief must be feeling quite helpless at the moment. After expending so much effort to harm the legendary pirate Rayleigh, all they found was useless data.

Stealing from Mary Geoise was already unfathomable, akin to a miracle achieved through impeccable timing, location, and people. How could they have acquired the actual Uranus?

Now, the thief only had two options.

Either conceal the matter, feign ignorance, and continue with their lives. Or utilize it to their advantage, disseminate the threat of the World Government, and sow unimaginable chaos.

Why does the World Government tolerate the current situation, where they allow Yonko to dominate the New World to maintain balance?

It’s because no one can decisively overpower another.

If word were to spread about the government’s definitive power before Uranus could be deployed in battle, then the Yonko… the Revolutionary Army hungrily eyeing the government, influential figures solely focused on their interests, and even those Allied Kingdom Members acting recklessly, would they continue as they are now?

Maintaining composure and equilibrium?

Naturally, the answer is no!

Home, country, and the world.

This principle applies universally, irrespective of nationality, kingdom, or the world.

First, there is home, then country, and finally, the world.

Self-interest knows no bounds; it’s an instinct for survival. As long as one lives comfortably, who cares about the raging storms?

Why are the righteous esteemed by the world?

Because there are still too many who cannot emulate them!

Contemplating the dire consequences, Kizaru couldn’t help but inquire, “What do we need to do? Do we have any leads on the enemy?”

“Not yet… but there aren’t many who could pull off something like this,” Zero said, habitually beginning with the bad news before the good, causing the moods of both Rowen and Kizaru to fluctuate.

“Dragon, huh?” Rowen suddenly interjected.

Zero was momentarily caught off guard, regarding Rowen with a solemn expression. “Go on.”

“Firstly, there’s the vital skill of gathering information. As a Marine Vice Admiral, I wouldn’t even be aware of this if not for Dragon’s exceptional ability in this field,” Rowen elucidated. “Coincidentally, the Revolutionary Army excels in the same domain.”

Zero’s lips quirked.

Naturally, they do!

Dragon had once held a prominent position within the Marines, departing when the Assassination Force was still in operation. He had meticulously laid out plans for an Information division.

Now, the Revolutionary Army has incited numerous uprisings across the seas, boasting an extensive network of operatives. With adept management, they’ve established a pervasive presence.

“Secondly, comprehension!” Rowen tapped the table. “Honestly, even if I were told such a thing existed, I wouldn’t know where to begin stealing it! Without a profound understanding of the Holy Land, how could one even conceive a plan?”

“And lastly, motivation!” Rowen pressed on. “Who would be most alarmed upon learning of the government’s scheme to resurrect Ancient Weapons?”

“Pirates?” Kizaru suggested.

“Excuse my bluntness, but those myopic individuals are selectively oblivious. Only the Revolutionary Army, singularly devoted to toppling the government, would closely monitor the movements of Ancient Weapons, fearing the government’s acquisition of absolute power and resorting to drastic measures.”

Clap, Clap, Clap!

Zero silently applauded, marveling, “I haven’t misjudged you, Rowen. What a keen deduction!”

“You flatter me, sir,” Rowen modestly deflected, returning to his seat.

“What you’ve said holds true. Currently, our primary suspect is indeed Dragon, but we can’t dismiss the possibility of others being involved,” Zero stated calmly, though his gaze repeatedly returned to Rowen.

Furrowing his brow, Rowen couldn’t help but inquire, “Aren’t you the CP0 Chief?”

“Would you trust someone with combat capabilities like ours by your side who doesn’t answer to you?” Zero evaded a direct response, delivering a statement that caused Rowen’s voice to waver.

As a clandestine organization directly under the Celestial Dragons, CP0’s relationship with the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) was indeed more intricate than initially perceived!

Kizaru blinked as if struggling to decipher a foreign language. “Huh? What’s going on?”

Zero cast him a silent glance before addressing Rowen. “You often reveal your edge in your actions. In the future, learn from him more, but avoid becoming like him.”

“He’s beyond help! Hopeless case!” Kizaru mumbled, then swiftly changed the subject. “Rowen, are you currently grappling with the Devil Fruit Awakening stage? Let’s train together when we return, and see if we can help you break through the barriers.”

Rowen: “…”

What’s it to me, jerk?

You’re airing personal grievances!

(The End of this Chapter)

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