OPTM-Chapter 348 Three Strikes, Devastation!

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Rowen’s Thunderlight Fist had always followed the path of imitating Kizaru’s Lightspeed Kick. Combined with elemental destructive power, it created a terrifying level of damage with speed that was on par.

However, in the past, not only was his ability development insufficient, but his simple reflexes also couldn’t keep up. That’s why he took a more unconventional approach, forcibly increasing his physical strength with “Overload” to deliver lightning-fast, explosive punches.

It was simply speed + fist!

But Rowen was well aware that blindly imitating would never allow him to break free from his own path.

The reason he had never given up was because back then, he was still persisting with the Fusion Violent Ape of Hell and Thunder God Seal, which required extreme Overload Form to provide double the physique, supporting the massive electric current coursing through him to prevent loss of control.

Otherwise, he’d be a mobile humanoid nuclear bomb, exploding wherever fate dictated.

But now, things were different!

The combination of “Thunder God Seal + Thunder Cloud Dragon Mark” showed him a new direction. The extreme Overload manifested in a new form on him, no longer confined to forcibly activating his body’s cells but using even greater control and destructive power to reinterpret the Thunderlight Fist.

Now, with every punch and kick, he could unleash a terrifying force that was only slightly weaker than the true Super Electromagnetic Cannon of G-10 Branch, and…

BIG·MOM angrily turned her head, flames surging on Napoleon, her threat level skyrocketing!

Seeing their mother injured also ignited the anger of these Homies. They unleashed their full power, building up energy with Big Mom’s movements.

But at that moment, there was someone faster than her!

Heaven-resisting Thunder Cry, Second Style, Dragon Halberd…

Seiryu (Azure Dragon)’s Roar!


The deep Dragon’s Roar, as heard by outsiders, resounded like a tolling bell in BIG·MOM’s ears. Just as she began to raise her sword, a cyan silhouette, graceful as a startled swan, passed over her chest with a beautiful and mysterious motion.


Under Kizaru’s astonished gaze, a streak of blood suddenly appeared on BIG·MOM’s chest! A large chunk of a yellow-brown fat layer was cut open, revealing a thin white membrane through which the contracting and expanding lungs behind were clearly visible.

From the moment he launched the attack, Rowen disappeared from view, only reappearing not far from BIG·MOM at this moment. He maintained a kneeling posture, the crescent-sided halberd of thunder resting on his left hand and shoulder, wearing a smile.

And… after applying the principles of the Super Electromagnetic Cannon to himself, the first thing Rowen thought of was the move that had wounded Kaido before, the Super Electromagnetic Sword.

The pressure of the electric current on the thunder crescent-sided halberd was equally immense, but with Thunder Gemstones dispersing the power, plus the fact that the thunder crescent-sided halberd wasn’t reforged like the Dragon Sword – Thunder Cloud, it was more compact as a whole, so it wasn’t too much of a problem.

First came the icy cold feeling, followed by a searing, stinging sensation.

BIG·MOM lowered her head in a daze, looking at the meter-long gash on her chest with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

This is… my blood?

The crimson liquid made her hesitate. Since the era of the Great Pirates and the establishment of Marine for stability, she hadn’t suffered an injury significant enough to draw blood for many years.

Turning her head slightly to look at Rowen, the fleeting moment of confusion in BIG·MOM’s enormous, cold eyes disappeared, replaced by boundless hatred!
“I want you dead, Soryu (Azure Dragon)!!!”

With Haoshoku Haki surging wildly, a sharp and piercing howl that could shatter steel and iron echoed throughout the arena! The ground exploded instantaneously, dust and debris flying everywhere. More than half of the Poly Island gradually collapsed in the midst of this terrifying roar!

This was Big Mom’s unique, monstrous roar!

In close proximity, Rowen couldn’t help but take a step back, his vision becoming blurry. At the same time, BIG·MOM coldly raised Napoleon in her hand, determined to cut Rowen in half!

“Ugh, can’t you cause a little less trouble?”

Even a fool knows it’s better to deal with an injured beast than an uninjured one, right?

Kizaru didn’t have time to continue being shocked. He furrowed his brows, and his body shot forward, preparing to save Rowen.

But at this moment…

Heaven-resisting Thunder Cry, Third Style, Dragon Halberd…

Rowen lifted the thunder crescent-sided halberd, even though he had been deafened and disoriented by the sonic boom and Haoshoku Haki, his gaze remained clear.

Scaling Dragon’s Kill!

The Nine Dragon Coil is a surface, the Seiryu (Azure Dragon)’s Roar is a line, and the Scaling Dragon’s Kill… is a point! Going from surface to line, and then to point, this was Rowen’s “Heaven-resisting Thunder Cry, Third Style.”

It was created not for flashiness, not for elegance, and certainly not for showy swordsmanship or sword heart, but purely as a practical halberd method for killing!

With one thrust, winds rise while clouds surge!!

The descending Emperor Sword – Blade of Destruction, suddenly collided with the rapidly approaching thunder crescent-sided halberd. The thin blade edge cleverly clashed with the halberd tip, needle against needle!

Then, under BIG·MOM’s horrified gaze, Napoleon suddenly let out a mournful scream. A trace appeared on the first third of the blade, and from there, it was irreversible!



In the clash of metal, the half of the blade shot out, spiraling away. The blade cut into the ground, tearing open the earth with feeble force, sending up billows of dust.

But at this moment, BIG·MOM didn’t have time to pay attention to her own results. She stared in astonishment at her right hand, which held the sword.

Through her shoulder, the thunder crescent-sided halberd pierced through, a large amount of electric sparks dancing among the muscles, drying up the fatty oils, and then igniting a flickering blue flame.


BIG·MOM hesitated, wanting to prove that what she saw was false. But the pain from the wounds was so clear, so clear that it left her astonished.

Super Electromagnetic Cannon… Fist!

At this moment, Rowen stood in mid-air, capturing her attention.

Seeing the Thunderlight swaying in his hand, BIG·MOM instinctively lowered her head to dodge. But then she realized she had been tricked, because Rowen’s attack wasn’t a fist, but a shoe kicking upwards.


It was a powerful blow to the jaw. The intense shock made BIG·MOM’s head dizzy, and her nearly nine-meter-tall body slowly lifted off the ground, soaring into the air!

After completing these moves, Rowen, with a cold expression, immediately…

Turned and flew towards Kizaru!

In the moment they crossed paths, Kizaru wore a speechless expression, while Rowen had a “you understand” look. Then, they glanced at each other, forming a tacit alliance.

Heavenly Fine Lance!!!

Blocks of golden prisms appeared around Kizaru. After a brief charge, he turned into a golden ribbon, sending BIG·MOM flying into the distant sky before she could descend.

Bang… Roar!!!

“Ouch, I’m exhausted…”

Rowen sat on a rock, his thunder crescent-sided halberd planted by his side. His face was pale, lips parched, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Whether it was the fist strikes of the Super Electromagnetic Cannon or the Heaven-resisting Thunder Cry up to the Third Style, they were all techniques he had researched in a short period of time. He hadn’t completely mastered them yet; he could only give them about seventy percent of his power.

So, after unleashing a combination of attacks, the greatest weakness of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit), or rather, Rowen himself, was immediately exposed.

That was, when he exerted full force, his stamina couldn’t keep up with the power consumption of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit).

Currently, he had at most thirty percent stamina left. While still considered formidable, using only thirty percent stamina to face the soon-to-be raging BIG·MOM…

He is not suicidal!

So, they swiftly changed positions according to their prior understanding of the “exchange.” Kizaru took the lead while he provided support from the side.

As for whether they could seize the opportunity to kill BIG·MOM…


That depended on whether Kizaru was willing to go all out…

Huh? Why doesn’t it depend on BIG·MOM?

Asking such a question… lacked substance.

Taking advantage of the light brought by the mushroom cloud rising in the distant horizon, they looked at the 100,000-strong army that had arrived, with less than 40,000 of them making it ashore, and now immediately rushing back to their ships – the Anger Legion.

If the enemy was in this state, Kizaru wouldn’t be Kizaru if he launched a full-fledged attack!

He wouldn’t kill if he could defeat, and he wouldn’t defeat if he could drive them away. That was Kizaru! From the Sabaody Archipelago to the Summit War, Kizaru was a guy who did his job without exerting much effort!

Sengoku was also in despair!

That’s why he had placed high hopes on him. Compared to the current three Admirals, Rowen, a guy with both drive and brains, was the perfect Admiral in his eyes.

Being able to cause less trouble would make him even more perfect!

And no matter how much BIG·MOM raged, could she really take down one of them, let alone two Marine powerhouses known for their speed? So as long as BIG·MOM didn’t have the determination to fight to the death, the battle was already over.

Coincidentally, Rowen was well aware that the fat lady didn’t have the resolve to fight to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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