IUD-Chapter 491 Overwhelming Existence

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Suddenly, a sound rang out and in the mere blink of an eye, it engulfed everything present in its wake.



Whether it was the noise of the street, the clamor of pedestrians, or Natsuki Subaru’s angry shouts, all sounds were instantly drowned out by this one sound, leaving not a trace behind.

In this situation, whether it was Fang Li, Natsuki Subaru, or the onlookers nearby, all turned their gaze towards the source of the sound.

Then, everyone present saw it.

At the other end of the street, a figure slowly approached, parting the crowd effortlessly, as astonished expressions naturally made way for him, until he stood before Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru.

This unexpected interjection, halting Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru’s argument, came from none other than the perfect epitome of a handsome man.

He possessed flaming red hair, though not as dazzling as Shana’s Flame-Haired, yet striking nonetheless.

His features were chiseled, and adorned with a friendly smile.

His tall figure was clad in a white uniform and cloak.

At his waist hung a magnificent Knight’s sword.

Such a handsome man barged in suddenly, standing between Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru with an air of familiarity, as if intending to mediate the situation like an overly friendly mediator, placing his hands on either side of Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru, and said:

“Judging from your appearances, it seems you two are acquainted. If that’s the case, there’s nothing that can’t be resolved. It’s not wise to argue in the middle of the street, you know?”

With these words, his face bore an expression that exuded confidence as he spoke.

“I am a guard from the Royal Capital, though currently on vacation. So, I’d suggest we put an end to this here, considering the circumstances, shall we?”

Undoubtedly, such direct intervention, under different circumstances, not only would have failed to quell the argument but might have even exacerbated the situation. Yet, his presence emitted an undeniable aura, dispersing the tension lingering in the air.

Looking at this smiling handsome man, leaving aside Fang Li and Natsuki Subaru, the bystanders who happened to pass by were suddenly filled with surprise, one after another.

“Flaming red hair… blue eyes… and a Knight sword with dragon claw engravings…”

“Could it be…”


“It’s Reinhard!”

“The rumored ‘Sword Saint’?!”

Accompanied by such voices, the surrounding crowd directed their gazes towards the Knight named Reinhard.

Among those gazes were astonishment, doubt, and more prominently, excitement and curiosity.

Seeing this, Natsuki Subaru couldn’t help but understand.

“It seems like a remarkable character has arrived…”

And if even Natsuki Subaru understood this, how much more so Fang Li, who was familiar with the original work?

Therefore, Fang Li, after a few glimmers in his eyes as he looked at Reinhard, fell silent.

There was no other reason.

It was simply because, from Reinhard’s presence, an irresistible sense of pressure was faintly emanating, rendering anyone who could sense it unable to act recklessly.

Including Fang Li.

Based solely on this, coupled with Fang Li’s understanding of the original work, Fang Li could be certain that the Knight before him was incredibly strong.

How strong?

Perhaps even Sydonay, reputed as the strongest in Trinity, wouldn’t stand a chance against this Knight.

In other words, this Knight was undoubtedly superior to Fang Li.


The next moment, a sigh sounded.

It wasn’t Fang Li’s voice, but Natsuki Subaru’s.

Perhaps even Natsuki Subaru felt Reinhard’s extraordinariness?

So, Natsuki Subaru couldn’t help but comment.

“Could it be that this person is actually the original main character of Another World?”

Indeed, that was the feeling.

In terms of demeanor, voice, behavior, or appearance and demeanor, Reinhard’s performance was impeccable, without a hint of pretense.

Such a person, let alone being a main character, if one were to say he was a prince, no one would doubt it.

However, Reinhard could only smile wryly.

“Although I don’t know what you mean, it seems you’re overestimating me. I’m just a regular guard who happened to see you two arguing and came to intervene. Please don’t mind me.”

With this statement, not only Natsuki Subaru but also the surrounding people found it somewhat amusing.

However, no matter how one looked at it, Reinhard was no ordinary guard, right?

“Or perhaps in this Another World, so-called ordinary guards are all people of your caliber?” Natsuki Subaru chuckled dryly. “If that’s the case, then it’s really tough to get by in Another World.”

“I’ve already said, you’re overestimating me,” Reinhard said helplessly. “Anyway, I’m just here to mediate. I hope you two won’t argue in the middle of the street. It’s better to get along peacefully.”

With that said, Reinhard’s tone changed.

“Especially you, my friend here.”

Reinhard turned his gaze towards Fang Li, with a look that seemed to see through all disguises and evil intentions, smiling as he said:

“You don’t seem like an ordinary person. Although your aura is nearly flawless, I can still vaguely sense a dangerous feeling that prickles the skin. As a guard defending the Royal Capital, I can’t just stand by and watch you quarrel with others here.”

Just like that, everything seems to change in an instant.

Just like that, Reinhard seemed to have seen through much of Fang Li’s secrets.

In response, Fang Li only looked at Reinhard deeply and smiled indifferently.

“I have no intention of quarreling with anyone, I am just saying what I want to say.”

“Is that so?” Reinhard smiled slightly, then turned his gaze to Natsuki Subaru, saying to him, “Since that’s the case, can we call it quits now and stop arguing? It wouldn’t be good to cause trouble for the people around us, would it?”

“…After displaying main character-like qualities, now there’s a main character-like statement. In that case, do I become the supporting character?” Natsuki Subaru showed a weary smile, seeming to have calmed down indeed.

Seeing this scene, Reinhard smiled satisfactorily.

“Then let’s shake hands as a symbol of reconciliation.”

Saying so, Reinhard first took Fang Li’s hand, ready to guide it towards Natsuki Subaru.

It was at this moment that something unexpected happened.

“Buzz Buzz…”

At Reinhard’s waist, the magnificent Knight’s sword suddenly trembled.

“Buzz Buzz…”

At the same time, at Fang Li’s waist, the pure white activation body inside the sheath also suddenly vibrated.

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