MD-Chapter 22 Exibition

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This course of development took Arthur by surprise.

Firstly, he hadn’t expected the power of these twelve books to be so immense. However, Dr. Erskine made it clear that these books had laid a strong foundation for him, enabling him to continue in specialized research.

Secondly, he was surprised by the strong friendship between Colonel Phillips and Dr. Erskine. They were practically best buddies, and as a result, Dr. Erskine knew about all of Arthur’s ‘dark history.’

No wonder Colonel Phillips had ultimately decided to send him here to protect Dr. Erskine. It was essentially a matter of trust, replacing the ‘Guardian’ role with a more experienced one.

Arthur was momentarily speechless about the whole situation.

Nevertheless, the current outcome was heading in the direction Arthur had hoped for. Learning from Dr. Erskine and having the role of a bodyguard provided a protective cover for him. This way, he wouldn’t be ensnared in Hydra’s hatred.

If he ever had to go back to the battlefield, he could showcase his talents at an opportune moment. After withdrawing from the front lines, he could focus on research with proper protection, which was undoubtedly better than fighting on the front lines.

As long as he could survive until the end of World War II, he would have both fame and wealth. A splendid future life awaited Arthur!

While Arthur was immersed in his beautiful fantasies, Dr. Erskine seemed a bit impatient and asked, “How’s your memory?”

“It’s okay I think,” Arthur quickly replied.

“Great! I’ll get you some materials to study. Tonight, we have an important meeting. I need to meet someone crucial.”

Dr. Erskine told Arthur, “For now, focus on being my bodyguard. Once our Super Soldier Plan is successful… then we can discuss the next steps!”

Arthur blinked and nodded silently.

So, the day passed in learning. Dr. Erskine not only provided Arthur with materials but also a lot of his own notes and documents, urging him to remember as much as possible.

Arthur didn’t bother understanding everything and swallowed the information like a piece of cake, which left him feeling a bit dizzy.

After dinner, Dr. Erskine organized some documents and, together with Arthur, left the room.

Right before leaving, Arthur finally asked, “Where are we going?”

“We are going to see the future world,” Dr. Erskine replied with a smile. “Have you heard of Stark Industries?”

“…Yes.” Arthur couldn’t possibly have not heard of it. It was Iron Man! However, in this era, it would be Iron Man’s old man.

“Exactly, Howard Stark is a genius.”

Dr. Erskine gently pushed up his glasses and said to Arthur, “To make the Super Soldier Plan successful, we need his help!”

Upon arriving at their destination, Arthur realized that the so-called ‘Future World’ was actually the Future World Exhibition Hall!

Not long after the start of Captain America’s first movie, the ‘young’ Captain America had come here with his best buddy and two girls for a visit.

The key point was that Captain America was ‘young’ at the time and, while trying to impress the girls, he ended up being rejected by them.

What did this signify?

Arthur believed it demonstrated that in any era, it wasn’t just about appearances but also about a damn well-looking physique!

The harsh reality of it all!

As he stepped out of the car, Arthur began to pay close attention to everything around him.

He hadn’t become blind to the dangers just because Dr. Erskine saw potential in him, thinking that a beautiful life was within arm’s reach.

Arthur’s mind remained clear; this world was still very dangerous. Even though it was New York, who could guarantee that little Hydra spies weren’t lurking around?

Although this segment in the movie seemed harmless, but have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? How many novels revolved around the protagonist crossing over and changing the plot? If one slackened even a little, the beautiful and desirable life might just sprout wings and flutter away!

This was something Arthur absolutely couldn’t allow.

“Hey, Arthur, I think you should relax a bit,” Dr. Erskine said as he observed Arthur’s visibly tense demeanor. “This is New York, not a battlefield. There’s no need to be so on edge, right? Today is a good day, with either new recruits about to set foot on the battlefield or young, pretty girls… By the way, I don’t even know what type of girls you like. Colonel Phillips told me you like them with a big butt. Is that true?”


Arthur’s mouth twitched as he heard this. What happened to the literary image he was supposed to maintain? What happened to not being eloquent? Why did he suddenly have so much to say?

First impressions really were meant to deceive, weren’t they?

“Well, judging by your expression, I guess it’s true,” Dr. Erskine chuckled as he spoke. “After this war ends, do you know how many people will become widows? Almost all the men in this city have gone off to fight, and, to be honest, I also really want to join the battle. But I can’t. I can only defeat the evil adversaries in my own field. I hope that one day, the world can be bathed in light, free from pain and hardship, war, and death. Just like your dream – a world at peace!”

‘Who the heck told you that??? This is downright embarrassing!’ Arthur’s face turned red when he heard these similar lines!

“Of course, by then, you’ll surely find a woman with a big butt, settle down, and build a career!”

Dr. Erskine patted Arthur on the shoulder, and Arthur’s face turned even darker.

Is this ever going to end?

As they delved deeper into the exhibition hall, Dr. Erskine told Arthur, “You can really relax now. The security around this exhibition hall is very tight. I’ll be fine. Why don’t you take a look at what’s inside? It’s all very impressive. Beautiful fantasies about the future world always captivate people, don’t they?”

“Although I don’t need fantasies about the future world… but I think you’re right, Doctor. I should indeed take a stroll around,” Arthur said while glancing at Dr. Erskine with a smile. “I’ll be back soon.”

“It’s okay; have fun. There are beautiful girls around too,” The doctor said, looking at Arthur with contentment.

Arthur’s face turned black. Really, I don’t want to deal with you anymore. Who wants to have fun? Don’t you know we’ve been targeted?

(End of this chapter)


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