MD-Chapter 78 First Meeting with Tony!

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The person across from Arthur was silent for a moment before speaking, “I don’t think they would do that. There are monitors here; they have no reason to send someone to spy on us. If they were really suspicious, there’s no need to go to all this trouble.”

“Hmm, you’re right.”

After this brief exchange, the two returned to their tasks.

Arthur lay on the bed, using the Eye of Horus to secretly watch them.

It was almost certain that one of them was Tony Stark.

Arthur had seen him on TV before, and this guy… well, he looked a lot like his father.

Of course, what really confirmed Tony’s identity to Arthur was the flashing arc reactor in his chest.

As for the other person, if this was indeed the cave where Iron Man built his first suit, then he must be Yinsen, the man who sacrificed himself so that Tony could wear the armor and escape.

The two of them were busy forging something around the furnace, probably Tony’s first set of powered armor!

“No doubt about it.”

Arthur yawned, opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

The two other people were so engrossed in their work that they didn’t notice Arthur waking up.

Arthur had no choice but to cough.

Only then did the two stop what they were doing and turn to look at Arthur.

They exchanged glances and Tony motioned to Yinsen. Yinsen walked over to Arthur and said, “@#¥%#?”

Arthur’s mouth twitched and he sighed, “I don’t understand anything you are saying.”

“I asked how you are feeling?” Yinsen sighed in relief and looked at Tony, who was still busy with his work, seemingly unconcerned with the situation here.

“I feel pretty good, it’s almost like I’ve been ‘enlightened’,” Arthur said.


Yinsen was at a loss for words. Enlightened? Really? Why don’t you just ascend to heaven then?

After thinking for a while, he realized that he had no idea how to react. His thoughts had been enlightened, and he couldn’t remember what he wanted to say.

“What are you guys doing? And where exactly is this place? Actually, I came here looking for someone, but I couldn’t find them. I’ve been searching for a long time, and when I got lost in the desert, I came across… that’s right, I came across a group of people. But when I asked for help, I think I was knocked out.”

Arthur sighed at this point, “People in this country are really unfriendly. All I wanted was a ride.”

“You tried to hitch a ride with them?” Tony turned to look at Arthur and smiled slightly, “You’ve got guts.”

“Thanks!” Arthur smiled, “You’re a nice person. I rarely get compliments like that.”


Yinsen was speechless again. Did Arthur really miss the obvious sarcasm in Tony’s voice?

Is this guy… really okay?

“What are you doing here? And you still haven’t told me what this place is. Where did those guys go? I still have to find someone.” Arthur looked around as he got off the bed, “Why do I have a bad feeling about this place? And the environment here is rather unpleasant for someone of my social standing.”

“No matter if you were upper class or lower class.”

Tony walked over to Arthur and said, “The reality you’re facing now is the same as ours – you’ve been kidnapped!”

“Are you the kidnappers?”

Arthur’s eyes widened and he quickly said, “Hey, just so you know, I don’t have any money…”

“Didn’t you just say you were from the upper class?”

Yinsen widened his eyes and asked.

“I am an upper-class pauper, is that not possible?” Arthur said righteously.

“……” Yinsen was again at a loss for words.

“No matter… huh?” Tony said, suddenly looking Arthur up and down. “Why do you look so familiar?”

“Could it be that you dreamed about me?” Arthur said. “Please tell me that’s not the case. To be dreamed of by an unkempt man is terrifying!”

“I’ve dreamed of many beautiful women, but you’re not one of them,” Tony shook his head. “We have no time to waste here if you want to stay alive. I hope you make the right choice.”

“What choice?”

Arthur glanced at their workstation before speaking. “What exactly are you making? And what’s that thing on your chest? It’s pretty. Where did you buy it?”

Tony didn’t bother to answer and went back to work.

Arthur looked at Yinsen in confusion. “Why is he ignoring me? Does he have communication problems?”

“I think he just finds you… annoying.”

Yinsen also went back to his work.

Arthur walked around casually with his hands behind his back, occasionally glancing at Tony with a slight smile with a strange expression of an elder looking at a younger relative.

Howard’s son had grown so much in the blink of an eye!

Others might not feel it as deeply, but for Arthur, it truly felt like the blink of an eye.

Just two and a half months ago, he had been in a meeting with Howard.

Life is truly unpredictable!

Arthur sighed. Tony’s comment about familiarity piqued his interest.

Thinking back, he had been Howard’s close friend, often eating and drinking together. Were there photographs?

Scratching his head, Arthur couldn’t recall.

Well, it was possible… fortunately it was dark here and Tony might not recognize him.

Arthur was indecisive about what to do next.

Should he take Howard’s son and his friend and escape, showing his strength by defeating the outside enemies?

Or should he wait for Iron Man’s first suit to be completed and witness the birth of Iron Man?

“After all… the latter seems more interesting.”

Arthur rubbed his nose and sat cross-legged on the bed.

The two of them were sweating profusely from their work and occasionally looked over, almost dying of frustration.

They worked hard while Arthur acted like an emperor.

Yinsen took a deep breath and said to Arthur, “Do you not understand your situation?”

“I understand.”

Arthur nodded.

“Then what are you doing? Trying to…” He looked around and then lowered his voice, “If we want to leave, this suit is our only hope.”

Arthur suddenly realized, “So our goal is to escape.”

Then he said hesitantly, “But can you really escape with that pile of junk?”

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