IUD-Chapter 539 Sudden Guest

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In the dense forest, a wild beast’s roar echoed, startling countless birds into flight from the trees in all directions.

Within the forest, a dog-type Demon Beast lunged forward like a bullet, its mouth full of sharp teeth ready to tear into its prey.

However, what awaited the charging Demon Beast was a chilling blade of light.


With a crisp sound, the chilly blade of light swiftly severed the charging Demon Beast’s horn, causing the sturdy horn to fall to the ground.


Immediately after, a stifling sound reverberated.

It was the sound of a foot heavily kicking the Demon Beast’s body.

As a result, the vicious Demon Beast was sent flying with a kick, crashing into a tree trunk. After a whimper, it scrambled away in a sorry state.

Fang Li didn’t pursue it. Instead, he let the Demon Beast retreat. Shortly afterward, he bent down and picked up the horn he had just cut off from the ground.

Upon closer inspection, Fang Li’s body was carrying a backpack.

Fang Li opened the backpack.

Inside, there was a bag full of Demon Beast horns.

Fang Li placed the freshly cut horn into the backpack and then glanced at the sky.

“I’ll call it a day here.”

With these words, Fang Li turned and headed towards the direction of Village.

The distance from Roswaal’s mansion to Village only took about thirty minutes round trip, even at an ordinary person’s pace.

In other words, it only took fifteen minutes one way, which was relatively close.

Fang Li didn’t deliberately quicken his pace but returned to the mansion in fifteen minutes with an ordinary stride.

At the front of the mansion, Rem was busy cleaning.

“Fang Li-Sama, welcome back.”

Seeing Fang Li approaching from the other side of the mansion, Rem immediately bowed in his direction.

Seeing this, Fang Li stopped, smiled slightly at Rem, and said, “Hmm, I’m back.”

It had been almost a month since the incident involving the ‘Demon Beast User’ had passed.

During this month, Fang Li hadn’t secluded himself in the mansion reading books as before. Instead, he went to the Demon Beast forest near Ram Village every day to collect Demon Beast horns.

Fang Li hadn’t expected to spend almost a month at Roswaal’s mansion.

All for the sake of collecting these Demon Beast horns.

“This is today’s harvest.” Fang Li patted the backpack on his back and said to Rem, “And where’s Meili?”

Hearing this, Rem was about to reply when a petite figure dashed out from the mansion.

“I’m here!”

Meili rushed out of the mansion and bounced towards Fang Li’s back, as if she wanted to snatch the backpack away, jumping and calling out.

“Is this today’s share?”

Fang Li didn’t answer but unfastened the backpack from his back and tossed it to Meili.

Meili caught it and struggled to hold it, then smiled cutely at Fang Li.

“Thank you for today, Big Brother.”

Seeing Meili looking so happy, Fang Li didn’t comment. Rem, on the other hand, remained silent with her head down, seemingly in a somewhat gloomy mood.

But that was only natural.

Because for the past month, Fang Li had been collecting Demon Beast horns every day in the forest to give to Meili.

Meili had the ability to manipulate Demon Beasts by breaking their horns.

So, the more Demon Beasts Meili controlled, the stronger her own power became.

What Fang Li wanted Meili to help him with also required a considerable amount of manpower.

Therefore, Fang Li went to the forest every day for about a month, collecting Demon Beast horns to increase Meili’s power.

Fortunately, Fang Li was the kind of person who could endure this. Otherwise, an ordinary person wouldn’t have the patience to spend almost a month in a forest filled with Demon Beasts for this purpose.

“But is collecting horns really useful?” Fang Li asked somewhat skeptically. “Isn’t breaking the horns a condition for you to control the Demon Beasts, rather than just having the horns?”

So, Fang Li had always been somewhat skeptical whether collecting these horns himself would have the same effect.

To this, Meili innocently smiled and said, “I understand Big Brother’s concerns, but I also have my own way. As long as the horns are in my hands, I can still control those Demon Beasts that have lost their horns by taking a few extra steps.”

Saying so, Meili enthusiastically began to inspect the horns in the backpack, saying, “Anyway, I can’t leave this mansion, so I’ll have to trouble Big Brother to do it, right?”

Seeing Meili seeming somewhat unrestrained, Rem couldn’t help but warn her.

“Let me remind you, even if you’re allowed to move freely in this mansion, it doesn’t mean you’re really a guest here. You’re just a captive.”

“Also, don’t even think about using those Demon Beasts for anything,” Rem warned sternly.

In response to Rem’s warning, Meili could only awkwardly smile.

“After all, I’ve witnessed Big Brother’s strength with my own eyes. I know that even with sufficient forces, they still wouldn’t be able to withstand Big Brother’s blade. So, I won’t do anything reckless…”

As Meili spoke, she seemed to recall the scene, shrinking her neck and hastily adding, “I-I’ll just go prepare then. I won’t disturb you guys!”

With that said, Meili picked up her backpack and ran back to the mansion without looking back.

Watching this scene, Rem expressed her concern, “Can we really trust that person, Fang Li-sama?”

“Don’t worry,” Fang Li replied nonchalantly, “After all, that child shouldn’t have the courage to resist me. I’m quite confident in keeping her in line.”

“Is that so?” Rem still seemed somewhat uneasy.

Although Rem had become much more cheerful since Fang Li helped her undo the Heart Bond, she still remained excessively sensitive and cautious when dealing with outsiders.

For Rem, this mansion was Elder Sister’s sanctuary, and she would never allow anyone to damage it, right?

Fang Li had no intention of making Rem fully trust Meili.

But at least, she could ease up a bit on the sensitivity.

Just then, Fang Li was about to say something to Rem when Rem suddenly turned her head and looked ahead.

Her expression reverted to its emotionless state.

Fang Li’s movement paused slightly, then he also turned his head to look ahead at the mansion.


Under the rolling sound of the wheels, a luxurious Dragon Carriage began to approach.

“That is…”

Fang Li squinted his eyes slightly.

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