MD-Chapter 133 Cooperation?

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“How to get to Earth?”

Yondu grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth as he spoke. “To be honest, it’s not as easy as you might think. Earth has always been a very special place. Even though it has extremely superior resources, very few people are willing to set foot there. It’s basically a forbidden zone for everyone like us! Of course, obtaining a star map to Earth is not something you can just get because you want to!”

Arthur was taken aback when he heard that as this didn’t quite match with what Jeff had said.

Do different people have different views of Earth?

It makes sense since Earth is still a mystery to them.

Yondu had probably only been to Earth once in his life.

People always attribute different qualities to the unknown, whether it be Earthlings or aliens. There’s no real difference.

Arthur thought for a moment and smiled before saying, “From what you’ve said, you must know how to get such a star chart!”

“He has it with him!!”

Star-Lord suddenly shouted.

Arthur blinked. What a stroke of luck! He was still trying to figure out how to hint at the answer, and here it was right in front of him.

He immediately looked at Yondu. Beneath the black mask, his expression was unreadable.

Yondu’s face turned blue with anger as he glared at Star-Lord, then said to Arthur, “You see, this is quite a coincidence. I do indeed have a star chart of Earth! But… what reason do I have to ‘give’ it to you?”


Arthur looked at Yondu thoughtfully, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “I remember you saying that violence doesn’t solve everything. But when words fail to resolve a problem, violence is the only way to determine right from wrong.”

Yondu’s expression immediately darkened upon hearing that. He squinted at Arthur, but could not see his exact expression through the black mask.

After a long pause, he sighed deeply.

He wasn’t sure if he could come out of this fight unscathed.

The brief skirmish on the spaceship had shown him that this Earthling who called himself the Instructor had incredibly formidable skills.

Teleportation, a terrifying gun, and his powerful defense that couldn’t be penetrated by his own golden arrow— these abilities made Yondu wary.

If things really turned hostile, once Arthur was out of sight, the entire ship would be shrouded in a shadow of death.

How could one guard against the sudden, deadly teleportation attack from behind?

As Arthur finished speaking, the atmosphere around them became intensely tense!

The cold air was almost soul-freezing.

Yondu finally spoke, “The map will not be given to you for nothing. No matter what, we need something in exchange!”

“That actually makes sense.”

Arthur thought for a moment and said, “But I don’t have anything of value to trade. By the way, do you want a living person?”

“A living person?”

Yondu was taken aback. “What living person?”

“The warden of Kyln Maximum Security Prison, he is a big blue guy,” Arthur said.

“You kidnapped Warden Jeff?”

Yondu, being an experienced player, immediately thought of the name of the big blue guy. His eyes sparkled with excitement and interest. “That’s interesting. He’s worth a lot. In fact, if you use him to trade for the Star Map, you’d be the one at a disadvantage!”

“I appreciate your honesty.”

Arthur thought for a moment, and the blue fat guy appeared next to him.

Since he wasn’t unconscious this time, he felt the world spinning as he appeared. His eyes, red with confusion, looked at Arthur and said, “Oh my God, you devil, what are you going to do to me this time?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn’t realize the problem with his words.

However, in the current calm situation, the words of the blue fat guy echoed in everyone’s minds like a curse.

Moments later, everyone’s gaze towards Arthur became quite strange.

Arthur thought for a moment and asked Yondu, “Do you want him dead?”

“No!” Yondu said quickly. “Young man, don’t be so impatient.”

He then waved his finger.

A young boy who had been glaring at Arthur immediately leaned in, blocking Yondu’s entire face in the process.

Yondu’s face turned even bluer as he slapped the boy’s head. “Don’t block my view! Get what he needs and take our distinguished guest away.”

The young boy nodded quickly after being slapped, then dragged Jeff away. “Come with me.”

Arthur watched all this happen with a cold look on his face, without interfering.

Yondu smiled and said, “Aren’t you worried that I might unilaterally break the agreement once I’ve taken him away?”

“Trust is the basis of any cooperation,” Arthur replied. “It is the first step in making acquaintance with anyone.”

“Hahaha! I like you more and more!” Yondu’s eyes sparkled as he spoke. “I suddenly have a very good idea. Would you like to consider it?”

Arthur made a “please go on” gesture, signaling that he was listening.

“How about joining us?” Yondu said. “You have strong skills and are very smart! In fact, you’re the smartest Earthling I’ve ever met!”

Star-Lord, who was standing nearby, widened his eyes. This seemed a bit like a broad generalization. Is he and the rest of the humans on Earth being discriminated against?.

Arthur smiled and replied, “That’s only because you haven’t met many Earthlings. There are plenty smarter than me.”

“All right, but that doesn’t matter to me.”

Yondu continued, “What I’m trying to say is that you’re very capable. But right now, you don’t have any money! You could join us temporarily and work on some meaningful tasks. These tasks could help you accumulate enough wealth in a short time. With this wealth, you can buy a spaceship and enough fuel to fly back to Earth!

Arthur sat there in silence, his expression hidden behind his mask.

No one noticed that he was actually stealing glances at Star-Lord while an interesting thought formed in his mind.

A hint of a smile appeared on his lips. “I think we need a fair distribution system. Because I’m not going to be your subordinate. We are… cooperating?”

“Yes, cooperation!” Yondu laughed heartily. “I really like that word!”

“Then let’s wish ourselves a pleasant cooperation,” Arthur said, pulling his gaze from Star-Lord’s face and speaking meaningfully.

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