OPTM-Chapter 396 Night Raid

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As Sengoku had previously stated, Rowen’s main and indispensable mission during this journey to the New World was to ensure the successful establishment of the new G-5!

Each branch of the G-series was a war fortress meticulously constructed by the Marines, akin to a sharp blade poised at the enemy’s throat, leaving them restless through the night.

Their significance and the weight of their quest were immense, serving as the sea-calming divine needles to restrain the era of pirates.

Without these G-series branches stationed in the Grand Line, as evidenced by the original work, areas like Gecko Island in the East Blue would continue to spawn pirates endlessly, as adventurers from all directions journeyed into the Grand Line in search of the great treasure, ONE PIECE.

In such circumstances, there needed to be a group of elite warriors like towering cliffs, blocking the surging waves pouring into the Grand Line.

Despite the fact that just one “Drought” Jack could destroy the old G-5, how many monsters like Jack were there among the Sea? Moreover, the majority of them were concentrated in the New World.

Additionally, hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of pirates had perished at the G-series branches, making incomparable contributions to maintaining peace at sea for the Marines and preserving the government’s rule.

Therefore, the successful establishment of the new G-5 was imperative, decreed by the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), and no subjective consciousness could change this immutable law!

Previously, the chaos in the New World had made the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) realize that relying solely on Rowen would allow enemies to lure the tiger down from the mountain, providing them with opportunities. Fortunately, Rowen had demonstrated incredible strength, swiftly ending the battles and minimizing losses.

Thus, they urgently dispatched the Ark, transforming Punk Hazard into an impenetrable fortress.


“Dante should be fine, right?”

Rowen munched on snacks and sipped tea, feeling somewhat uncertain.

New World, [The Drifter].

The first day of the League conference didn’t involve much discussion; the main focus was on solidifying the League’s intentions. Among these intentions, the grudges between pirates were numerous and needed no elaboration. They were no less than those between the Marines and the Yonko.

Tonight, [The Drifter] was quieter than yesterday, but beneath this tranquility, the unease and tension grew clearer. Even if there were tasks that required leaving, pedestrians hurried back and forth as if they had sprouted extra legs.

Inside a room, illuminated by dim oil lamps, Lafitte’s crimson lips stood out glaringly, his eyebrows furrowed lightly with a serious expression.

“This shouldn’t be happening!”

“Even if Vice Admiral Soryu himself doesn’t appear, it shouldn’t be this calm.”

With the League conference officially underway on their side, it was extremely strange that the Marines remained inactive. Lafitte even prepared for the worst-case scenario of a sudden attack by Rowen, ready to grab Burgess and escape. Yet, after a day had passed, not even Rowen’s spies had made any moves.

When things are abnormal, there must be demons!

This was the root of the heightened tension tonight compared to last night.

“Hehe, isn’t this great, Lafitte? Even if Vice Admiral Soryu doesn’t show up, what can that group of spies do?” Burgess laughed boldly. “Maybe the World Government is afraid of letting Vice Admiral Soryu cause trouble here and has helped us out!”

This place was adjacent to the Yonko’s territory. Because the G-5 branch existed before the Yonko’s rise, they were prepared for war, which was why the Yonko ignored them. This was also the fundamental reason why, after Jack destroyed G-5, the Marines immediately mobilized two Admirals, along with Vice Admirals 7 and 8, and 100,000 elites, preparing for war.

Because this signaled the start of a war!

Now that the G-5 branch was gone, the Yonko naturally wouldn’t allow the Marines to continue driving this wedge. So, whereas before, the Yonko were unwilling to act to avoid conflict with the Marines, now it was the Marines who were unwilling to act to avoid conflict with the Yonko, and the initiative was no longer in the Marines’ hands.

“That’s a possibility!”

After thinking for a while without understanding, Lafitte nodded, smiled, and said, “Forget it, it’s good if they don’t make a move. Once these few days pass, the League’s strength will be even greater!”

At present, everyone was worried about the deterrent power of Vice Admiral Soryu, causing paranoia and making [The Drifter] restless. But time waits for no one. If the Marines still made no moves, everyone could relax and conduct the conference peacefully.

Although Captain Teach didn’t have much confidence in the power of the pirate League, having it was better than not having it.

After a pause, Lafitte continued, “I’ll inform Captain of the situation here. Keep an eye on the outside for me, don’t get caught by the spies…”


Before he could finish speaking, a muffled sound suddenly came, and [The Drifter] trembled incessantly under the tremors, as if an earthquake had struck.


The entire building seemed to dance, Lafitte held his right elbow with his left hand, casually flicking away the falling debris with his cane as he exchanged a glance with Burgess.

Here it comes, the Marine’s counterattack!

The night was dark and the wind was high, with thick clouds covering the sky.

“Quick, someone put out the fire before it spreads!”

“Be careful, there’s still explosives inside!”


The first explosion was not the end; it was followed by a second, then a third. The towering flames illuminated the night sky, making the whole [The Drifter] as lively as New Year’s Eve.

In this chaotic situation, a group of pirates moved through the “streets and alleys” of [The Drifter], swiftly gathering together without attracting anyone’s attention.

“Captain, all the explosives have been ignited!”

“Alright, retreat!”

Glancing at the flames rising on the horizon, Dante waved his hand, signaling everyone to withdraw. The pirates outside had already discovered the location of the fire, and it was not safe to linger there.

As they continued to run, Dante suddenly raised his fist, signaling everyone to halt.

“Sure enough, we have a rat sneaking in. Who are you? Marines, or government spies?”

A towering figure with comically braided hair resembling a child’s triangle emerged from the shadows, wearing a smirk.

Dante silently clenched Clear Spring Sword and, using a rough voice from his voice-changing ability, demanded, “Big Shark Ried Coffey, what’s your game?”

“Quit pretending to be someone you’re not, Mr. impersonating ‘Sword Ghost’ Whird! I’ve seen the real Whird and remembered the scent on him.”

Captain of the Black Shark Pirate Group, with a bounty of 270 million, “Big Shark” Coffey, rubbed his nose, which resembled a meatball on his face. “Sorry, I’m not good at anything else, except for having a sensitive nose.”

“So, should I hand you over to Blackbeard Teach as proof of allegiance? Or should I beat you half to death before handing you over to Blackbeard Teach as proof of allegiance? You choose!”

“I choose to send you to hell!”


With those words, Dante took the lead, launching his attack.

“You can’t wait to kill me, can you?”

Coffey, with a cold expression, raised his serrated machete, clashing head-on with Dante’s blade.


The two sharp blades collided, emitting a crisp and piercing metallic clang. Sharp qi tore through the air, leaving fissures in the ground.

“Big Shark” Coffey was gifted, able to smell blood from kilometers away like a shark, and relentless in chasing down prey when they bled, just like a shark. Moreover, like a shark, he possessed tremendous innate strength.

After parrying Dante’s blow, Coffey swiftly swung his serrated machete without pausing for breath. His Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki)-coated blade even enveloped his wrist as it aimed ruthlessly for Dante’s head.

However, at that moment, a cold blade pierced through the gap beside him, heading for his neck as he stared in astonishment.

“An illusion? No wonder you could impersonate Sword Ghost!”

Coffey’s disdain vanished as he opened his mouth wide, ready to bite down ruthlessly in the presence of others’ shock.


The Haki-covered Clear Spring Sword was firmly bitten by his teeth, and Dante tried to exert force outward, but it remained immovable.

With a fierce light in his eyes, Coffey’s serrated machete, after being blocked by Dante, smoothly arced in his chubby hand, stabbing back towards Dante’s abdomen.

“Not bad!”

A light voice echoed from above Coffey’s head, making him instantly pale with shock, wanting to withdraw from his position. But since Dante had already spoken and revealed his location, it meant he was prepared for a killing blow.

Moonlike Stream Murdering Sword·Moon Flame Roast!

Orange flames, cold yet scorching, ignited on the immaculate blade like the moon. Dante held the sword with both hands and swung it down.


Before the word “No” could be fully uttered, the sword shadow swept across Coffey’s head, extinguishing all vitality.


The brilliant flames suddenly soared, enveloping the body.

Dante lightly stepped back to the ground, sheathing Clear Spring and taking a slow breath. Behind him, a group of Marine soldiers disguised as pirates rubbed their eyes, trying to understand what had just happened.

In their view, Dante had just jumped up, gathered his strength, and swung at Coffey’s head. The latter, like a madman, swung his serrated machete without even looking up.

A pirate with a bounty exceeding two hundred million was easily slain on the spot!

“I really shouldn’t underestimate anyone. I almost blew my cover.”

Dante didn’t bother to explain the mental battle to the soldiers. He waved his hand, signaling everyone to continue their retreat.

A few minutes after they left, Lafitte arrived at the scene with Burgess. The body of “Big Shark” Coffey had been roasted to a charred black, emitting a strange meaty fragrance. However, the scar from his head to his neck faintly revealed the elegance of that fatal blow.

“He was skilled!”

Lafitte squatted down, feeling the footprints and sniffing them, a faint scent of gunpowder entering his nose, causing him to disdainfully toss away the soil.

“Let’s track him down!”

“Leave it to me!”

Burgess smirked ferociously, following the footprints.

“Be careful, the enemy…”

Before Lafitte could finish his warning, Burgess was already laughing wildly as he ran off like the wind.

“The enemy might be setting up an ambush… oh well, whatever.”

Facing Burgess’s recklessness, Lafitte could only shake his head and look back at the rising flames in the sky, frowning silently.

“The action is bigger than I imagined!”

(End of this chapter)

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