IUD-Chapter 497 Why Will It Turn Into This?

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At this moment, Emilia was truly taken aback.

There was no other way.

In order to find the stolen insignia, Emilia had been chasing Felt for almost the entire day. She had lost count of how many times Felt had escaped from her, how many times she had turned into unknown alleys, until finally finding the slum, arriving at the Stolen Goods Warehouse, and seeing her lost insignia.

So, although her kind and earnest personality prompted Emilia to earnestly plead with Fang Li, the cute Emilia didn’t naively believe that her one or two requests could easily get the insignia back.

Emilia was even prepared for a battle, ready to forcibly reclaim the insignia.

Now, Fang Li had directly returned the insignia to Emilia, without any hesitation. This made Emilia unable to help but be stunned.

Therefore, Emilia couldn’t help but ask Fang Li with a doubtful tone, extremely hesitant, “Are you really giving it to me?”

“Don’t want it?” Fang Li blinked, extending a hand towards Emilia, saying, “Then I’ll take it back.”

“No.” Emilia quickly shook her head, then after a moment, she realized, panting with anger, “No, this is originally my thing. How could it become yours?”

“Hahaha.” Pack chuckled helplessly from the side, saying, “My daughter is still as innocent as ever.”

“No way.” Emilia retorted again, then bowed to Fang Li, saying, “Thank you very much. I will definitely repay you for this favor in the future.”

“Perhaps I am an accomplice of that little girl over there? You actually thank a possible accomplice of the thief who stole your insignia and consider returning your stuff to you as a favor?” Fang Li laughed suddenly, “You are overly kind, if there isn’t a reliable person by your side to rely on, you’re destined to be taken advantage of for a lifetime.”

“That…that’s not true.” Emilia retorted again, and quite clumsily.

“I…I’m just thanking you for returning the insignia to me. Although theft is wrong, I was also negligent in having my things stolen, so if these two cancel each other out, returning the insignia to me is a favor that must be repaid!”

At first glance, this reason didn’t seem wrong, but upon closer inspection, it was riddled with loopholes.

At least, Fang Li had never seen anyone who, after having their belongings stolen and returned, would thank a possible accomplice of the thief.

“Over here, an important weapon was stolen due to carelessness. After relying on someone else’s ability to retrieve it, they even come to settle scores.” Fang Li shrugged, saying to Emilia, “No matter what you say, the insignia was just a side issue. If you really want to talk about repaying favors, you should consider the favor of saving your life later.”

“Later?” Emilia was slightly stunned.

“Saving a life?” Pack also looked puzzled.

Only Felt and Rom-sama understood Fang Li’s meaning.

Since someone didn’t want Emilia to participate in the Royal Selection, after failing to take the insignia, the so-called commissioner might directly target Emilia.

In this way, Emilia reclaiming her insignia was not only not a good thing, but it might even be a bad thing that invited disaster.

However, Fang Li didn’t offer any explanation for this.

“Do you care?” Fang Li said so.

“If that’s the case, then you can obediently stay here like that little girl over there and wait to see the show.”

“No, or rather, if you don’t stay, perhaps you won’t know when you’ll lose your life.”

Saying this, regardless of Emilia’s surprised and puzzled expression, Fang Li absentmindedly stroked his chin and began to mutter to himself.

“In that case, once this girl leaves, maybe the hunter won’t come here, but will directly pursue her.”

“Since that’s the case, it’s better to keep her here.”

With that, Fang Li raised his head, and his gaze towards Emilia became increasingly sinister.

“You…” Emilia couldn’t help but step back, saying warily, “What are you doing?”

Hearing this, Fang Li only flashed a bright smile and said, “Nothing.”

As he said this, a rope appeared in Fang Li’s hand, seemingly out of nowhere.

In a corner of the Stolen Goods Warehouse, next to Felt, Emilia sat there in a half-kneeling position, her exquisite charming face filled with an expression of disbelief.

“Why has it come to this?”

Upon closer inspection, Emilia, like Felt, was completely tied up.

Meanwhile, Pack chuckled as he covered his mouth, unable to contain his laughter, and said to Emilia, “Lia, you look so amusing like this.”

“Pack!” Emilia’s voice rang out angrily, somewhat cute as she questioned Pack, “Why didn’t you rescue me?”

“Because it’s amusing,” Pack chuckled and said, then flew over to Fang Li’s side, patting Fang Li’s shoulder in a familiar manner, and said, “And, I didn’t sense any malice from him, plus his recent words can’t be ignored, so let’s leave it at that.”

“How…how could this happen?” Emilia seemed to be struck by a blow, still unable to accept it.

“Well, no matter what, you’re the most important to me, Lia, that’s for sure.” Pack turned his head, looked at Fang Li, and smiled.

“So, Nii-chan, don’t tell me you’re just joking about this matter, or else I’ll really freeze everything around here into ice cubes.”

Although Pack said this jokingly, there was a hidden sense of pressure within his words.

Obviously, Pack wasn’t joking.

Fang Li naturally didn’t notice this.

However, Fang Li didn’t say anything, only shrugged, seeming indifferent.

Just then, the door was knocked on again.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

This time, without Fang Li’s prompt, Rom-sama stepped forward and opened the door.

However, the person entering from outside was still not the so-called commissioner.

Seeing Rom-sama opening the door, Fang Li sitting at the bar, Pack flying in mid-air, and Emilia and Felt tied up and thrown in the corner, Subaru Natsuki remained silent for a moment.

After a brief moment of silence, Subaru Natsuki spoke up.

“I must have entered the wrong way. I’ll try again.”

With that said, Subaru Natsuki was about to turn around when Rom-sama directly grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged him into the Stolen Goods Warehouse.

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