MD-Chapter 55 Dancing with the Magic Cube

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With a loud thud, Arthur’s inhuman physical strength combined with Schmidt’s powerful blow deformed the metal device, embedding Arthur’s body within it.

The blue glowing device twisted like a punched cake. An internal switch was triggered, ejecting a container and a blue cube rolled out and landed on Arthur’s chest.

Arthur stared at the Tesseract on his chest in shock. “What the hell…?”

Is it safe to touch that thing directly? Didn’t Schmidt end up in space and chat with Thanos because he touched that thing?

Reflecting on his past, Arthur thought he hadn’t done anything too heinous. Even on the battlefield, killing people was part of the war; it wasn’t his fault.

Why did the Tesseract have to land on his chest?

Wait, why the chest?

Are you going to melt a big hole in my chest and make me install an arc reactor? That’s Tony Stark’s business, not mine!

Arthur felt very unsettled, especially since the Tesseract’s energy was in a dispersed state, causing a burning sensation on his chest.

The energy in his body, which usually served only as a makeshift lighter, began to move on its own.

This energy prevented the Tesseract’s power from immediately consuming him.

“Look what you’ve done!!!”

An angry voice suddenly reached Arthur’s ears – it was Schmidt.

His expression was both angry and astonished, as he was clearly not expecting this.

Arthur felt the energy within him react with the Tesseract, being rapidly consumed!

This was bad news. He knew that once his internal energy was depleted, his fate would be sealed.

He grabbed the Tesseract with the intention of throwing it away.

But the Tesseract inexplicably clung to him, refusing to budge.

At that moment, countless images, thoughts, and possibilities flashed through Arthur’s mind!

If the Tesseract’s energy got out of control, what would happen? Schmidt’s fate in *Captain America* was a textbook example of it going wrong.

Arthur wasn’t ready to venture into deep space to become Thanos’ psychiatrist.

So he was not prepared to accept such a fate.

Holding the Tesseract, the pale blue energy spread through Arthur’s body. A white light seeped from beneath his skin as the two forces collided.

The scene left Schmidt stunned.

“What kind of monster are you?”

Schmidt muttered, then suddenly laughed, “But… it seems your fate is already sealed!!!”

“Am I the only one with a sealed fate?”

Arthur glared at Schmidt, “Your fate is also sealed…”

Facing the dire situation, the ferocity hidden in Arthur’s heart resurfaced.

In an instant, Arthur channeled all of his strength before he lunged at Schmidt, and used the Tesseract as a makeshift Rasengan, smashing it into Schmidt!

Schmidt was momentarily stunned. He hadn’t expected Arthur to move so quickly, even while being corroded by the Tesseract’s energy!

Nor had he expected Arthur to use the Tesseract to strike him in the face.
What kind of move was that?

He barely had time to raise his arm to block Arthur’s attack!

Arthur’s other hand suddenly grabbed Schmidt’s collar and pulled him close. In an instant, they switched positions and Arthur followed with a powerful kick!

This kick contained all of Arthur’s strength and sent Schmidt’s body flying over ten meters. Schmidt crashed violently into the pilot’s seat, shattering it before landing on the control panel.

Feeling the Tesseract’s corrosive energy, Arthur quickly lunged at Schmidt.

Schmidt, leaning on the control panel and trying to get up, noticed Arthur, who had been ten meters away, suddenly blur into motion. The next second, Arthur was right in front of him.

“Look at my… Super Giant Tesseract Rasengan…”

Arthur shouted, almost driving himself mad with his own antics. His irreverent personality knew no bounds, and even in such a serious moment, he couldn’t help but act out, almost ruining the dramatic tension for himself.

The pale blue light from the Tesseract was now almost like tangible flames, subtly distorting the space around it.

Arthur pressed the Tesseract, now burning with pale blue fire, against Schmidt’s face and roared, “Your destiny… has only one purpose, and that’s to disappear…”

The immense power exploded in Schmidt’s face, blue arcs of light spreading to every corner of the control panel.

Schmidt’s screams echoed as a blue beam of light shot into the sky, revealing an unprecedented clear view of the cosmos above.

Seeing this, Arthur was alarmed. This was clearly the prelude to teleportation, and there seemed to be no other choice!

Desperately, he called the Disassembler.

[This item cannot be disassembled, or the level of the Disassembler is insufficient. Force disassemble item Tesseract?]

“Force disassemble…”

Arthur roared with all his might.


[Force disassemble initiated!]

[Force disassemble failed!]

“Fuck, that was fast?”

Arthur was stunned. That was an instant failure!


[Due to the forced disassembly of a high-level item, the energy dissipation has caused an unknown error!]

As this message appeared, Arthur suddenly found that he could remove his hand from the Tesseract.

He quickly let go and stepped back, but a pale blue light had already completely enveloped him.


Steve’s voice came from the doorway.

Arthur turned his head, and behind him, Schmidt’s screams disappeared, along with the blue beam of light and his entire being.

Steve stared at the scene in astonishment. “What happened?”

“You shouldn’t have come back…”

Arthur smiled bitterly. “I screwed up. Help me tell Carter…”

Before he could finish, Arthur’s body abruptly disappeared, engulfed in blue flames.

A streak of blue flame tore through the sky above 21st-century New York and landed in a narrow alley.

Without hesitation, the blue flame threw itself into a trash can!

A raggedly dressed Asian man looked dazedly at the sky above, muttering, “Actually… it looked more like Chidori…”

With that, he lost all external perception.

(End of the chapter)


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