MD-Chapter 131 A Fist the Size of a Stew Pot!

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Arthur’s Spaceship, under the force of the tractor beam, entered through a massive opening into the interior of the opposing Spaceship.

The outer door closed, and in the next moment, the jets around the ship began to emit a white mist.

The mist washed over the surface of the Spaceship, seemingly… disinfecting it?

Arthur did not act rashly. Instead, he drew the Eye of Horus to observe the external environment.

Regardless of whether his hunch was correct or not, at least the white mist was not penetrating the ship’s outer layer to get inside.

As he adjusted his breathing to return his mindset to normal, the white mist ceased its operation.

The wait was not long. Less than thirty seconds after the white mist had completely dissipated, another door opened.

Through the feedback of the Eye of Horus, Arthur saw a young man wearing headphones appear outside the ship.

He danced as he approached the spaceship, gently patting its surface and mumbling something.

The Eye of Horus could only provide the visual image and the environment, but could not hear what was being said.

Then the boy nimbly climbed onto the ship and walked to the side of the cockpit, reaching out to open it…

“Wearing headphones, with a portable music player, probably in his twenties.”

After a moment of thought, Arthur realized that there was indeed such a person in his memories.

Moreover, this person was quite famous in the universe and among Marvel fans…


Arthur’s expression twitched and his calmness evaporated in an instant. He holstered his weapon and clenched his fists.

As the boy jumped through the door, Arthur appeared in front of him with a quick movement.

Without admiring the sudden change in the boy’s expression, Arthur raised his fist and muttered, “Have you ever seen a fist the size of a stew pot?”


The boy replied reflexively, jumping back before Arthur could throw the punch.

But as soon as he jumped, Arthur grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him back: “Regardless of my personal views, I have to land this punch!”

“Don’t hit my face!”

Caught off guard by the presence of someone hidden in the spaceship, the boy was stunned by the sudden attack.

As the words came out, he reached for his weapon behind him, but the punch landed right on his face.

What a heavy punch!

He felt as if his face was twisted into a knot by the force, and the immense force sent him flying, spinning freely in the air for a full 360 degrees before crashing down with a thud.

The guy was tougher than Arthur had expected, though. Supporting himself with his hands on the ground, he shook his head vigorously before speaking: “Even my father never hit me that hard!”

“He’ll hit you like that in the future too!”

Arthur moved to hit him again, but at that moment, the Eye of Horus indicated that a group of people had entered through the door.

With a thought, Arthur pulled Star-Lord up: “Who are you?”

Though he was almost certain of his identity, Arthur still felt the need to ask.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe my ears. You almost knocked me out before I even had a chance to introduce myself!”

The boy felt as if his worldview had been shaken to the core.

Seeing how bold this guy was, Arthur was convinced of his identity.

Arthur shoved him and asked, “Are all your people outside?”

“Hey, buddy, I got to tell you, if you push me like that again…”

The cold barrel of a gun was pointed at the back of his head, and the boy immediately changed his tone: “Let’s talk things over. There’s no need for us to fight, right? I think we can be friends!”

Arthur’s lips twitched as he suddenly realized that this person might be even less reliable than himself.

At that moment, a blue-headed figure suddenly appeared outside the hidden door of the spaceship and peered in: “Any discoveries?”

He immediately saw the boy with a gun pointed at his head and Arthur, dressed in black and wearing a mask.

The blue-headed figure thought for a moment and said, “Did I interrupt something? Shall I leave you two alone?”


The boy clenched his fists in frustration and said, “Don’t you realize that I am being held as a hostage?”

“Kid, I really don’t think you need to be held hostage.”

The blue-headed figure, Yondu, jumped into the spaceship and smiled at Arthur, “If I were you, I’d put down that toy of yours. What you’re doing is completely irrational!”

“Raider… Yondu?”

Arthur glanced to his side and narrowed his eyes, deep in thought.

While he considered various possibilities, Yondu had already opened his cloak, revealing a golden arrow strapped to his side.

“I think we should have a proper discussion.”

Yondu’s eyes were cold as he spoke this.

Arthur pressed the gun to the boy’s head and smiled: “All right, how do you want to discuss this?”

“Hey, hey, hey! Just talk, don’t keep pointing the gun at my head!”

The boy was quite annoyed.

Arthur slapped him on the back of the head: “Adults are talking, kids should be quiet!”

The whistle sounded abruptly, and Arthur’s figure vanished in an instant. The golden arrow crossed the spot where Arthur had been standing, leaving a red ripple.

At the same time, Arthur appeared directly in front of Yondu and struck him in the face.

Yondu’s head jerked to the side, and his body swayed, but he did not fall. Meanwhile, the boy lunged at Arthur from behind, slipping his hands under Arthur’s arms and pinning Arthur.

Yondu wiped his mouth and blew his whistle again.

The golden arrow flew in a perfect arc and reappeared at Arthur’s side, launching a sudden attack…

In a split-second decision, Arthur tried to use teleportation, but the boy’s grip was too tight, so they had to move together.

Eventually, Arthur’s figure blinked and reappeared in the same place.

With a sharp yell, Arthur suddenly broke free, lifting his leg to stomp on the youngster’s foot, a move he had learned from the Black Widow.

The boy, wincing in pain, instinctively released a hand. Arthur’s arm was free, and he quickly grabbed the boy’s shoulder and threw him violently.

With no time to teleport again, Arthur raised his arm to block the incoming golden arrow.

The battle suit and the golden arrow collided, creating a hole in less than three seconds. When the arrow touched his skin, it made a sharp “ding” sound.

Arthur felt a tingling sensation in his arm, followed by a tremendous force that pushed him backward.

He stumbled back two or three paces. The speed of the golden arrow increased, and Yondu’s whistle grew more urgent.

The boy, now standing up, looked at the scene in shock. He had never seen Yondu’s Golden Arrow in such a predicament!

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