MD-Chapter 108 The Brand-New Formula

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Today can definitely be called a harvest day!

In addition to upgrading the rifle shooting skill to the Advance Level, the rifle’s close-combat skill also reached the Advance Level.

However, the name of this skill was something Arthur found hard to look at.

【Energy Close-Combat】

“Damn, Energy Close Combat!!!”

Arthur frowned; was this skill even considered a suit?

An Energy Suit?

The name itself seemed to come with its own tsukkomi energy!

But there was an advantage to this name – it was simple and easy to understand, with similar usage.

Simply put, it applied energy to melee weapons.

Arthur thought that if he replaced the gun with a cane, he could actually achieve his grand ambition of using a cane to fight Thanos!

In fact, Arthur felt that if he got the chance, he’d have to see if he could apply this skill to a stick.

However, he couldn’t shake the feeling that it might not work.

Without further ado, Arthur continued to absorb and Disassemble the books.

In time, after all the books were absorbed, the summary was as follows:

First, both rifle close-combat and shooting skills reached the Advance Level, and the only other skill that reached the Advance Level was the handgun shooting skill.

The other skills remained at the Intermediate Level.

The advanced handgun skill was similar to the rifle skill, so no extra explanation was needed.

Now for the Disassemble results!

There were 24 gene-related books, but Disassembling them yielded 27 gene knowledge books.

Books labeled with ‘Green’ yielded two knowledge books after Disassembling.

Three mystery books naturally Disassembled into four knowledge books.

Two of them were simply called Mysterious Knowledge… The other two were called Mysterious Knowledge (Mind Control)!

The latter two came from the Book of 5000 Life Tips…

The term “Mind Control” was quite alarming!

But thinking about its origin, Arthur couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

After absorbing all four books of Mysterious Knowledge, Arthur’s mind was filled with a lot of knowledge about the Mysterious Arts.

The first two books covered basic knowledge.

They were broad in scope, but didn’t specialize in any one aspect.

But the ones with “Mind Control” were exciting.

This was a type of black magic that used one’s own magical power to control others!

However, the requirements for casting were extremely strict. The first requirement was that the person being controlled must… willingly consent?

If the person being controlled is already willing, what’s the point of controlling them?

Arthur was speechless.

But since he had absorbed it, he couldn’t spit it out. It was still a learning experience… even if it didn’t seem very useful.

Now for the main event!

All 27 gene-related books were absorbed.

A massive amount of knowledge began to accumulate in Arthur’s mind!

By the time he had absorbed ten books, Arthur felt he knew almost everything there was to know about genetics.

When Arthur reached twenty books, he began to feel his brain slipping into a subtle state of confusion.

Immersed in the knowledge of genetics, he experienced an indescribable feeling.

His entire brain even began to feel numb, filled with an incomprehensible sensation.

He didn’t know what this feeling was, but he suddenly felt that his understanding of the world seemed to be undergoing some kind of mysterious change!

At this point, Arthur should have stopped; he shouldn’t have continued to work on the books.

Obviously, even with his Battle Soul-enhanced brain, he was reaching his limits and feeling overwhelmed.

But for some unknown reason, at that moment, he seemed to be possessed, caught in a frenzy.

He grabbed the remaining seven books and, with a burst of energy, processed them all at once.

In an instant… Arthur lost consciousness!

“Impossible, it can’t be like this?”

“This is incredible! I never imagined this. Arthur, you’re a genius!”

Dr. Connors’ voice filled Arthur’s ears as he remained in a dazed state.

It felt like he was having a dream – a bizarre, incredible dream.

But when he woke up, everything from the dream had vanished into thin air. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember even the smallest details.

“We succeeded??”

Banner’s voice rang in his ears as well. What time was it? Did this guy not want to sleep?

“Success! This is practically a universal key! No one has ever reached this level in genetics, but you have!”

Dr. Connors’ voice was full of excitement as he spoke.

Arthur shook his head violently and tried to open his eyes: “What exactly… happened?”

“Arthur, you’re awake!”

Banner’s big face appeared in front of Arthur.

Arthur shook his head again, looked at Banner in confusion, and then looked around.

He was in the basement lab.

Dr. Connors came over as well: “Arthur, we succeeded!”

“Succeeded? What do you mean, succeeded?”

His mind felt extremely disordered, with countless data and modules spinning chaotically!

“Of course, the cornerstone of the Perfect Serum!”

Dr. Connors’ voice was filled with excitement: “How did you manage it?”

“……Good question, I’d like to know that too!”

Arthur took a deep breath and sat up: “So what exactly happened last night?”

Half an hour later, after drinking the coffee Banner made, Arthur’s mind finally settled.

Dr. Connors and Banner explained what happened last night.

Dr. Connors did most of the talking, while Banner had only been drawn in this morning by Dr. Connors’ excited laughter.

Apparently, the sound was quite alarming; Banner almost thought Dr. Connors had gone mad from the experiment.

According to Dr. Connors, Arthur had suddenly appeared in the lab in the middle of the night.

He looked uncomfortable, mumbled data from equations, and picked up chalk to write on the blackboard.

He wrote for a while, erased it, and rewrote it.

After repeating this process three times, a brand-new formula appeared on the blackboard.

Then… Arthur, as if exhausted, collapsed on the table and fell asleep.

Dr. Connors was clearly in an excited state, speaking incoherently and even mumbling.

After listening to the story and feeling dazed for a moment, Arthur finally slapped his forehead and said, “I need to sleep now!”

(End of Chapter)


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