MD-Chapter 119 Abomination’s Super Evolution!

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The intense light in the experimental chamber began to flicker wildly!

Banner kept an eye on the progress of the serum injection as he gradually increased the Vita Rays to maximum intensity.

The Arc Reactor was running at full capacity, casting a strong, flickering light throughout every corner of the laboratory.

“Perhaps this is the most comfortable test subject we’ve ever had?”

Arthur suddenly said to the nervously fidgeting Dr Connors, “By the time he wakes up, the experiment may very well be over”.

Dr Connors was taken aback after hearing those words, and he spoke with his mouth twitching, “Thanks to you, I’m not nervous anymore – unless he wakes up suddenly.”

Just as he finished speaking, a loud bang echoed through the experiment chamber. The entire chamber shook and a noticeable bulge appeared on its surface.

“You just have to say that?”

Arthur’s eyes widened in shock, “This is a five million dollar experiment chamber!!! Banner! How’s it coming?”

“Ninety-five percent!”

Banner’s voice was also tinged with tension. Although he had expected the Abomination to awaken, he hadn’t expected it to happen at this moment.

But he continued, “It’s actually better this way. When he’s conscious, he’ll integrate with the serum more easily!”

“The anaesthetic will interfere with the serum’s precision!”

Dr Connors said with a glowing mouth, “As long as he doesn’t break out of the experiment… uh!”

Before he could finish, Arthur covered his mouth.

Meanwhile, the weapons were ready and Steel Bones was activated!

Arthur held a gun in one hand and kept his other hand on Dr Connors’ back, ready to transport Dr Connors to the Disassembler Space the moment any problem arose.

To be honest, Arthur felt less anxious about facing the Abomination this time compared to their first encounter.

With Steel Bones and Energy Shoots, he had a new ace up his sleeve for handling emergencies.

“I haven’t had a chance to fight since I got these abilities!” Arthur’s eyes filled with anticipation as he looked at the chamber!

However, after the initial commotion, the Abomination seemed to calm down.

Once the serum was fully injected and the Vita Rays’ intensity was reduced, the Arc Reactor’s glow dimmed, and the experiment chamber fell into silence.

The three of them continued to watch the experiment chamber, remaining vigilant.

Time was ticking away, and every second felt like a heavy blow to their hearts.

Banner nearly transformed uncontrollably into the Hulk but he managed to calm himself down.

But after a minute had passed, the chamber remained quiet and uneventful.

Arthur decided to keep Dr Connors in the Disassembler Space just to be on the safe side.

Dr Connors disappeared without a word of protest.

Banner’s head appeared from the second floor, “What do we do now?”

Arthur replied, “You keep yourself under control!”

He then walked towards the experimental chamber.

Banner began to regulate his breathing, trying to relax and keep his emotions in check as he watched Arthur’s actions closely.

As Arthur approached the chamber and opened the large door, his heart almost jumped into his throat.

He quickly closed his eyes and held his breath to prevent the Hulk from appearing.

When Arthur opened the chamber, he was astonished.

The Abomination glared at him with fury, with one hand freed from its bonds and ready to strike with a clenched fist.

But the creature remained motionless.

Arthur stepped back in shock, then, realising that something was wrong, looked again and was left bewildered, “This is really something else!

The Abomination in the chamber had completely transformed.

Though he was still large in size, the protruding bone spurs on the Abomination had completely retracted.

Its skin had returned to its normal appearance and its massive head glowed brightly, almost surpassing the intensity of the Vita Rays.

Arthur rubbed his eyes quickly and called to Banner, “What are his physical data!”

“Let me check!”

Banner opened his eyes and, seeing that everything was still quiet, looked at the computer screen, “Everything seems normal!”


Arthur took action and waved his hand in front of the Abomination.

The Abomination’s eyes followed Arthur’s hand, but there was no other change.

“Are you sure this guy is normal? I’m beginning to think he’s brain dead.”

Arthur suddenly exclaimed, “Damn it, he’s drooling!!!”

A large droplet of saliva almost landed on Arthur’s hand, causing him to quickly pull his hand back.

Banner came down from the second floor and joined Arthur in observing the Abomination.

The two exchanged confused glances…

Finally, Arthur released Dr. Connors from the Dissassembler Space.

Dr Connors spun around several times, feeling as if the world was spinning.

“How did the experiment… turn out?”

His mind was focused solely on the experiment and he spoke with difficulty, “I hope you don’t store me away again in the future!”

“We’ll talk about stashing you away later. As for the experiment…”

Arthur found it difficult to answer, pondering for a moment before saying, “At least we’ve cured his herniated disc.”


Dr Connors looked dazed.

One hour later.

Arthur and his team were once again observing their creation.

They began their group observation of the Abomination!

Dr. Connors flipped through the data on the Abomination’s condition, “Everything’s normal, but… he’s mentally shattered.”

“Not completely shattered.”

Banner said, “At least he’s still responding to external changes, but he’s ninety-nine per cent mentally broken.”

“You’re starting to sound more and more like Arthur.”

Dr Connors looked at Banner in surprise, then nodded in agreement, “But you’re right.”

“What the hell is this?”

Arthur was also dazed, “What a joke. After all this trouble, we end up with a half-wit?”

“Actually, that’s the only bad news.”

Dr Connors scanned the data in his hands before saying, “As far as we can see, our experiment has achieved most of its goals. Bodily functions are normal, cellular vitality has reached the expected levels, muscular and skeletal improvements are substantial, and he has automatic healing abilities… The only thing we don’t understand is why his mental state has completely deteriorated.”

Arthur prodded the Abomination in front of him, noting that it didn’t do anything except drool and move its eyes.

“Great, the Abomination’s super-evolution has turned it into a complete idiot.”

Arthur sighed, before he tried to store the Abomination in the Disassembler Space and met no resistance.

This indicated that his thought processes were almost at a standstill!

Dr Connors’ report was clear: the Perfect Serum had enhanced his bodily functions beyond those of the original Abomination.

This meant that he had surpassed the terrifying existence of the Lizard!

Capturing the Lizard had failed, but capturing him had been remarkably easy.

The only explanation was that it had no intention of resisting.

**(End of Chapter)**

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