IUD-Chapter 498 Answered

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In the corner of the Stolen Goods Warehouse, Subaru Natsuki twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he could barely contain the urge to burst out laughing in frustration, putting on a forced smile as he spoke.

“Could someone tell me what the situation is now?”

After all, following Emilia and Felt, Subaru Natsuki had become the third person to be tied up and thrown into the corner.

“Is this really the treatment a protagonist should receive? Is this world being a tad too harsh on me?”

Dreaming of becoming the main character, Subaru Natsuki began his journey in Another World, only to neither encounter the 2D beautiful girl who summoned him nor to be killed by an unfathomable mystery. For this, he finally realized the helplessness and cruelty of reality and, when contemplating escape, was caught because of Reinhard.

Later, Subaru Natsuki was forced to walk the streets like a perfect incarnation of a prince, being dragged by Reinhard to do many things.

Such as escorting a lost little girl home.

Such as helping an elderly lady with her luggage.

Such as pushing a cart for a child who lacked strength.

Such as driving away arrogant gangsters.

Although they were all trivial matters, these small acts made Subaru Natsuki realize that there was always someone he should help.

So, after much struggle, Subaru Natsuki arrived here.

Originally, Subaru Natsuki was terrified. If it weren’t for using his Ability of Returns by Death (Shinimodori) as an excuse, he probably wouldn’t even be able to lift his feet, let alone come to this place where he had died once.

As a result of this struggle, however, what he faced was such treatment and scenes. Who could bear it?

What’s even more unbearable for Subaru Natsuki is still ahead.

Seeing Emilia, who was also tied up, looking at him with incredulous eyes, Subaru Natsuki felt himself grow stronger.

If he wasn’t strong, wouldn’t he absolutely shed tears?

“And why am I tied up?” Subaru Natsuki blinked his dead fish eyes, turned his head, and looked beside him. The twitching of the corners of his mouth became more severe.

“No, I can probably guess why I’m tied up. It’s probably because they’re afraid I’ll get scared and be stabbed to death just like last time.”

“But why are you tied up here?”

Besides Subaru Natsuki, another person joined the ranks of being tied up.

“Well, don’t be so indifferent, Subaru,” Reinhard said with a perfect smile. “Since you, my dear friend, are being treated like this, it would be unfair of me not to help you, wouldn’t it?”

“Then help me! What’s the point of choosing to be tied up with me?” Subaru Natsuki shouted at Reinhard. “And if you’re coming with me, why not say so? If I knew you were coming with me, I wouldn’t have been afraid to the point of trembling legs!”

“Is that so?” Reinhard chuckled. “But it’s very important for a man to make up his mind. I wouldn’t be so clueless as to disturb you.”

Subaru Natsuki’s lips trembled slightly, and finally, he slumped his shoulders in resignation.

“I feel like an idiot for hesitating and struggling to come here before.”

If Subaru Natsuki had known that Reinhard was right behind him, he could have come here with his head held high.

Although not as clear as Fang Li, Subaru Natsuki also vaguely sensed it.

Reinhard is an extremely powerful individual.

Moreover, he is powerful in a completely different dimension from those around him.

Subaru Natsuki might not know the details, but everyone else understood.

“I never expected…” Emilia murmured with an even more incredulous expression, “That even Reinhard would come…”

Felt and Rom, with discreet glances, looked at the bound Reinhard, their eyes carrying a sense of awe.

Reinhard Van Astrea.

That’s Reinhard’s full name.

The Astrea family is the most prominent noble family in the Lugnica Kingdom. Not only is it steeped in history, but each successive generation inherits the title of “Sword Saint” and receives the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint.

This Divine Protection allows the recipient to wield a conscious Dragon Sword and maximally utilize the sword’s abilities.

Every generation of the Astrea family produces a successor with this Divine Protection, gaining this ability.

Therefore, the Divine Protection inheritors of the Astrea family are all bestowed with the title of “Sword Saint,” and the family is known as the Sword Saint Family, renowned throughout the world.

Reinhard is the current “Sword Saint,” a well-known figure in the Lugnica Kingdom, acclaimed as the Knight among Knights.

Of course, being from the Sword Saint Family and having Divine Protection are only part of Reinhard’s story.

Fang Li understands this well.

The Knight he has bound and thrown into a corner is truly a fortunate soul favored by the world.


Calling him the illegitimate child of the world would not be an overstatement.

Because Reinhard not only inherits the Sword Saint Divine Protection but also possesses over forty different Divine Protections, earning him the title of the strongest “Sword Saint” of all time and even the strongest man on the planet, unparalleled in his might.

This is why Fang Li openly admits that he cannot defeat Reinhard.

This man’s strength is truly off the charts.

Fang Li doesn’t even know exactly how strong Reinhard is.

What is certain is that Reinhard is, by far, the strongest being Fang Li has encountered to date.

“In any case, all the necessary people have arrived.”

Fang Li raised his head and looked ahead.

“So, it’s just you left, Big Sister.”

As Fang Li’s voice fell, everyone present turned their gaze to the front.

There, a tall, bewitching woman dressed in black had appeared out of nowhere, wielding a pair of vicious weapons.


The bewitching hunter licked her lips, revealing an evil smile.

“What’s all the commotion about? Is there something I don’t know about?”

Hearing this, regardless of the reactions of the others, Fang Li slowly stood up and looked at her, a faint smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

“But before that, perhaps you could answer a question for me.”

“You should know where the Witch Cult is, right?”

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