MD-Chapter 126 Maximum Security Prison

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Two hours later, Arthur was sitting in a room with his hands cuffed.

In front of him was a round table with seven chairs, but only one of them was occupied.

A tall, blue-skinned man sat across from him, holding a metal device in his hand. A virtual screen could be pulled out of the side of the device, displaying text that Arthur couldn’t read.

The blue-skinned man looked at Arthur, then at the screen in his hand.

After a moment, he put the device down and fixed his gaze on Arthur’s face.


What could Arthur do but nod? Should he really wonder why he couldn’t read their text but understood their spoken language? It seemed that the whole universe spoke the same language…

Well, except in Afghanistan!

The dizziness he’d felt upon his sudden arrival had completely subsided by now.

His weakened limbs gradually regained their strength, and Arthur looked around the room with a curious expression on his face.

Then he heard the blue-skinned man speak again, “So, Earthling, why did you suddenly invade the Nova Empire’s Kyln Maximum Security Prison?”

“Hmm, that name sounds familiar…”

Arthur blinked as he heard this name and his enhanced memory immediately searched for related information and found it.

Kyln Maximum Security Prison… Nova Empire?

Planet Xandar?

Guardians of the Galaxy?

As this series of familiar details came to mind, Arthur breathed out a small sigh of relief.

At least he wasn’t completely clueless about his current situation anymore.

He silently thanked the Tesseract for not dumping him on some bizarre planet where even birds didn’t bother to land, waiting for a giant purple guy to come and determine his true love.

“Please answer my question!”

The blue-skinned man’s stern voice brought him back to reality.

Arthur looked up at him while thinking. ‘What should he say?’

Should he tell him that he was experimenting with the Tesseract and was accidentally thrown across the universe?

Should he tell him that he ended up as an unwelcome visitor in their prison?

All these thoughts flashed through his mind in about two seconds, and then Arthur said, “Why don’t you take a guess?”

“I don’t appreciate your sense of humor!”

The blue-skinned man remained unmoved and simply stated, “In fact, your intentions are already quite obvious. This is merely a formal interrogation in accordance with the Nova Empire’s basic rights for all species. It’s also your only chance to exonerate yourself. If you continue with this attitude, you’re looking at a minimum of twenty years in prison!”

Arthur shrugged when he heard this. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to cooperate.

The truth was, no matter how much he cooperated, it wouldn’t help.

The bottom line was that Arthur couldn’t explain the situation.

He couldn’t talk about the Perfect Serum experiment, and he certainly couldn’t mention the Tesseract or God forbid the Space Stone.

He couldn’t just tell them that he was an interstellar traveler who, while passing through a certain galaxy, happened to run into a wild Thor and got drunk all the way to Kyln Maximum Security Prison, could he?

Who would believe such a ridiculous story?

As he casually drew the Eye of Horus, Arthur felt a strange sensation pass over him, it was as if the colorless energy in his body was momentarily blocked by something.

But it was only for a moment, and then everything returned to normal.

The Eye of Horus immediately activated, allowing Arthur to observe the situation outside the room. Meanwhile, he said, “All right, all right, I’m willing to cooperate. Just please don’t throw me in jail…”

“Then your name.”

The blue-skinned man, unaware of Arthur’s subtle actions, picked up the metal device on the table again and opened the screen to record the information.

“…Hmm, Chen Arthur.”

Arthur didn’t bother to hide anything, since no one here knew who he was anyway.

“Chen Arthur…?”

The blue-skinned man frowned, almost twisting his face into a knot. “I don’t understand the logic of earthlings. How could a normal person have such a strange name?”

Arthur’s face darkened upon hearing that. He could tolerate people making fun of his name on Earth, but even out in space, he had to put up with this? Was there no escape?


The blue-skinned man’s confusion quickly passed as he moved on to the next question.

“23 years old,” Arthur answered.

“Do all earthlings live that long?” The blue-skinned man looked at Arthur in disbelief. “You’re only two years younger than me?”


Arthur had the feeling that this conversation was going nowhere.

But obviously it wasn’t going to end just because Arthur was frustrated.

After a series of strange questions about his name, age, height, weight, mental history, and even his love life, the blue-skinned man finally got serious. “All of your information has now been uploaded to the Nova Empire’s criminal database! You can now start defending yourself against the charge of ‘Prison Break.’ Of course, you can also hire a lawyer – if you have the money.”

“Will US dollars work?” Arthur asked.

“What is this? A weapon?”

“A powerful tool to do whatever you want!”

“Weapons are not recognized as currency here.” The blue-skinned man replied seriously, “Now you can defend yourself.”

As he finished speaking, the previously empty chairs around the table were suddenly occupied by holographic projections of six colorful figures who seemed to be physically present.

Arthur thought for a moment, then said, “With all due respect, everyone here is garbage!”

There was no way he could defend himself. It wasn’t like he had read any law books.

He didn’t have the money for a lawyer. Obviously, the only option left was to break out of this place.

As soon as he finished speaking, the handcuffs on his hands disappeared.

In an instant, he disappeared from where he was and reappeared right next to the blue-skinned man. With one of his hands resting on the man’s shoulder, while the other held a gun to his head. “I really didn’t want it to come to this, but why are you forcing me to explain something I can’t even begin to understand?”

As he spoke, Arthur fired a shot at the door of the room.

An energy blast!

The door, made of an unknown metal about fifteen centimeters thick, was blown wide open with a single shot!

The blue-skinned man stared in shock. “You better not point that thing at my head!”

“That powerful?” Arthur was surprised himself. He fired two more shots, completely shattering the door, then grabbed the blue-skinned man by the collar. “What’s your rank?”

“I’m the warden!” The blue-skinned man yelled. “How dare you…”

Before he could finish, Arthur interrupted cheerfully, “Perfect, you’re just what I need.



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