MD-Chapter 09 Chaotic Situation

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Arthur’s destination was the ordnance depot!

Seeing this label on the deployment map made Arthur’s heart race with excitement.

However, his experience from movies warned him that such places would be heavily guarded, and gaining entry wouldn’t be easy.

But now, the military uniform he wore opened up new possibilities!

His idea was quite straightforward. Since he was searching for the legendary target, who could guarantee that the person wasn’t commanding everything from within the ordnance depot? So, there was no harm in searching for someone there!

Moreover, he could find plenty of enemy weapons along the way.

Instead of leaving these weapons for the enemy to use, why not disassemble them and strengthen his own abilities?

With this in mind, Arthur walked with great confidence.

However, at this moment, an urgent alarm suddenly echoed through the entire enemy camp!

Arthur swiftly crouched, slipping into the shadow of a corner, peeking out with a puzzled expression, “What’s happening?”

The alarm was urgent, shaking the previously calm military camp into chaos and it was as if something grave had occurred, comparable to the death of the Hitler’s Brigade’s leader.

Baffled, Arthur watched a group of soldiers hurriedly pass by him. Without hesitation, he grabbed the last soldier passing by.

Clad in his military attire, Arthur, with a serious expression, asked, “What’s happening?”

“The Brigade Commander is dead!”

Seeing Arthur’s military uniform, the soldier, without paying attention to anything else, saluted and blurted out, “Commander, you were just assassinated!”

The voice was quite loud, but after saying it, both of them were stunned.

Their minds were evidently in disarray, struggling to process the overwhelming information.

Ultimately, Arthur’s reaction was quicker. Recognizing the odd look in the soldier’s eyes, he stepped forward and delivered a punch to his neck.

With his enhanced physical strength, the punch prevented the soldier from uttering any words. All he intended to say got stuck in his throat, and he staggered back two steps in pain.

The soldier, quick on the draw, didn’t opt for a more powerful rifle. In close-quarters combat, there wasn’t time to aim a barrel.

Instead, he pulled out a short knife from his leg and thrust it towards Arthur!

Arthur quickly dodged the incoming blade, simultaneously reaching out to grab the soldier’s wrist. With a swift kick aimed at the groin, he showed no mercy.

Regardless of the cruelty, in a life-and-death struggle, it wasn’t a stage duel; it was about being as ruthless as needed!

The soldier reacted exceptionally fast. As Arthur sidestepped, he promptly clamped his legs together, deftly shifting the knife to his other hand. Raising the blade, he viciously stabbed Arthur’s forehead!

This set of movements was like flowing water, extremely skillful.

But before the knife could reach its target, a twisted and pained expression appeared on the soldier’s face!

He failed to catch Arthur’s kick…

Judgment error. Judging by the strength of an ordinary person, his legs should have been strong enough to withstand Arthur’s low blow.

However, Arthur’s strength was no longer something an ordinary soldier could measure. The powerful kick sent the soldier’s legs apart…

A cracking sound, a noise that could make one clench their buttocks, echoed in the area.

The short knife, already halfway in, was weakly released.

For a man, Arthur’s kick was enough to render him completely combat ineffective.

In agony, the soldier’s body contorted like a curled shrimp. In the next moment, Arthur’s arm wrapped around his neck, and with a swift maneuver… a cracking sound!

“I killed another one!”

Dragging the corpse into the darkness, Arthur couldn’t help but feel speechless.

This infiltration was seamless indeed!

Outside, the chaos persisted, and Arthur squatted in the darkness, wrestling with his thoughts.

Firstly, he couldn’t comprehend why the enemy commander wasn’t in a combat command room bustling with telegraph machines and communication personnel, but rather in a shabby tent with nothing special.

His theory for searching the entire camp was based on this! Yet, the opponent chose an unconventional path. Now, the guy died inexplicably, killed by Arthur in an equally inexplicable manner.

Secondly, what to do now?

Although it was bizarre, the mission seemed to be completed. Should he leave?

The word ‘mission’ triggered excitement in Arthur’s heart, but he quickly shook his head.

Experience from novels and movies taught Arthur the most crucial lesson: you can catch fish in muddy waters.

The entire camp was now in chaos. In the plot of a movie, the next-level officers would temporarily fail to control the situation. However, with military ranks, it was only a matter of time before they regained control.

The current turmoil, while an opportunity, would eventually lead to a pursuit of the killer once they regrouped.

By then, even if he, the ‘killer,’ didn’t die, he would be chased back to the US military camp.

To leave here in style, he had to make the chaos in this camp even more chaotic.

The current chaos… wasn’t enough!

Recalling the deployment map, Arthur knew they were not far from the ordnance depot.

This was the opportunity!

Arthur gritted his teeth again, sticking to the motto, “Like a bird soaring to the sky, undying for eternity!”

He decided to go all out!

Without further delay, the current attire was too conspicuous. He stripped down, tossed the clothes into the Disassembler space, and waited for the disassembling later. Now, he wore the clothes of the soldier he had just killed.

He also disarmed the short knife and gun, throwing them into the Disassembler space.

Then, he pretended to be flustered and hastily ran towards the ordnance depot.

Perhaps most soldiers were on the frontline, leaving the enemy’s rear defense vulnerable. When Arthur arrived at the ordnance depot, to his great surprise, he only saw two soldiers guarding the place.

Taking a deep breath and adjusting his mindset, Arthur hurriedly ran over, excitedly speaking a language that even he didn’t know what it was.

All of these were completely made up by Arthur and didn’t belong to any language in the contemporary world.

The two soldiers across from him looked dazed, not understanding what Arthur was saying. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur approached one of the soldiers. By the time the soldier attempted to stop him, it was too late.

The battle unfolded in two steps. First, a punch directly hit the unsuspecting throat. The second step involved grabbing the soldier’s head, pressing downward, followed by a knee strike, brutally impacting the soldier’s face.

Blood splattered!

The soldier lay down without a sound, while the other was about to raise his rifle to shoot.

In that fleeting moment, Arthur found himself holding a P38 pistol. At close range, a pistol was more effective than a rifle. Without aiming much, he raised the gun and fired!


A shot to the head!

(End of this chapter)

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