OPTM-Chapter 381 Eternal Hell

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Except for individuals like Rowen who can confidently face Poison, engaging in close combat with Magellan would not end well for anyone.

Observing the two drag marks on the ice, a vivid scene quickly formed in Rowen’s mind.

Shiryu was on a killing spree, chasing his prey. Among the prisoners, someone must have known that the elevator leading to the upper levels was in this location, so they fled in this direction.

They were almost successful, but then Magellan arrived, summoning his venom to subdue the prisoners. Shiryu stood in that spot, exchanged a few words with Magellan, and finally, Magellan, with a hint of resentment, attacked and sent Shiryu flying.

There might be factors indicating Shiryu voluntarily surrendering. After all, as the Warden in charge, he knew better than anyone the difficulty of escaping from Level 5 under Magellan’s pursuit.

He was also well aware that getting to the upper levels was not the main focus; the real challenge was how to leave Impel Down without being caught by the Justice Gate.

If the Justice Gate remained closed, anyone without the ability to fly would be stuck, facing the turbulent whirlpools outside. Techniques like Geppo, which consumed considerable stamina, couldn’t be used to cross the Sea.

So, surrendering was the only option.

At this point, Rowen noticed a pool of blood not far away and pointed toward it, asking, “Do military wolves have a habit of eating their companions’ corpses?”

In that area, clear marks indicated a large beast had left an indentation; bloodstains were still visible, but the corpse was nowhere to be found.

“They… probably don’t?”

Hannyabal walked over and scraped the snow layer, but the footprints had long been covered by the thick snow. He hesitated and said, “The military wolves from the outside wouldn’t eat their companions’ corpses, but here, we only feed them once every seven days, so who knows.”

Similar to Hell Island which Rowen had visited before, the beasts in Impel Down were also captured from other places. These fierce creatures, adapted to the harsh climates of the East Blue, served as the sole wardens of Freezing Hell, kept hungry by being fed only once every seven days.

Better to be alive than dead.

Surviving in the prison was barely possible, but going outside meant being devoured by hungry military wolves. The prisoners were well aware of the consequences.

Whether famished beasts would resort to cannibalism was uncertain, especially without surveillance Den Den Mushi, and Hannyabal was no animal behavior expert, so he didn’t dare to make any guarantees.

“Oh? Is that so?” Rowen said casually before releasing his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki).

After a while, he retracted his Haki, pursing his lips.

“You’ve hidden quite well!”

Whether the military wolves had the habit of cannibalism was unknown to him, but he knew humans certainly did not.

Impel Down had a more mysterious level than Level 6, known as Level 5.5. While the former was known to many managers, the latter was only a vague legend throughout Impel Down.

However, Rowen knew that Level 5.5 was real.

The current Queen of Level 5.5, formerly known as the “Okama King” Ivankov, who had mysteriously disappeared due to the strange tale of “Devil’s Invitation,” was the living proof of Level 5.5’s existence.

Queen – absolutely fitting!

Originally a refuge created by prisoners over centuries, Level 5.5 was turned into the “New Okama Paradise” by Ivankov, providing a haven for prisoners.

Under the influence of Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki), all life forms on Level 5 were laid bare to Rowen. The group of famished military wolves and prisoners did not seem satiated. The corpses of the wolves had vanished without a trace.

“Perhaps I can make a deal with them and present it as my third grand gift!”

Rowen silently contemplated.

In his plan, the Revolutionary Army held crucial strategic value. It was not the right time to confront Dragon yet. Just as Orrick considered Rowen a sharp tool to leverage the authority of the Gorōsei (Five Elder Stars), the Revolutionary Army served as Rowen’s lever against the World Government.

With Orrick leading ambitiously and the Revolutionary Army contributing to the rising tide of resistance, success would be wonderful. As long as he was strong enough, and with the advantage of information, plucking the peaches would not be too troublesome.

For now, he was just a pawn. Wherever needed, he could move, and no one could force him. Being self-reliant was the only reason he willingly became Orrick’s pawn, despite Orrick’s ambitions and his exalted position.

Facing the colossal mountain that was the World Government, self-preservation was the top priority. Even if he couldn’t succeed, he would make the World Government struggle.

At that point, he could showcase his worth, seizing the best opportunity to settle within the center of power.

However, the only trouble lay in the fact that Dragon might have already guessed his intentions and would be on guard. Orrick, though blinded by ambition and his elevated status, was still a formidable adversary due to the inherent advantages of Celestial Dragons.

In this situation, Rowen planning to manipulate the world was not like walking on thin ice, but rather dancing on the edge of a blade. One careless move, and he could plummet into an abyss!

Arriving at the original prison area of Level 5, within a row of cells stretching over a kilometer, there were only 3 to 5 survivors. Looking at the empty cells that had been severed, Rowen clicked his tongue.

“How much material is left in Impel Down?”

“Uh… Not many prisoners left, but the materials are temporarily sufficient.”

Hannyabal made a meaningless remark.

This sentence can be understood differently: it is impossible to completely restore Freezing Hell with the existing materials.

This is the terrifying aspect of the top combat power in the One Piece World. The aftermath of their actions is akin to a Natural Disaster, causing immeasurable destruction. LV.5 has not been completely breached, leading to seawater pouring in, probably because Shiryu has not found an opponent who can withstand his ultimate move.

“Write an application to the World Government, stating that Freezing Hell has suffered heavy losses and requires a major overhaul!”

Rowen calmly finalized the plan, looking back at the chaotic LV.5, and said, “Take me to LV.6!”

Hannyabal nodded. As an acting Warden, he had the authority to go to LV.6, but he still cautiously asked.

“Warden, those who enter LV.6 are extraordinary individuals. Even if they are death row inmates, we cannot take action without proper authorization, so…”

“Don’t worry, I know what’s at stake.”

Rowen said with a faint smile, then raised the corner of his mouth.

He had been thinking of doing this for a while, but he didn’t expect Sengoku to give him the opportunity so quickly.

On the sixth level of Impel Down, in the little-known Eternal Hell.

Descending via the elevator to the entrance of the sixth level, Rowen took out the key that Magellan had given him, opened the door, and to everyone’s surprise, this level known as Eternal Hell was better in conditions than any of the layers above.

The air was slightly damp, the lighting was dimmer, and the smell was unpleasant, but compared to the Hells above, it was practically a paradise.

“Oh, it seems we have a newcomer. Hannyabal, who is this?”

As soon as they entered, a light and lascivious male voice came from a cell a few meters away. His voice was magnetic, but a subtle killing intent sent shivers down Hannyabal’s spine.

“Damn Buffer!”

Hannyabal had somehow already gripped his double-edged naginata in his hands and shouted, “Show some respect! This is our new Warden!!”

“He’s the acting Warden…”

Rowen calmly corrected, then walked to the cell, saying, “Richard Buffer? The arms dealer who wanted to destroy Marineford with Dyna Stones?”

“Oh? I didn’t expect someone from the outside to remember me?”

From the shadows deep within the cell, a massive and robust man with a head only half the size of his own palm revealed himself.

With narrow and icy eyes scanning up and down, Buffer, also known as the wicked Issho.

“Is the World Government really out of options? They’ve actually let a little devil replace Magellan!”


As the words fell, suddenly, an extremely powerful Haoshoku emanated from Buffer and pressed towards Rowen.

As a madman who had almost succeeded in destroying Mary Geoise, Buffer’s Haki was extraordinary.

But at this moment, a dark gleam burst open. The others only noticed Rowen reaching backward with his hand, and the next second, a sound like water leaking from a pipe filled the quiet cell.

Buffer stopped his Haoshoku Haki, looking down in shock.

Kā Chā…

The ankle bones, struggling to maintain a fragile balance, couldn’t support his massive body. In the astonished gazes of Hannyabal and Buffer, the incision cut open.


Heavily falling to the ground, Buffer looked up incredulously.



The sharp tip of the Dragon crescent-sided halberd aimed at Buffer’s nose. In the uneasy gazes of Hannyabal and Buffer, Rowen, with his empty left hand, pulled out a cigar, lit it, and took a puff.

“Believe me, Mr. Buffer, there are many things in this world scarier than death. Consider this my welcoming gift.”

Immediately, electricity surged up the Dragon crescent-sided halberd, infiltrating the incision in Buffer’s ankle.

Zī Zī Sī!


A scream and electrical sparks erupted simultaneously. Rowen looked back at the now quiet Eternal Hell, his mouth cracking into a smile.

“Your good days are over, you scum!”

(End of this chapter)

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