MD-Chapter 75 The Note

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The Disassembling of the Hulk’s pants was complete, but Arthur’s feelings were mixed, a mixture of anticipation and absurdity!


**Equipment disassembly successful!

**[Green Radiant Battle Soul]**.

**[Colorless Crystal Shard*2]**.

**[Disassembler Experience +1]*

**The disassembler experience is full, start upgrading! The disassembler function will be unavailable during the upgrade. Extraction function remains operational]**.

**[Disassembler upgrading…]**

**[Disassemble complete. Would you like to extract now?]**


Arthur’s emotions remained complicated as he saw the two colorless crystal shards and a Battle Soul that looked distinctly different.

It was indeed a considerable gain.

But when he saw the name of the Battle Soul, why did he feel reluctant to activate it?

And… why did Hulk’s pants produce two colorless shards?

What kind of twisted logic was that?

Was it really a Divine Weapon?

This result left Arthur… scratching his head!

But what puzzled Arthur the most was the Disassembler’s upgrade message!

Was it upgrading again?

Last time, it took five whole months; how long would it take this time? Five years?

Arthur sighed helplessly as he couldn’t do anything about it and took out the items.

He immediately used the two colorless shards.

He felt the vibrant energy in his body grow even stronger.

Then he stared at the Green Radiant Battle Soul in his hand, lost in thought…

This item seemed very similar to Schmidt’s Blood Radiant Battle Soul.

Amidst the hazy light, a pair of green eyes flickered in and out.

All the green light was being emanated from those eyes.

“Forget it… I won’t turn green anyway.”

This was not some unfounded confidence. After all, using the Blood Radiant Battle Soul hadn’t turned him red, had it?

With a snap, the Battle Soul shattered, and the next moment, a violent surge of energy attacked every nerve in Arthur’s body!

“What the hell is this?”


Intense pain coursed through his entire body!

It felt as if a wild beast was trying to enter his body.

Arthur clenched his teeth and resisted the overwhelming pain as the process continued!

The whole process took less than ten seconds, but Arthur felt as if he had enduring the pain for ten years!

When the last bit of energy was finally absorbed by his muscles, Arthur exhaled deeply.

Clenching his fist, his arm muscles instantly bulged, stretching his clothes taut.

Still feeling somewhat dazed, he felt that his overall strength had increased by at least twenty percent!

“The same type of Battle Soul… does it vary depending on the person?”

Arthur muttered to himself. This seemed to match the logic of the Disassembler.

The same weapon used by different people would yield different results when disassembled.

Hulk’s Battle Soul, though painful to integrate, brought a terrifying increase in power, much to Arthur’s delight.

### Should I capture the Hulk?

Arthur had an uncontrollable thought in his head: “Should I catch the Hulk and take his pants off every day?”

The next second, Arthur quickly shook his head. The idea… was too horrible!

“Besides… now that the Disassembler is being upgraded, that tempting thought will have to wait until it got upgraded.”

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and went to the window.

“After tonight’s events, I should have caught some people’s attention, no?”

He tapped his fingers lightly on the windowsill and thought, “So, what is going to happens next?”

After that, nothing significant happened. In a few days, Lily, the university student, was ready to go back to school.

Early in the morning, she energetically packed her bags, then waved goodbye to Arthur: “I’m leaving!”

This girl was so carefree, as she did not even ask much about that night.

It was as if nothing had happened to her…

Arthur smiled and saw her off at the door, watching as she got into a taxi and gradually disappeared from sight.

He turned to look at the house behind him and blinked before saying: “Does that mean I can do whatever I want now?”


A woman’s voice suddenly came from behind him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Arthur turned abruptly to see a blonde beauty looking at him hesitantly.

“Who are you?” Arthur looked at her uncertainly as he didn’t remember meeting her before.

“I need help!”

The woman spoke.

Arthur looked at the front of the house and asked with a confused expression on his face, “Help? I think you should go to a detective agency or the police if you want that.”

“No, they can’t help me.”

The woman looked worriedly at Arthur before she continued to speak: “Only you can help me.”

“…No matter where you got that impression, you’re wrong. Goodbye.”

Arthur turned to go inside.

“Please look at this!”

The blonde woman’s voice made Arthur frown. He turned to look at her again, noticing her determined and persistent gaze.

He also looked at the note in her hand and reluctantly said, “Alright.

He reached out to take the note, opened it, and his expression changed slightly!

When he looked up again, his eyes narrowed: “Who gave you this note?”

“May I come in and sit down?” The woman asked.

In the living room, Arthur poured her a glass of water and played with the note in his hand. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said: “Introduce yourself first; I don’t know who you are yet.”

“My name is Pepper Potts.” The woman quickly pulled out a business card out of her purse and handed it to Arthur.

Even without the “Stark Industries” embossed on the card, Arthur knew who she was when he heard her name.


Tony Stark’s personal assistant and secretary.

Arthur blinked, then smiled: “Nice to meet you. Since you came to find me, you must know who I am, right?”

“Sorry… I don’t.”

Pepper’s answer made Arthur pause, and a smile curled on his lips: “The person who gave you that note, was he a black man?”

“Sorry, I don’t know that either.”

Having said that, she seemed to realize how unbelievable her words sounded and instinctively lowered her head.

Arthur was a bit surprised but not entirely skeptical, just puzzled: “Someone of your status wouldn’t just follow instructions on a random note without verifying its authenticity, right?”

“Actually, I don’t know much about this situation.”

Pepper looked up at Arthur again as she began to speak: “Two days ago, my personal computer was hacked. None of my valuable files were accessed; instead, I found a letter. It explained the difficulties I’m currently facing and told me to find you… saying you could help me.”

(End of Chapter)


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