OPTM-Chapter 416 Jinbe’s Sincerity

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The disaster that befell Fish-Man Island was just a temporary frenzy. After being suppressed for so long, those scavengers finally seized the opportunity to make a big profit. However, after Whitebeard ruthlessly struck back to restore his dignity, the storm naturally subsided.

So for Rowen to step in and resolve the situation wasn’t particularly difficult.

But the question was, why would Rowen do it?

If it were just ordinary pirates causing trouble, Jinbe wouldn’t need to approach Rowen. The Marines had plenty of capable soldiers who would rush to help without hesitation.

However, when it involved higher-ups, if Rowen, as a Marine, were to intervene, it would incur a significant favor.

Such matters couldn’t be smoothed over with just personal relationships. Fujitora observed silently, neither confirming nor denying.

Jinbe knew it was time to show some sincerity to sway Rowen. Without getting angry at his tone, he nodded and pulled out a Blue crystal from his pocket.

“This is our sincerity!”

The crystal had an unparalleled transparency. Looking through the crystal, even the patterns on the table below were crystal clear.

But it was also a deep blue, and when sunlight shone upon it, it shimmered like water, creating a mesmerizing illusion as if one were submerged underwater.

“A gemstone?”

Rowen picked up the crystal. As he held it, warmth radiated from it, spreading through his entire body, causing him to comfortably narrow his eyes.

However, soon, as an invisible pressure spread, Rowen snapped out of his pleasant reverie, his expression turning serious.

“What is this?!”

That sensation was even more comfortable and pleasant than any enjoyment he had experienced before, unexpectedly causing him to involuntarily sink into it.

What’s more terrifying was that, upon physical contact, the Blue crystal even produced an effect similar to Seastone, which relaxed Rowen’s entire body.

Fortunately, Rowen had a strong will and was also a wielder of Haoshoku Haki, equipped with Thunder Cloud Dragon’s protection, allowing him to quickly break free.

In the One Piece world, there were countless extraordinary items. Just in the original work alone, there were seahorses that consumed memories, resurrected skeletons (not Brook), and the Seven Star Sword that controlled minds.

This crystal rightfully belonged to the category of extraordinary items.

Jinbe sensed a fleeting, extremely powerful Haoshoku aura emanating from Rowen’s body, his expression shocked.

But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. Seeing Rowen waiting earnestly, Jinbe heaved a sigh of relief, then explained.

“If I’m not mistaken, this is probably a Seastone companion ore… Seacrystal?”

Before Jinbe could speak, Fujitora suddenly answered, having taken the lead.

He touched the surface of the crystal with two fingers, feeling the wonderful sensation of complete relaxation. His wrinkled old face twisted in a creepy manner.

However, he quickly withdrew his fingers, returning to his usual calm demeanor. “Hmm, indeed, it is Seacrystal.”

Rowen wasn’t afraid of being deceived by Fujitora and Jinbe working together. So he asked, “What is Seacrystal?”

Having only been here for a few years, Rowen’s understanding of the secrets of the sea was far from that of a native-like Fujitora.

“It’s a derivative of Seastone.”

“It can only be mined from large-scale Seastone deposits, and it’s even stronger and more beautiful than Seastone. It’s a legendary gem.”

At this point, Fujitora seemed to remember something and continued, “Ten years ago, I traveled to a kingdom where the king was willing to exchange half of his territory for a Seacrystal the size of a fingernail held by a certain government official, but he failed to do so.”

“It was his attempt to sell off the kingdom that angered the people, leading to the overthrow of his rule and his imprisonment.”

Hearing Fujitora speak of the value of Seacrystal, Jinbe breathed a sigh of relief. This was more convincing than boasting about it himself. After making a mental note of this favor, he added, “That’s not all! I believe both of you have already felt the amazing benefits of Seacrystal.”

“In addition to its collectible value, its greatest feature is that it generates a special magnetic field, accelerating wound healing, fatigue recovery, and stamina enhancement for living beings within its range, reducing the likelihood of disease, and so on.”

“I know Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) is known as the Undying Vice Admiral and possesses the ability to heal rapidly. The ability to accelerate wound healing may seem redundant.”

“But with this gemstone placed close to the body, what used to take a night’s rest to recover stamina can now be fully restored in just two or three hours.”

“At the same time, this gemstone is rumored to have the ability to activate human potential, making the holder even stronger!”

Jinbe wasn’t a qualified merchant. In this bargaining transaction, he directly disclosed all the information he knew to show his sincerity.

After listening to Jinbe’s explanation, it had to be said that Rowen was intrigued.

Stamina had always been the biggest obstacle limiting his performance and the greatest gap between him and the three Admirals.

Under full exertion, he would be completely exhausted in at most half an hour. This was determined by the nature of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit): high output, strong bursts, and frequent use, but also high consumption, making it unsustainable.

It was also the biggest obstacle to him fully developing the abilities of the fruit!

Two hours of charging for five minutes of usage.

And they call that development!

Even if it was just a feature for restoring stamina, it was worth his attention, not to mention the inherent value of Seacrystal itself.

A Seacrystal the size of a fist, when converted to Belly, could effortlessly rival the wealth of a nation.


“Activating human potential? Why does this feel so similar to the Energy Steroids in the Tamatebako of Fish-Man Island?”


Jinbe was filled with shock. “How could you know that?”

This was a secret not passed on to outsiders from Fish-Man Island!

At most, outsiders could only speculate through conjecture that the treasure in the Tamatebako, a closely guarded secret of Fish-Man Island, could buy off the entire New World, but they didn’t know that the contents inside were actually just a type of Energy Steroid, a last resort for ensuring the continuation of the kingdom.

Just like CP0’s Sacrifice-Sacrifice Fruit, nearly every long-standing major power had a trump card for turning the tables.

The trump card of Fish-Man Island was the Energy Steroids in the Tamatebako. When Fish-Man Island was on the verge of destruction, they would use the Energy Steroids to confront the disaster.

“Never mind how I know. If it’s that kind of thing, you can leave now. In a few days, I’ll personally visit Fish-Man Island and demand an explanation from Neptune!”

Jinbe looked shocked.

With Rowen’s notorious reputation, if he were to go to Fish-Man Island, there would definitely be bloodshed!

He immediately shook his head. “Please don’t misunderstand, Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon). We have absolutely no intention of deceiving you!”

“As you know, while Energy Steroids can unleash tremendous power, they also come with serious side effects.”

“But Seacrystal is different. As you may have noticed, its activation of human potential is almost imperceptible. So I only mentioned it as a rumor!”

Fujitora also sweated for Jinbe and couldn’t help but interject, “I can attest to this. So far, there have been no reports of Seacrystal holders dying from overexerting their potential. On the contrary, many aging leaders who have used Seacrystal have lived for several more years.”

Jinbe nodded eagerly.

Fish-Man Island may be safe geographically, located ten thousand meters underwater, but it couldn’t withstand the Monsters of this world, who could make Newton rise from his deathbed with a start.

With the terrifying power of Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon), even ten thousand meters of seawater couldn’t stop his attacks.

Seeing Fujitora also confirm this, Rowen blinked and leaned back in his seat.

“Is that so? Then I’ll trust you for now.”

Jinbe breathed a sigh of relief.


“Don’t worry, since I’ve taken the benefits, I’ll make sure to follow through with the task!”

Rowen raised his teacup. “As long as the Seacrystal is okay, then Fish-Man Island… is guaranteed to be safe by me!”


Jinbe finally relaxed completely. With Rowen’s assurance, Fish-Man Island could finally return to its former tranquility.

The three of them raised their teacups, toasting with tea instead of alcohol.

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are-
1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit
2. Marvel Disassembler

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