MD-Chapter 120 New Armor!

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The bald idiot still stood by while Arthur and the other two began to reorganise the data and model structures.

After checking everything, the three of them exchanged glances.

“There’s no problem!”

Dr Connors spoke first, “The data shows no problems no matter how many times we check it.”

Arthur stared silently at the data.

Banner looked at one thing, then another, and finally spoke, “Could it be the intensity of the Vita rays?”

Arthur and Dr Connors both turned to look at Banner.

Banner thought for a moment and said, “There are too many possible causes for the mental breakdown and we can’t rule them all out at this time. However, from the data, we can rule out problems with the Serum. So I think we should focus on the radiation problem.”

Arthur scratched his head. Banner’s suggestion wasn’t very comprehensive.

The data might be good, but once it was put into practice, all sorts of bizarre problems could arise.

Still, given the current situation, focusing on the Vita Rays that were more likely to have problems, rather than continuing to look for problems with the serum, was indeed the right approach.

“But if that’s the case, how should we calibrate the intensity of the Vita rays?”

Dr Connors said, “And what causes the mental breakdown – whether it’s a momentary huge consumption, continuous wear and tear, or… a problem with the Vita Rays themselves?”

Arthur suddenly looked at Banner, “Gamma rays.”


Banner remained silent.

“Those…” Dr Connors looked at Arthur, then at Banner, frowning, “Is there something I don’t know?”

“It’s probably something to do with the Hulk’s origin.”

Arthur cleared his throat and said, “Would switching to Gamma rays help?”

“I don’t know.”

Banner shook his head firmly.

Dr Connors thought for a moment and said, “We shouldn’t overlook any possibilities!”

Arthur was the only one left in the lab. Banner drove Dr Connors back to their residence and got ready for dinner.

Arthur stayed in the lab, facing the bald idiot.

After staring for a while, Arthur sighed, “This is really stupid. Where’s the ferocity we were promised?”

He stood up, walked around in a circle, then placed his hand on the idiot, who was instantly returned to the Disassembler space.

“There’s always a premonition that something bad is going to happen when the Tesseract is involved.”

He sighed lightly and walked to another level of the lab.

Standing in front of a password door, Arthur gave a voice command and the door opened immediately.

A set of black armour appeared in front of him.

Apparently, Tony remembered the conversation they had earlier that day about being casually reckless.

Not only had he redesigned Arthur’s mask, but there was also a completely new set of armour.

The design hadn’t changed much, asit was still a black lined trench coat.

However, thanks to special materials and advanced electronic components, the defensive capabilities of the entire suit were extremely strong!

The original armour was essentially just a ‘project’ created by a few students.

Now, this could really be called an Armor!

After putting it on, Arthur donned the hood and picked up a pitch-black mask!

In fact, Tony thought masks were too old-fashioned. He’d rather die than make another one, especially one as mundane as this one.

For his taste, at least, such things were simply unacceptable for him to create.

In the end, the mask that appeared before Arthur was something like this.

Made of pitch-black metal, the mask was incredibly light.

The inside of the mask had six slightly raised patches made of special materials.

When the mask was worn, these patches would adhere to the skin, ensuring that the mask would not fall off unexpectedly!

The mask also had a basic anti-theft feature. When the user puts the mask on, it performs a facial scan to confirm identity before activating the field of view at the eye positions.

In other words, if the wearer of this mask wasn’t Arthur, it wouldn’t show any outside views.

The lenses of the mask contained simple scanning and night vision functions, making it quite outstanding!

Of course, it also had wireless communication capabilities, although Arthur felt that he might not need this feature.

Overall, Arthur liked this mask very much.

When he wore it, his eyes emitted a black glow, like two dots of deep ink in the pitch black night!

“Tony’s work is definitely top notch!”

After admiring himself for a moment in the mirror, Arthur turned and hummed as he walked out: “On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there’s a group of elusive elves…”

The United Dark Energy Action Research Institute!

From a distance, it looked like a bizarre monster lurking in the darkness.

The eyes beneath the mask silently watched its every move.

“I didn’t expect that even after coming to the modern world, I would end up doing this.”

Arthur tapped his own head lightly: “Although it’s not really a pulse-pounding stealth game for me anymore, I guess even back then I didn’t think I’d be infiltrating SHIELD’s territory one day.”

The United Dark Energy Action Research Institute was a joint venture between SHIELD, NASA, and Project Pegasus.

Arthur didn’t bother to investigate the original intentions of its creation. His only purpose in coming here was… the Tesseract!

Speaking of the Tesseract, Arthur had very mixed feelings about it.

If it hadn’t been for that bloody ‘super-sized Tesseract’, how had he suddenly ended up seventy years in the future?

Thinking back to when he held the Tesseract and had those encounters with Schmidt, it felt like it was only a few months ago…

Well, according to Arthur’s own situation, it did happen a few months ago.

As for why the Tesseract caused a time crossover of seventy years, Arthur occasionally pondered it, and with the Disassembler space’s peculiar characteristics, it was basically clear.

The most likely explanation was that after directly contacting the Tesseract, he couldn’t handle the spatial power’s erosion, which eventually triggered some mechanism in the Disassembler, pulling him into the Disassembler space.

Although time stood still there, who knows what changes occurred within?

It was speculated that the Disassembler helped him fully absorb the spatial energy contained in his body.

Of course, it could also have been a matter of division, with the external world taking nearly seventy years to complete the process.

In a way, it was a blessing in disguise. When he emerged, he not only gained the ability to teleport but also found the Disassembler space to be vastly expanded.

(End of chapter)


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