OPTM-Chapter 388 Sengoku’s Retribution

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Wait a minute!

No, wait!

There’s a problem, Big Brother!

Upon careful consideration, Rowen suddenly realized that everything was part of Sengoku’s plan! Sengoku knew about the Impel Down incident, right?

Later, in order to protect the “magnificent and righteous” image of the Marines, Rowen reluctantly played the role of the villain, closing himself in confinement for a week and having to write a self-criticism.

This was already quite tragic, but unexpectedly, Sengoku also sold him out to those corrupt and fallen government officials!

Many of those people had unclear connections with pirates, and certain prisoners in Impel Down couldn’t be touched. This fact was well understood by both the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) and Sengoku.

Now, with government officials seizing on the Impel Down incident, demanding strict punishment for Rowen, Sengoku seemingly benevolently sent him to the New World under the guise of “avoiding the limelight.” This move conveniently allowed the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) to reorganize the internal order of the government.

With the chance to talk, not only could Rowen reluctantly take on this troublesome task, but it also provided an opportunity to “incidentally” uncover Teach’s conspiracy and protect the establishment of the new G-5.

It was simply killing many birds with one stone!

Clap, clap, clap!

Rowen wasn’t a fool. Among clever people, mentioning a hint was enough to deduce two or three things. But even he couldn’t help but applaud Sengoku.

The combinations of moves were breathtaking, and for the first time, Rowen felt like his brain wasn’t enough.

He deeply suspected that the root cause of everything, why he took on the mess of Impel Down, was not because others were afraid of trouble, but because Sengoku had laid out the plan in advance.

Sengoku understood him, knowing that wherever he went was a time bomb.

Rowen dared to guarantee that even if he supervised the Freezing Hell repairs in Impel Down honestly, Sengoku would still secretly do something to make him follow the plan.

And he couldn’t find a reason to refute!

Although it was a scheme, in the entire plan, no one suffered any losses.

But it left Rowen with an indelible feeling of being played!

The last time he had this feeling was when he took a bite of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder-Thunder Fruit) in Birka…

To grasp the key points, Rowen could only say, “Resourceful General” Sengoku, your reputation is well-deserved!

Seeing Rowen applauding expressionlessly, knowing that he had understood everything, Sengoku felt no shame in his heart. Instead, he felt somewhat pleased.

“Humph, little brat, now you know how powerful I am?!”

Since last year’s incident, where he tricked BIG·MOM and Whitebeard into a disadvantage, the reputation of Sengoku, the “Resourceful General” of the Marines, had gradually spread throughout the sea. The incident where Tesoro invited Fujitora to join had increased the fear of Rowen among various factions.

Even the Gold Emperor didn’t dare to provoke the Marine “Resourceful General,” which meant he was not only powerful but also possessed more than mere strength.

This, as an elder, made Sengoku quite dissatisfied!

Thinking about how he, Sengoku, had traversed the sea for decades, fought with Whitebeard, battled fiercely with Pirate King Roger, and manipulated one Great Character after another, finally establishing the name of “Resourceful General.” Yet, in just a year, Rowen had made the sea know only the Azure Dragon and forget Sengoku. This, he absolutely could not endure.

So, he decided to lay down this chessboard a few times, playing with Rowen.

“Lack of respect for the elderly, small-minded!”

Rowen, angered by Sengoku’s smug look, stared at him with gritted teeth. The old asshole was an asshole on the surface, but Sengoku was an asshole at heart. Cut him open, and it was all black!

One of Whitebeard son stabbing Whitebeard himself was the most inconspicuous conspiracy Sengoku had ever played.

Rowen would bet that if Teach hadn’t given Ace to the Marines, and deliberately leaked the information ahead of time, preventing Sengoku from planning more, the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn’t have fared well in the Summit War!

“Hmm, some people say I’m cunning and sinister, like a venomous snake!”

Sengoku wasn’t angry at Rowen’s disrespect. The angrier Rowen got, the more satisfied Sengoku became. Now, leaning back in his chair, he casually reached for a senbei, enjoying a bite.

A few seconds later, he raised an eyebrow. “If you have nothing else, get lost. Don’t be annoying here!”

Rowen: “…”

Damn it!

Considering the tragic fate of assassinating the Marine Fleet Admiral, Rowen’s lips trembled with anger. Eventually, he dispersed the lightning, raised a middle finger, and said, “We’ll see!”

Sengoku sneered, chewing on the senbei. “I don’t think I have to see you off!”

Marine Headquarters, the officers’ residential area, also known as the “Crested Head.”

In the courtyard where Rowen resided, Zephyr burst into hearty laughter.

“Haha! Serves you right, Rowen!”

“You think Sengoku, that asshole, became Fleet Admiral for no reason? There are people more loyal than him!”

Rowen rolled his eyes at this and snatched the Meat Block in front of Zephyr.

He wickedly speculated that in the original story, the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars) might have supported Akainu’s promotion because they found the fox-like Sengoku displeasing. Hence, they chose the extreme and easily controllable Akainu.

Zephyr paid no mind, pushing another stack of meat slices into the bubbling oil pot, then sipped tea.

“But this is also an opportunity, Rowen. The more value you show, the more likely you’ll be noticed. There’s never been a precedent where a Vice Admiral directly became Fleet Admiral. You need to work hard!”

“Besides, it’s not a bad thing for young people to suffer a bit.”

Rowen paused, faintly furrowing his brows, then smiled and shook his head. “Sensei, what are you talking about? Becoming Fleet Admiral is too early for me.”

“Just treat it as an old man talking nonsense, okay?”

Zephyr rolled his eyes, gave a cold snort, and said, “If the situation doesn’t escalate to a wicked level, with Chaton, the former Assassination Force commander’s military merit, and Momousagi’s popularity at Headquarters, even if you’re much stronger than both of them, you won’t get the chance to be an Admiral.”

“I warn you not to have any ulterior motives! So, if you want to become Fleet Admiral, being an Admiral is an unavoidable hurdle!”

Rowen fell silent.

Those who could become Admiral were no fools, and Zephyr could see his thoughts. Sengoku, too, could likely see through him.

However, Sengoku wasn’t like the Emperors in historical novels. He was happy to have an ambitious junior eyeing his position. He couldn’t blame Rowen for it.

Today’s events, in essence, were just Sengoku reminding him, echoing Zephyr’s words, “No having any ulterior motives.”

To succeed, he needed to present military merit that surpassed even Momousagi and Chaton, making it a fair competition.

Considering Rowen’s cunning and courage, there was practically nothing he couldn’t accomplish.

Taking a deep breath, Rowen smiled, picking up the Meat Block and putting it back in Zephyr’s bowl. “Thanks for the reminder, Sensei!”

“Not bad! A young man can be taught!”

Zephyr nodded in satisfaction, snorted through his nose, then picked up the Meat Block and put it in his mouth. The next moment…


“Asshole! Are you trying to spice me to death?!”

Soldiers patrolling outside stared in astonishment as Rowen crashed through the wall and fell onto the street, dazed for three seconds.


Just like the time Rowen demonstrated the Thunderlight Fist to Garp and ended up in the Headquarter’s prison, the officers’ quarters were also a no-fighting zone. Now that the old Instructor Zephyr had hit the Vice Admiral Soryu, should they report it, or not report it, or should they report it?

After a moment of contemplation, the leading small commander decisively lifted his head, gazing ahead. With his team, he stepped towards the distance.

Let’s not report it!

(End of this chapter)

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