MD-Chapter 16 Bumper Harvest!!!

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Agent Carter’s focused gaze made Arthur feel a bit awkward and he even felt a bit lost for words.

Just as he didn’t know what to say to ease the awkward atmosphere, Agent Carter spoke, “Truly, great dreams are especially precious! Arthur, no matter what your personal aspirations are, your dream is something that people all over the world should strive to achieve together!”

Arthur blinked and said, “Seems like it, huh.”

The atmosphere seemed to be heading back into awkward territory. Awkward small talk always felt out of place.

Just as Arthur was pondering what to say to break the awkward silence, Agent Carter suddenly pointed to a nearby tent and said, “I’m there.”

“Ah? Oh! Alright, rest early.” Arthur hurriedly replied.

“You too.” Agent Carter said, giving Arthur a gentle hug. “Good night.”

After Agent Carter left, Arthur scratched his head helplessly and thought to himself, “Where’s the loser I was promised? Where did this feeling that beautiful women might approach at any moment come from? It must be one of the three major illusions, right?”

But after Agent Carter left, Arthur felt relieved. Thanks to Agent Carter, the two of them aimlessly wandered around the camp and circled the entire area.

This allowed Arthur to form a deep impression of the camp, with information on its general layout firmly etched into his mind.

Taking advantage of the absence of people, he removed the enemy uniform he was wearing and casually stuffed it into the Disassembler.

Then he boldly walked toward the tents where the soldiers were sleeping…

To be honest, it wasn’t as complicated as Arthur had imagined.

Wearing this uniform, coupled with being a genuine “U.S. soldier.”

Wherever he went, there was no one to stop him, and no one was on guard against him.

Casually arriving at the tents where soldiers were sleeping, after a fierce battle yesterday and the subsequent cleanup overnight, these guys were sleeping soundly…

Arthur estimated that even if he stabbed them with a knife, they wouldn’t wake up.

This greatly facilitated Arthur’s plan. He took out a gun and exchanged it for another.

After wandering around the tents, he hadn’t finished exchanging all the weapons when he found there were no weapons in his Disassembler.

“This is really…”

Arthur looked at the weapons around the soldiers and sighed. He couldn’t really steal their weapons, right?

Swapping was one thing, but stealing? Arthur really couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Even for the sake of improving his own strength, he found it awkward to do such a thing.

If it were enemies, that would be a different story… But these guys now, they could barely be considered his own people, right?

Sighing, Arthur poked his head out of the tent after putting on his own uniform. Then he walked openly toward his resting tent.

His hands were empty, with no stolen goods.

The existence of the Disassembler’s space gave him a feeling of openness and honesty no matter what he did!

Back in the tent, Arthur didn’t waste any time. Since he had slept well during the day, he decided to start disassembling weapons.

Total harvest:

– **[Beginner Rifle Shooting Experience*156]**
– **[Beginner Sniper Rifle Shooting Experience*98]**
– **[Beginner Rifle Close-Combat Experience*104]**
– **[Damaged Battle Soul*40]**
– **[Disassembler Experience +40]**

Moreover, with the set of military combat techniques and the dimly shattered Battle Soul obtained from disassembling the previous uniform, the gains were impressive!

A total of 156 Beginner Rifle Shooting Experiences, along with the consolation prizes from disassembling two new rifles, amounted to 158 in total! Inside the Disassembler space, they were directly merged into 15 Intermediate Rifle Shooting Experiences, with an additional 8 Beginner insights that couldn’t be used.

Interestingly, when Arthur reached 41 books of Beginner Sniper Rifle Shooting Experience, the system prompted an increase in his Beginner sniper rifle shooting skill level.

Calculating the previously disassembled 9 books, Arthur figured he should have 50 Beginner insights, enough for an upgrade… but he wasn’t sure if it would still be fifty books when advancing from Intermediate to Advanced.

Judging by the usual behavior of the system, doubling the amount seemed unlikely! The Beginner Sniper Rifle Shooting Experience was left with 57 books. After merging, it turned into five Intermediate and seven Beginner books.

Having completed all the disassembling, Arthur felt that he had gained some real skills.

Finally, there was the Rifle Close-Combat Experience… Arthur honestly couldn’t understand the practical use of this.

Using a rifle for close combat?

Young man, you’re quite imaginative!

But as long as it was a skill, it shouldn’t be overlooked. After disassembling dozens of books, his level increased.

There were only three books for Military Combat Technique, so he casually disassembled them.

In summary, there were 8 Beginner Rifle Shooting Experiences, 7 Beginner insights for the sniper rifle, and 3 Beginner Rifle Close-Combat Experiences left in the Disassembler space! And last but not least… the real highlight! 41 Battle Souls!!!

40 damaged Battle Souls and one dimly shattered Battle Soul! Bursting with white light, they fused into Arthur’s body.

The attributes of his body— strength, speed, endurance, physique, and all others— were rapidly growing.

His mind became increasingly clear, and he felt a transparent sensation throughout his entire being.

However, as he progressed, the sensation became more faint… Although still useful, the enhancement effect was minimal!

“This should be telling me from another perspective… I need to find better Battle Souls?”

Examining the experience of disassembling so many pieces of equipment, Arthur probably understood that the original owner’s identity of the weapon corresponded to the level of the Battle Soul.

“Only influential figures can be disassembled into Advanced Battle Souls?”

Arthur thought so but felt it might not be entirely correct… There might be something he hadn’t figured out.

Unfortunately, this thing couldn’t be said. Otherwise, it would save a lot of trouble to just ask.

Getting out of bed, standing on the ground, taking a few steps, and feeling the powerful strength all over his body, Arthur nodded in satisfaction.

Just as he was about to revel in the sense of “I’m invincible, I can definitely endure till the end,” a rumbling sound from his stomach brought him back from his juvenile fantasies.

“Why am I so hungry?”

Rubbing his stomach, the wake-up horn sounded, making Arthur realize that an entire night had unknowingly passed.

This turned out to be convenient for Arthur; it was a good opportunity to get some food.

His performance at breakfast stunned everyone!

He alone ate the breakfast meant for five people, leaving his comrades wide-eyed.

Arthur felt a bit aggrieved. He still felt a bit hungry, sensing that his body’s digestive ability had also greatly improved.

This resulted in the food entering his stomach, instantly dissolving into energy and spreading throughout his body!

In the past, when watching TV, they often said that the more you consume, the more you should eat. Now, it seemed to be true.

Thinking of eating a little more, Arthur felt a bit embarrassed. At this moment, Colonel Phillips happened to come in. He looked at the canned food in front of Arthur and said, “Are you planning to starve yourself to death to protest against me?”

“In fact, I’m still not full.” Arthur shrugged.

“Follow me.”

Colonel Phillips didn’t take Arthur’s words to heart, turning around and leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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