OPTM-Chapter 363 The Appearance of the Old Monster

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Rowen is known for being Undying! This legend had spread across the seas, though no one knew exactly when it started.

After the catastrophic explosion that turned Dressrosa into four pieces, causing countless casualties, Rowen, who was at the very center of the explosion, miraculously survived. Instead of succumbing to the Hero’s funeral that the Marines had prepared for him, Rowen woke up from his slumber.

Thus, he initiated his own Undying legend.

From then on, no matter how brutal the battles he went through, this man always emerged unscathed, as if he were truly impervious to harm.

However, Whitebeard knew that true invincibility was impossible. Even Kaido couldn’t completely avoid injury. It was just that Rowen was as close to being Undying as one could get.

The Elementalization granted by the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder-Thunder Fruit) made him immune to most damage, and his unparalleled speed made it extremely difficult for anyone to land a hit on him. Moreover, under his terrifying regenerative abilities, even if he were injured, it was practically impossible to kill him.

Just like now…

The injuries that would be fatal to anyone else merely halted Rowen’s movements for a minute.

What a monster!!

“Captain Edward, let’s join forces to keep him here!” Dragon felt a chill run down his spine at the sight before him and couldn’t help but speak up.

Setting Rowen loose upon the sea, be it for the pirates or the Revolutionary Army, would undoubtedly be a disaster that could not be ignored!

It was rare for him to come alone today, and Dragon was a decisive man with great determination. He couldn’t afford to hesitate and decided to take action without further ado, aiming to utterly vanquish Rowen.

With two of the world’s Top-Level powerhouses, Dragon couldn’t believe that Rowen would truly be Undying!

“Get lost!!”

However, Whitebeard snorted in anger and didn’t utter another word. He ruthlessly raised his naginata, sending a shockwave sweeping toward Dragon.

Seeing this, Dragon sighed and knew he had been overthinking things.

If it were any other Yonko, they would definitely agree to join forces. They all had their own goals and were willing to make sacrifices to achieve them.

But what made Whitebeard, well, Whitebeard, was his arrogant disdain for the world. Joining forces with others was something Whitebeard would never do!

The shockwave scattered him into strands of a gentle breeze, which then condensed in the distance.

After a careful look at Whitebeard, Dragon fell silent for a moment before saying, “Very well! I will return in three months to pick up Sabo. So… farewell.”

With that, Dragon generated an updraft beneath his feet, enveloping him as he prepared to soar away. It wasn’t wise to linger here, and as the leader of the Revolutionary Army, he had many matters to attend to.

Three months weren’t just for Sabo’s recovery, but also because before then, he wouldn’t have the time to return to the New World.

But at this moment…

“Dragon, as a wanted criminal of the government, did you think you could leave just because you want to?!”


In the empty Void, a figure materialized, raising a plain-looking hand covered in sea beast skin, pressing it towards Dragon’s head.

Seeing that hand, Dragon’s pupils suddenly contracted, his mouth agape in disbelief.



The hurricane was crushed directly by a seemingly empty-handed strike. Dragon reappeared in the distant sky.

“Why are you here?!”

Blood trickled from Dragon’s lips, his eyes filled with incredulity.

Just one move!

Zero had left a mark on the most wicked criminal in the world.

“We’ll save this question for before your execution!”

The seemingly empty air seemed to contain a certain space, from which Zero extricated his lower body. His Fukuro mask concealed his expression, but the constant emanation of a dreadful aura made even Whitebeard feel solemn.

“Zero? The Eradicator Zero from CP0?!”

Facing one formidable opponent was already troublesome, and Dragon hadn’t expected such a Great Character to be lurking in the shadows.

If it really is that “Zero” in person, Whitebeard couldn’t help but think, if it weren’t for Dragon unexpectedly showing up and diverting the attention, Zero’s initial target would probably have been him!

With just “Zero” present, there was enough reason for even the Yonko to be wary!

Seeing the seriousness on Whitebeard’s face, Marco couldn’t help but ask, “Captain, who is he?!”

Whitebeard kept his eyes fixed on the figure of Dragon flying farther into the sky, then he sighed in relief and said, “That is CP0 Chief, who is on par with the World Government’s strongest force, a living old Monster who’s been around for who knows how long!”

“An… old Monster?”

Marco was suddenly stunned, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Hearing the words “old Monster” from the mouth of Whitebeard, who was currently the oldest in terms of seniority among the pirates, would leave anyone dumbfounded.

You see, the person in front of them was an elder who had roamed the seas during the Nox Era, the Era of the Three Titans, and the Pirate Era for a span of over fifty years. Referring to someone as an old Monster…

At the very least, this person must be from over fifty years ago!

“So, you’re really that old?!”

Rowen overheard this with his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) and looked equally stunned at the white figure that was driving Dragon into a frenzy.

He knew that Zero held a high position, as gleaned from conversations between the old coots, Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku. Their apprehension towards Zero wasn’t just about status but also stemmed from their respect for his seniority.

In a rapidly changing world with newcomers emerging one after another, anyone who managed to survive the previous era deserves to be treated with caution.

Considering the age of Garp and Sengoku, there was no doubt that Zero held a position of great seniority…

But Rowen hadn’t expected it to be to this extent!

Even Whitebeard, who was nearing the end of his days, referred to him as an old Monster!


Now wasn’t the time to get hung up on this!

Rowen quickly snapped back to reality, turning to face Whitebeard and raising the Thunder Dragon Crescent-Sided Halberd.

“What… are you still going to fight?”

Noticing this scene, Whitebeard, who was no longer focused on the ongoing battle, sneered, “You’re not bad, kid! Shanks came looking for me several times, wanting to join forces because of you.”

“But it seems like you still have a long way to go!”

Rowen could only inflict injuries on him, while Whitebeard could trade blow for blow, completely nullifying any counterattack. The difference in power was clear.

Whitebeard was still the “World’s Strongest,” a title that remained unchallenged up to now.

“Calm down, I’ve said that what I’m about to do next is a plan in the open…”

Rowen said with a faint smile, “It’s neither a scheme nor a brute-force fight… it’s a plan! Use your brains!”

“Oh? Interesting…”

Whitebeard stood tall on the deck, his narrow eyes coldly fixed on Rowen.

“Tell me about it!”

After a brief probing just now, Whitebeard had already confirmed that he couldn’t keep Rowen here. It was only now that he truly understood why Big Mom had been willing to swallow her pride and lead her troops in a retreat.

Given the speed and destructive power Rowen had displayed in their recent skirmish, it could be said that apart from the Yonko themselves, no one in their respective factions could withstand Rowen’s sudden assaults.

Rowen was like a mobile nuclear bomb that no faction dared to provoke… let alone someone like Big Mom, an ambitious pirate queen busy building her Totto Land.

Since they were temporarily at a stalemate, it was better to listen to Rowen’s plan.

Whitebeard had never been content to be weaker than others. Whether it was a difficult battle or a cunning plot, he would face it head-on with an unstoppable demeanor, sweeping them away one by one.

He had that confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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