MD-Chapter 86 Spider-Man

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Arthur was extremely frustrated. The timeline confusion was minor; after all, if Marvel’s timeline wasn’t a little messy, it wouldn’t really feel like Marvel.

But why was it so hard to just ask for directions?

“Damn it… you stop right there!”

Arthur grabbed a thug by the collar, and this one was even more straightforward. The thug ran too fast, and Arthur’s grip was too strong, so the collar strangled him. The sudden impact knocked him unconscious!

“Damn it!”

Arthur almost turned into the Hulk in his rage, growling as he chased after the thugs.

The thugs heard the commotion behind them and were thrown into confusion.

The agile kid in front of them was like a monkey, and now there was this big guy appearing out of nowhere and knocking them down one by one.

What the hell should they do?

Should they stop and deal with him? Then the kid in front would get away!

Keep chasing? Then they’d all get knocked out one by one by that guy from behind!

Seeing the situation, their boss made a quick decision, turned around and shouted, “Take him down first…”

He was pointing right at Arthur!

Arthur saw this and was overjoyed: “Great, let me tell you…”

Forget telling anything!

Who had time to talk now? The thugs rushed at Arthur, trying to knock him down. Seeing this, Arthur was furious: “Fuck, I just wanted to ask for directions, is this really necessary?”

Arthur grabbed the fist of one thug and kicked him flying.

The second thug who charged Arthur was grabbed by the neck and lifted up, swinging around like a club… causing chaos everywhere.

The boy running ahead noticed the situation behind him.

When he turned, he saw Arthur and didn’t know what kind of hero had appeared, knocking the thugs around. He immediately turned around and joined the fight.

The thugs were really having a bad day!

An untrained Spider-Man was being chased and overpowered by them, with no escape in sight.

But behind him was the Master of Fighting, skilled and experienced in battle.

Combined with the reckless Spider-Man, who was trapped between them, the thugs were beaten to a pulp.

Arthur was enjoying the fight so much that he almost forgot why he was there.

Fortunately, when he caught the last thug, he suddenly remembered that he was there to ask for directions.

Holding him by the collar, he was about to inquire when suddenly a foot flew in from the side and kicked the thug, causing him to roll his eyes.

“Passed out again?”

Arthur was stunned as he looked at the boy who had just landed from the kick: “Why did you kick him like that?”

“Are you… with them?”

The boy was astonished.

Arthur was also surprised: “What makes you think that? Is it because I knocked them all out?”


The young man thought for a moment and said, “Sorry, I got a little carried away.

“Forget about getting carried away. I have to ask you something,” Arthur said.

“Sorry, I don’t have time!”

The boy crouched down, rolled up a thug’s sleeve to check his wrist, then sighed in disappointment, got up, and turned to leave.


Arthur shouted quickly.

Instead of stopping, the boy actually sped up, and within two steps he was already scaling the wall.

Climbing with his bare hands, just like a big spider!

“It’s really you!”

Arthur suddenly had a grappling hook in his hand, swung it around, and threw it at the wall. Holding on to the rope, he easily climbed up the wall.

The little spider, climbing up, stared in amazement. Was this even possible?

“Can you wait a moment? I just have a few questions for you.”

Arthur said calmly as he caught up with Spider-Man.

Spider-Man grinned: “Nope!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he let go and fell two or three stories.

“Is the boy always this impatient?”

Arthur let go as well, landing on the ground with Spider-Man.

But unlike Arthur, who was adept at such maneuvers, Spider-Man was clearly less experienced. He landed unsteadily and fell onto his back.

Looking up, he saw a map appear in front of him: “What’s with the rush? I just want to know where the subway station is. This place is full of buildings and I’m getting dizzy!”

“Hmm… the subway station?”

Spider-Man stood up in confusion: “That’s all you’re asking?”

“Yeah, what do you think?”

Arthur shrugged and let the grappling hook detach from the building and disappear from his hand.

Spider-Man watched in surprise, “So… you’re different too.”

“Different, my ass,” Arthur replied. “Even if you are different, you are still lost, aren’t you? Just tell me where the subway station is so I can get home.”


Spider-Man said, feeling both amused and frustrated: “Hey, buddy, I think we might have a little misunderstanding.”

“That’s obvious! But if you don’t tell me where the subway station is, the misunderstanding will only get worse!”

Arthur’s face darkened.

“All right, all right.”

Spider-Man smiled wryly: “Where do you want to go?”

Twenty minutes later, in the same subway car, the two sat side by side, both silent.

Spider-Man glanced at Arthur, then at the map, and was the first to speak: “I didn’t expect our destination to be the same.”

“Yes, the same…”

Arthur looked out of the window.

“By the way, haven’t we met before?”

Spider-Man asked again: “Oh, I’m Peter Parker! Nice to meet you.”

“It’s too soon to be happy about that.” Arthur rolled his eyes.

Seeing Spider-Man almost roll his eyes in frustration, he continued: “But… I think I have seen you before. You have! Over two months ago, you were pinned down by a golden-haired, freckle-faced guy and did some indescribable things, weren’t you?”

“…I think your description might be off. They just wanted to rob me!”

Peter’s face darkened as he spoke: “And the ‘indescribable things’ you mentioned were just them going through my wallet!”

“Hmm, very convincing!!”

Arthur nodded expressionlessly.

“Why do I feel like you’re just dismissing me with your words and your expression?” Peter stared in disbelief.

Arthur nodded: “Yep, you’re right, I am dismissing you.”

“Just shamelessly admitting it?” Peter continued to be flabbergasted.

(The End of the Chapter)


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