IUD-Chapter 504 Lengthy Conversation

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Perhaps sensing the change in atmosphere, everyone instinctively fell silent, creating a somewhat oppressive silence all around.

Especially Emilia.

At this moment, Emilia’s mood was very complex.

As someone who bore the same appearance as the legendary Witch of Envy, who had caused great disasters and unimaginable dangers by swallowing half of the world, Emilia had never encountered anyone who truly accepted her from the bottom of their heart.

Except for Pack, it could be said that Emilia had no one she could truly bond with or even have genuine conversations with.

Now, although Fang Li’s behavior couldn’t be described as close, at least he didn’t reject Emilia.

This made Emilia very happy.

But for some reason, besides happiness, Emilia also felt another emotion.

“So pitiful…”



For some reason, Emilia just felt that Fang Li was very pitiful.

Emilia didn’t know exactly why she felt pity.

But Emilia instinctively realized it.

The man in front of her was the same as herself.

Both of them belonged to the type that couldn’t integrate into the group and be accepted by the group.

This intuition was correct.

In a sense, Fang Li and Emilia were indeed similar existences.

Emilia was rejected, resisted, and even detested by people around her because of her identical appearance to the Witch of Envy.

While Fang Li, because his soul recorded countless deaths, lost a part of his emotions from an early age. Even though he integrated well into life, he still remained an outsider, out of sync with the people around him.

Once, when Fang Li first met Shirayuki, Shirayuki had performed a Divination on Fang Li’s past.

In that Divination, Shirayuki had said this.

“Your past has always existed in the forest that can accommodate all trees, but you have realized your differences from the surrounding trees. Even if you successfully integrate into the forest, you can only look up at the surrounding trees, unable to stand at the same height as them.”

So, although their ways of survival and treatment were different, both Fang Li and Emilia belonged to the kind of special individuals who couldn’t integrate into the group.

Emilia sensed this intuitively.

Therefore, Emilia felt that Fang Li was somewhat pitiful.

However, as soon as she realized this sympathy, Emilia reacted abruptly.

“I’m really pathetic…”

At this moment, a strong sense of self-loathing surged into Emilia’s heart.

Because they were similar existences, Emilia understood that sympathy was the greatest insult to Fang Li.

Neither Fang Li nor she needed sympathy.

It would only make them deeply feel that they were being treated differently.

And Emilia hated this kind of differential treatment.

Since that was the case, she shouldn’t impose such differential treatment on others.

Moreover, the fact that the other person accepted her so calmly, while she turned around and used these feelings of self-loathing, which even she hated, to treat the other person, was simply despicable.

So, Emilia fell into deep self-loathing.

Whether Fang Li noticed Emilia’s feelings or not, he suddenly changed the topic.

“Alright, the words of thanks have been said, so shall we consider this a successful deed?”

Upon hearing this, Emilia was first taken aback, then quickly said, “If possible, I actually would like to host you.”

“Host me?” Fang Li raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Yes.” Emilia suppressed her emotions and said earnestly to Fang Li, “Although I am currently staying with someone else, I still hope to host you, to express my gratitude for what happened today.”

“You’re an interesting one.” Fang Li glanced at Emilia, speaking with a half-smile, “If it were you, would you expect repayment for helping someone else?”

“Um…” Emilia fell silent.

This was what Fang Li found interesting.

Clearly, this Half-Elf girl was the kindest and most helpful type, never desiring gratitude from others, yet when she was helped by someone else, she hoped to repay the favor, which was truly intriguing.

However, Fang Li changed the topic and said, “But this time, I’ll graciously accept your offer.”

“Eh?” Emilia was momentarily stunned.

“Don’t look at me like that, I also have my own goals.” Fang Li said frankly, “Elsa mentioned that you’ve attracted the attention of the Witch Cult, and I need to find the people behind the Witch Cult. So, sticking by your side, as my target, will help me achieve my goal.”

“Is that so?” Emilia realized.

Only then did Reinhard interject.

“That’s great then.” Reinhard smiled and said, “To be honest, I’ve been wondering how to solve this matter. Since Fang Li will be with Lady Emilia, I feel relieved.”

Reinhard truly couldn’t act freely.

For no other reason than the tremendous influence of this Knight, who was regarded as the ultimate weapon of the Lugnica Kingdom. If he acted recklessly, it could likely provoke a backlash from various forces and characters.

So, this incredibly powerful Knight was not free to act.

“Wait a minute!” Natsuki Subaru also reacted, sounding surprised, “What about me? What should I do?”

“Don’t worry, Subaru.” Reinhard showed a friendly smile to Natsuki Subaru and said, “I’ll host you at my house, and we’ll have a long talk all night!”

“…So, while this guy gets entertained by a beautiful girl from Another World, I’m just supposed to have a long talk with you all night?” Natsuki Subaru’s face turned blue.

Fang Li actually thought this arrangement wasn’t bad.

Although he came to this world to observe Natsuki Subaru, Fang Li didn’t want Natsuki Subaru’s matters to hinder the execution of his Main Quest.

Not to mention, if Fang Li’s quest was halfway through and Natsuki Subaru suddenly died, resetting everything, it would be nonsense.

So, during the execution of the Main Quest, it was better for Natsuki Subaru to stay in a place of absolute safety.

And in this world, where was safer than by Reinhard’s side?

So, Fang Li said to Natsuki Subaru, “You’ll accompany Reinhard. Once I finish my own business, I’ll come find you.”

Upon hearing this, Natsuki Subaru forced a very reluctant smile, struggling to ask, “Isn’t there room for discussion?”

Fang Li immediately replied.

“There isn’t.”

The decisive words made Natsuki Subaru raise his head, like Fang Li before, gazing at the night sky, leaving only these words.

“I want to be alone.”

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