MD-Chapter 54 I’m Your…

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Reality didn’t give Arthur much time to hesitate, with Hydra soldiers on his tail.

If he didn’t get on that plane, he’d be riddled with bullets.

So, he must board!

The interior of the Valkyrie Plane was vast, filled with several advanced Hydra fighter jets.

The energy weapons aboard posed would pose a significant threat to any force in the world!

Once a group of Hydra soldiers boarded, they went to work, each knowing exactly what to do.

Arthur knew his task too… he had to sabotage this plane. But before he could figure out his next move, the Valkyrie began to lift.

“Not even a take-off announcement?” Arthur grumbled. With no other choice, he knew he had to sneak into the cockpit and take out the ‘Red Skull’!


As Arthur crept towards the cockpit, a Hydra soldier suddenly shouted.

Arthur froze and turned around in confusion as the Hydra soldier seemed to be counting heads.

When he finished, he stared at Arthur. “Who are you?”

Immediately, all weapons were trained on Arthur.

The plane shook slightly as it took off…

Arthur stood there, not knowing how to explain himself in this situation.

Everyone was staring at Arthur intently.

This was obviously an embarrassing situation!

Obviously, the number of personnel allowed on the Valkyrie was limited!

Each of them had their own specific mission… Arthur had slipped through earlier due to their negligence, but now he stuck out like a sore thumb.

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, Arthur spotted a ‘patriotic man with a plan’ – Steve – sneaking up with his shield. Arthur grinned, “I’m your little sweetheart!”


The Hydra soldiers were momentarily stunned, never having encountered such a brazen response before.

At the same time, Steve’s shield sliced through the air and hit a Hydra soldier, who collapsed without a sound.

The distraction gave Arthur a chance to spring into action.

A flying kick sent a Hydra soldier sprawling as he pulled a dagger from his Disassembler space, seemingly out of thin air.

The flash of the blade was followed by a spurt of blood from the Hydra soldier’s neck as he collapsed, clutching the wound. Meanwhile, Arthur yelled, “What took you so long?”

Steve, slamming his shield into the face of a Hydra soldier he had grabbed, replied, “Agent Carter wanted me to tell you… when we get back, she wants to dance with you!”


In a pincer attack, the Hydra soldiers were quickly overwhelmed, unable to mount an effective defense.

In the chaos, one soldier rushed to a control panel while others scattered, trying to man one of the parasite-suicide-atomic-bomber jets.

The lower hatch opened; if they escaped, the advanced weapons on the parasite-suicide-atomic-bombers would wreak havoc!

Arthur quickly intercepted one soldier, but Steve accidentally let one slip by.

This soldier jumped into the cockpit of a parasite-suicide-atomic-bombers, closing the canopy just as Steve jumped onto the outside of the jet!

Another Hydra soldier lunged at Captain America, trying to pin him down.

Arthur quickly threw a knife that sliced through the soldier’s throat!
But at that moment, Captain America, along with the parasite-suicide-atomic-bombers, suddenly crashed and disappeared from the Valkyrie.

“Damn it!”

After their combined slaughter, the Valkyrie was cleared of Hydra soldiers.

With no one to stop him, Arthur hurried over to check, but he couldn’t see the parasite-suicide-atomic-bombers jet anymore.

And certainly not Steve, who was on it!

There was no time to hesitate. Arthur turned and headed for the cockpit.

Opening the door, he found himself in a room as large as a hall.

Directly in front of him was the control panel, and in the center of the room a strange device emitted a blue glow.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Arthur turned to see a ‘red man’… well, Red Skull.


Arthur immediately jumped to attention.


Schmidt was a bit speechless. “Isn’t my statement clear enough?”

Arthur remained motionless.

Schmidt’s face flushed…not from embarrassment, but because it was naturally red; he couldn’t go pale.

“Erskine was a fraud.”

Schmidt didn’t care about Arthur’s attitude. “While he created a fool with a shield, he also created a monster like you in secret.”

Arthur blinked as he heard this.

“Although I didn’t recognize you when you boarded the plane… I saw everything clearly just now.”

Schmidt pointed to the screen.

Arthur watched and then fell silent. “Did I look stupid before?”

“That is not important. What is important is that I want to give you a chance…”

Before he had finished speaking, Arthur’s fist was already in motion.

Schmidt wasn’t an ordinary Hydra soldier who would be hit by a sudden blow.

He caught Arthur’s fist while his right hand drew a weapon.

It was a pistol, glowing faintly blue, aimed at Arthur.

Arthur wrenched his hand free, dodged to the side, and closed in on Schmidt.

The moment they crossed, Arthur grabbed the gun.

The Disassembler didn’t trigger a prompt, meaning it couldn’t disassemble the weapon while Schmidt held it.

But Arthur commanded immediately: “Retrieve!”

The weapon disappeared into the Disassembler’s Space.

Confused, Schmidt looked down at his empty hand, then at Arthur before he suddenly kicked out.

Arthur blocked with his arms, but the force pushed him back a meter.

“Stronger than I expected…”

Arthur was surprised. “You’re even stronger than Steve.”

“I liked that gun. Where did you put it?”

“You want it back?” Arthur grinned, about to say more, but his expression suddenly changed. “Fuck, your pants are falling down!”


Schmidt instinctively looked down, giving Arthur the chance to kick him hard in the face.

The kick landed solidly, sending Schmidt sprawling to the right. Arthur followed immediately.

He reached for Schmidt’s hair but found none – he was bald.

So he grabbed Schmidt’s head and kneed him in the face!


With a thud, Schmidt’s nose and mouth bled.

Arthur’s right hand flashed and produced a dagger, which he then swung at Schmidt’s head!

Schmidt’s hand shot out and grabbed the blade. He looked up, his face grim. “Is this your little trick?”

With a violent twist, Schmidt bent the blade into a twist. At the same time, he pushed Arthur away, sending him flying two or three meters until he crashed into the blue glowing device in the middle of the hall.

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