OPTM-Chapter 368 Deception and Manipulation

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Golden City was resplendent, with lights shining brightly in every corner. The streets and entertainment halls were all crafted from gold, exuding an extravagant and luxurious atmosphere. Anyone who saw Gild Tezoro’s true form for the first time would be left in awe, marveling at Tesoro’s extravagant display.

This was also a common tactic Tesoro used in negotiations, seizing the initiative with the grandeur of Golden City.

However, this time, Tesoro seemed to be showing off to a blind man.

Well, Fujitora was indeed blind, no doubt about that.

But the other…

As they made their way to the central tower, Tesoro fell behind a step and smiled, seeing only a faint curiosity in Rowen’s eyes.

“How does Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) find my place?”

“Soryu (Azure Dragon)” Rowen, the mastermind behind turning New World into a chaotic mess with ruthless schemes, knew that if it weren’t for the significant impact of his actions, he wouldn’t have had to contact Fujitora and relinquish control.

In terms of strength, Tesoro was well aware that he fell short. Just standing there made him want to run away. The intense aura stimulated his cerebral cortex, making his breathing grow heavier.

But if it was just Golden City… Tesoro would never admit that there was a city more magnificent than his.

“Unparalleled in the world!”

To this, Rowen responded sincerely.

Golden City had advanced technology. Modern vehicles powered by “turtles” zipped along clean and tidy roads. Neatly planned greenery lined both sides of the streets. The city exuded a neon-lit, bustling atmosphere, saturated with the scent of gold.

In this world, it truly deserves the title of “unparalleled.” If it weren’t for the few eccentric characters among the pedestrians, Rowen might have thought he was back in Las Vegas on Earth… but in a golden version!

Just imagine how spectacular the full view of Golden City must be!

Yet, this sincerity left Tesoro dissatisfied. Judging others by himself, he felt that Rowen was playing hard to get, pretending not to be surprised when he clearly was.

“There are over three thousand forms of entertainment here in Golden City, including the world’s largest water paradise. After our discussion, Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) can enjoy to his heart’s content… Naturally, all expenses will be covered by me. Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) just needs to have fun.”

Tesoro said sincerely, hoping to see an excited expression on Rowen’s face.

However, he was disappointed. Rowen didn’t feel excited. Instead, he frowned slightly, showing some dissatisfaction.

“Never mind… There’s nothing particularly interesting here.”

“Oh? Is there somewhere in the world more interesting than my place?!”

Tesoro inwardly sneered, looking at him, curious to hear Rowen’s thoughts.

“Women, money, fine wine— those are the only three things you have here, Tesoro San.” Rowen raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

“The various entertainment cities have different orientations. As the largest entertainment city in the world, most guests who come here are looking to indulge in extravagance without care for money. They aren’t short of funds, and they don’t care how much they spend. They just want to enjoy to the fullest, seeking release. So, I don’t see any issues…”

“Perhaps you don’t have a firsthand experience. Fujitora San, may I ask what Century City is like?”

Rowen called out to Fujitora, who hesitated for a moment and then said, “There are many forms of entertainment. Following your advice, Century City focuses on gambling as a secondary activity, with relaxation as the main attraction… It offers over six thousand forms of entertainment, including horsemanship, shooting ranges, live combat, gourmet competitions, and more. It also includes the sport you mentioned, golf, various tabletop games, and a simulation business competition that allows guests to participate.”

“It does sound quite lively…”

Six thousand forms of entertainment? Are you kidding me?! Even so, what makes Century City any different from here?

Tesoro felt disdain in his heart, but his face remained as friendly as ever. “If you have time, I will definitely go and take a look.”

“No, no, no. It seems you didn’t understand.”

Rowen shook his head and asked, “May I inquire, what percentage of Golden City’s repeat customers have you achieved?”

“Forty percent!”

“Including high-ranking government officials and kingdom nobles!”

Tesoro proudly declared.

A place with forty percent repeat customers could be considered a successful business anywhere, especially since most of them were high-ranking government officials and kingdom nobles, bringing in substantial profits.


Clap, Clap, Clap!

Rowen lightly applauded and gestured to Fujitora. Although Fujitora couldn’t see, he could hear the sound Rowen’s body made, understanding what action he had taken.

So, with a pleased smile on his face, Fujitora said, “Century City’s repeat customers are almost ninety percent. This includes high-ranking government officials and nobles from various kingdoms. However, all hotels and accommodations have already been booked until the year 1520.”


As Tesoro’s voice fell, he exclaimed loudly. Even Baccarat, the dedicated receptionist, and Tanaka, the guard, who had come to greet them together, wore expressions that said, “Are you kidding me?” They looked at Fujitora in disbelief.

Ninety percent repeat customers? Do you have a magical elixir or something?! Although Century City had been established for a short time, it was definitely a luxurious entertainment city second only to Golden City in scale. And with Fujitora, who could rival an Admiral, in charge, the annual number of visitors was in the tens of millions.

To maintain ninety percent repeat customers in the face of such numbers, how was that possible?

“Why is it impossible?”

Rowen smiled, “As long as we keep innovating in our offerings and ensure that guests leave each time wanting more, achieving ninety percent repeat customers is a natural outcome. Even if they don’t have time right now, they’ll book their spots in advance and come back when they do.”

“And also, different target audiences.”

“Century City primarily focuses on being a resort center, treating everyone equally whether they’re rich or not. Everyone who comes can set aside all their troubles and enjoy life to the fullest. The profit-making activities are fewer, but the goal is to ensure guests have a blast.”

“Golden City, on the other hand, is filled with profit-driven ventures, inundating all guests. This results in only the wealthy being able to truly enjoy themselves. So, among the forty percent of repeat customers, I estimate they are all… very wealthy individuals, right?”

“And what of it? It’s useless for those without money to stay!”

Tesoro sneered, not hiding his disdain. “Those without money are just aimless, without even the value of being exploited.”

“But it’s precisely those ‘poor’ people in your eyes. When you add up their total assets, it exceed those of the ‘wealthy’ people in your eyes by more than tenfold! Tesoro, do you not understand the importance of a sustainable business model?”

“Knowing is one thing, but what of it? I have other industries, and over twenty percent of the world’s Belly belongs to me, as long as…”

Kā Chā!

As Tesoro spoke, his expression suddenly darkened.

They were discussing Century City and Golden City, but bringing up other industries was just muddying the waters.

Indeed, he controlled many industries worldwide and looked down on the paltry wealth in the hands of those ‘poor’ people. However, when that wealth was combined, he couldn’t ignore it. It was enough to leverage a significant force.

Different target audiences?

Recalling Rowen’s earlier statement, Tesoro seemed to have had an epiphany.

“So, that’s how it is. Providing different experiences for different customer groups, accepting all who come— this is Century City…”

With that, Tesoro chuckled lightly, “I underestimated you, Fujitora San. Century City is indeed no less than Golden City as an entertainment hub!”

While six thousand forms of entertainment might be an exaggeration, Century City undoubtedly had a unique charm that could captivate its guests. Moreover, just the audacity and innovation in its operation were enough to make Tesoro take it seriously.

“But Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) just said that Golden City isn’t very enjoyable. Please forgive me for disagreeing.”

“Don’t dwell on it, Tesoro. You haven’t truly reached the pinnacle when it comes to catering to the wealthy.”

Rowen lit his cigar and took a puff.

After a moment of contemplation, he gestured to Baccarat, “You, come over here.”


The seductive beauty with wheat-colored skin hesitated for a moment, then opened her cherry lips, exchanged a glance with Tesoro, and with a graceful stride, swayed over.

A lean…

But not quite. It looked like Baccarat had nestled entirely into Rowen’s embrace, but there was still a gap of about two millimeters between them. The Thunder Cloud Dragon pattern, like Thunder Cloud once had, constantly gathered a thin Electromagnetic Barrier around him, warding off external intrusions.

While its primary purpose was to maintain stable electric currents and prevent damage to the blade, its defensive capabilities were also incredibly formidable!

Baccarat’s expression soured slightly. If she couldn’t make zero-distance contact with her target, her Devil Fruit ability wouldn’t be able to be fully utilized.

Rowen, however, paid no mind. As if unaware, he firmly grasped her waist and, with the cigar in his mouth, said to Tesoro, “Alright, let’s suppose for a moment that I’m a hedonistic character who enjoys fine wine and beautiful women, coming to Golden City for a good time. How would you make me happy?”

Coming ill-prepared!

Tesoro narrowed his eyes, finally understanding Rowen’s intent.

Indeed, he was the Soryu (Azure Dragon) who made many great characters in the New World turn pale with just his name. His methods were so intricate that it was almost impossible to guard against.

And most importantly, it seemed he had willingly walked into this trap.

(End of this chapter)

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