OPTM-Chapter 386 The Wicked Tale

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The upcoming days for Pizarro were destined to be unpleasant, but Rowen didn’t have the time to waste on him.

The experiments had concluded, and it was time to officially commence “production.” The prisoners from Level 5 and Level 6 who weren’t on the safety list were dragged and pushed into Rowen’s laboratory. In no more than half an hour, a fresh imbecile was ready.

Due to the gravity of the situation and to prevent any accidents for prisoners who shouldn’t be subjected to electric therapy, the Five Elder Stars personally dispatched representatives to oversee Rowen’s inhumane transformation experiments.

Watching those who had swaggered in before, causing headaches for the government, now come out like mindless zombies, devoid of memory and personality, needing to be fed even during meals, the special agents were almost scared out of their wits.

After another half month, Hannyabal finally found Rowen and informed him that Pizarro had surrendered.

During this period, a total of six prisoners couldn’t withstand the mental breakdown. Only one of them, who was on the safety list, received special treatment and was sent for medical care, managing to survive.

The other five, unable to endure the torture, had three of them, who could move freely within their cells, explode their brains against the walls. The remaining two, who were tied up, died of starvation.

When Rowen returned to the cells after half a month, a glance, a sweep of his eyes, and the once rowdy Level 6 fell silent.

“I thought you would last a bit longer, Pizarro. It’s been less than a month!”

In the original story, Aokiji and Akainu could battle relentlessly for ten days and nights without rest, turning Punk Hazard into an island of ice and fire. The pinnacle figures in this world, whether in physique or willpower, were terrifyingly like monsters.

Even Rowen himself could maintain abundant energy after half a month without sleep, thanks to proper rest afterward.

Naturally, it required proper rest, as combat wouldn’t be possible.

Pizarro, the “Corrupt King” and a future officer who could break free from the ranks of Level 6 prisoners and join the Blackbeard Pirates, only lasted 24 days. This disappointed Rowen greatly.

The water guns continued tirelessly, firing water cannonballs every three seconds, shattering against the walls with a depressed splashing sound. When Rowen spoke, not only the tormented prisoners but also the other inmates’ eyes lit up.

Did the damn Corrupt King finally give in?

Amidst the anticipation of the crowd, Rowen waved his hand, and Hannyabal turned off the water gun switch.

Pū Tōng!

Pū Tōng!

A series of falling sounds echoed, and all the prisoners in Level 6 breathed a sigh of relief.

Arriving at Pizarro’s cell, Rowen looked at him with the same calm expression as 24 days ago.

However, the renowned “Corrupt King” Pizarro couldn’t do the same. In the first two days, he enjoyed the baptism of water cannonballs. On the third day, he became impatient, releasing Haoshoku.

By the fourth day, he was roaring, attempting to break the bars to escape. On the fifth day, he became hypersensitive, cursing and unleashing Haoshoku at the slightest movement, resembling a mad dog.

Subsequently, after 24 days of torment – madness, hatred, regret, despair, and deathly silence – the “Corrupt King” Pizarro made a choice he never thought he would make in his lifetime.


On the seventh day of the tenth month, to alleviate the pain, Pizarro, driven insane, used his teeth to bite the bars, causing his teeth to fall out and his mouth to be filled with fresh blood. At this moment, he cast a lifeless gaze at Rowen, opened his jagged mouth, and weakly knelt at the bars, collapsing outward.

Rowen didn’t feel excitement or joy; he wasn’t a psychological pervert. However, getting Pizarro to surrender did assist in resolving the lingering concern of Impel Down for Impel Down.

Having Hannyabal bring a chair, Rowen sat at the cell door, letting Pizarro lick his shoes. Afterward, he casually glanced outside.

“So, what did I say?”

“Welcome to Hell, you scum!”

At that glance, all things fell silent.

In the upper-level cells, Shiryu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear in his eyes.

Finally… it’s over!

Shiryu had discerned Rowen’s intentions the second day. However, he never expected that such seemingly trivial punishment would be so effective. It drove the Corrupt King, a fierce individual, to madness, eventually making him surrender.

At this moment, Shiryu was very grateful that he never liked the disruptive behavior of these guys from the beginning. If he had accidentally gotten involved, his fate would be the same as these guys – death would be a luxury.

Rowen’s method was actually quite simple: no sleep allowed.

Isn’t that hilarious?

What kind of punishment is not allowing them to sleep?

But the reality was different.

Sleeping time is the body’s cycle of rest for various organs. If one couldn’t sleep, then the various organs in the body would have to work incessantly, leading to overworking and damage.

This damage is irreversible and may even lead to death.

A normal person’s ability to process external information, activity, memory, stamina, etc., starts to decline after three days without sleep. If it exceeds five days… provided you don’t die suddenly, you’ll experience confusion, hormonal imbalance, organ damage, premature aging of the skin, weakened immunity, hallucinations, and more.

Continuing without sleep would either drive someone crazy or cause death due to organ failure, with no third option.

Moreover, this was already a very long and painful process. Pizarro’s robust physique, characteristic of a superhuman, paradoxically prolonged this torturous process until it crushed his spirit.

As for why Pizarro chose to surrender instead of committing suicide, that question is easily answered.

Most of the prisoners in Impel Down can move within specified areas, even in Level 6. The majority of those who can’t even commit suicide are dangerous Devil Fruit ability users, restricted only in their actions.

Life in the prison of Level 6 is extremely bleak, and if Pizarro couldn’t endure it and wanted to die, no one would stop him. However, the fact that he survived until now proves that he is not someone who wants to die.

It’s not fear of death; it’s just not wanting to die.

This firm will also make Rowen’s torture more effective.

“All of you are fortunate. My experiments have come to an end…”

With a swift kick, Pizarro was sent sprawling like a dead dog, curled up in the damp cell, unconscious. Rowen stood up and lingered at the door of the cells where the fools had been subjected to electrotherapy.

“I regret that I couldn’t offer you the complete Hell experience.”

Crocodile, Bax Choate, and Catarina Devon, these infamous figures who had escaped Level 6 in the original story couldn’t help but shiver at the redefined term “wicked devil” in their hearts.

Facing Magellan, at worst, would make one would die from poisoning.

Facing Rowen, even death became a luxury!

When dealing with wicked individuals, one must use more wicked means, tormenting them to the point of chilling their very souls.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; this had always been Rowen’s style, and the results left him very satisfied.

“Next, I will fulfill my promise to improve the inhospitable conditions of Level 6, so that none of you will forget me.”

Amidst the trembling gazes of the prisoners looking at the devil, Hannyabal entered carrying a pile of metal plates.

“The name Eternal Hell is too boring. Honestly, I couldn’t see what’s infinite about it. Is it just because it’s a long time? That’s too foolish, right?!”


The metal plates crashed to the ground, the construction team entered, and work began.

“So, I’ve prepared a gift for everyone. I hope from now on, you all will call this place… Thunder Hell!”

Another month later, Magellan, who had returned to work at Impel Down, looked dumbfounded at the drastically transformed Level 6 and rubbed his eyes.

“Am I seeing things? What are these?”

“Uh, Warden, those are lightning devices custom-made for the prisoners by Vice Admiral Soryu. By introducing the steam from the boilers and the low-temperature water vapor from Freezing Hell, clouds are formed. Using lightning rods to guide the thunderbolts down.”

The main appearance of Level 6 hadn’t changed, but now, above Level 6, ever-moving clouds of silver snakes hung. These clouds drifted aimlessly over Level 6, randomly firing lightning bolts at the surrounding cells, striking the fixed metal plates.

The thunderous explosions and dazzling flashes of lightning turned the dim cells into a brightness rivaling daylight. The prisoners inside had nowhere to hide, and soon, cries of agony and smoke emerged as they convulsed on the ground.

Magellan’s mouth also twitched in convulsions…

Damn, that’s harsh!


“We’re getting old!”

Magellan slowly grinned, “Vice Admiral Soryu is truly a Marine. How did I never think of such a simple method before?!”

Probably because you didn’t have the time!

Hannyabal, wearing a gas mask, stood several meters away, casting a sympathetic look at the buffoon still laughing foolishly after being struck by lightning.

A Warden who spends nearly ten hours a day with diarrhea, sleeps eight hours, deducting meal and rest time, working only four hours a day, expecting him to improve Impel Down – that’s a joke, right?!

Naturally, Hannyabal wholeheartedly agreed with Magellan’s sentiment.

They were getting old.

What were the prisoners like here before?

Unruly, insane; the reason why there were so few female personnel in Impel Down was largely due to them being scared off by the prisoners.

However, in the two-plus months under Rowen’s management, even the guards standing at the gates, who usually oversee the LV.4 where the most wicked and dangerous criminals were held, would only make the prisoners shiver. The discipline had reached an unprecedented level!

That was a true wicked devil!

Everyone in Impel Down unanimously agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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