IUD-Chapter 481 Surrounding

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“That is…!”

Looking at the insignia lying in Fang Li’s palm, the girl’s complexion finally changed. She hastily raised the hand that had been gripping the insignia.

However, at some point, the insignia in the girl’s hand vanished, replaced by a stone.

The girl had no idea what had just happened.

Undoubtedly, her insignia had been swapped.

Unnoticed by her.

Realizing this, the girl widened her red eyes and glared angrily at Fang Li, shouting loudly, “Give it back to me!”

As the words fell, the girl moved abruptly.


Accompanied by the explosive sound of air, a berserk whirlwind suddenly swept around the girl’s body. Her petite figure transformed into a sharp arrow, racing towards Fang Li with astonishing speed.

The unexpected speed left Fang Li somewhat surprised.

“So fast.”

This was the truth.

Fang Li could sense that the girl’s strength was not formidable—barely reaching the fifth rank at best. Her strength was even inferior to Fang Li’s when he first entered the Main God’s Dimension, far from reaching the fourth rank.

However, in terms of speed alone, she had surpassed Fang Li before he ascended to the fourth rank.

This fact was enough to astonish Fang Li.

Of course, it was only a momentary surprise.

“Although the speed is impressive, the momentum is too conspicuous. It’s challenging not to be noticed.”

Saying this, Fang Li’s toes lightly tapped the ground, and his entire figure retreated like a bullet, leaving behind an afterimage.

The girl, with the whirlwind surrounding her, rushed to Fang Li’s original location. Her delicate palm brushed past the lingering afterimage, and as she sensed Fang Li’s sudden retreat, she immediately as if riding the wind, stepped forcefully and shot toward him.

“Give it back to me!”

Like a sharp arrow, the girl reached out towards the insignia tightly held in Fang Li’s hand.

“This was originally stolen by you. If we’re talking about returning it, it should be to the rightful owner, not to you, right?”

Saying this, Fang Li, with a composed demeanor, evaded the girl’s reaching hand with a swift movement, passing by her.


The girl immediately pounced again, her speed still astonishing.

However, as Fang Li had mentioned, the girl’s movement was too grand.

The constantly surging whirlwind around her seemed to be the reason for her astonishing speed.

In other words, the girl’s incredible speed was not due to her possessing a powerful physical ability but derived from some kind of power.

So, even though the girl’s speed surpassed that of Fang Li when he was at the fifth rank, her continuously swirling whirlwind made her movements too conspicuous.

Fang Li, relying on the sensation of his skin and keen hearing, could effortlessly dodge, making it impossible for the girl to touch him.

Thus, in the narrow alley, Fang Li and the girl unexpectedly engaged in a fierce chase. One continuously lunged, the other persistently evaded. The whirlwind and afterimages frequently appeared in the space, causing the two figures to interweave like lightning, creating an intense scene.

“…Is this a joke?”

On the side, Natsuki Subaru, covering his face, which had turned bright red from being bumped, stared in complete astonishment. Watching Fang Li and the girl chase each other at speeds nearly imperceptible to the naked eye, with whirlwinds and afterimages flickering, Natsuki Subaru couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Even a 2D beautiful girl using magic wouldn’t surprise me, but what’s the deal with that guy?”

“Speaking of which, the leaps he made earlier could easily break Guinness World Records in modern times. We’re all transmigrators, so why such a huge difference?”

“Moreover, everything else also has no problem, but now the trigger events for the beautiful girl are all on that guy’s body. What am I supposed to do?!”

While Natsuki Subaru was going crazy, the chase in the field suddenly changed.


With a crisp and tender shout, the girl surrounded by a whirlwind once again extended her hand towards Fang Li, shooting towards him like a bullet.

However, this time, Fang Li did not continue to evade. Instead, as if giving up, he suddenly stopped in place and faced the girl’s hand.

Seeing this, the girl couldn’t help but feel delighted.

Could it be that this guy is tired?

With this thought, the girl unconsciously accelerated, displaying even more rapid movements as she lunged towards Fang Li.

At this moment, Fang Li finally moved.


With a clear sound, the hand of the girl reaching towards the insignia was suddenly caught by a hand.

The master of this hand was naturally Fang Li.

Fang Li abruptly grasped the girl’s hand, exerting force, and directly pulled her hand behind her.

“Ah!” The girl immediately let out a cry.

Almost simultaneously, Fang Li tightly held the girl’s hand, pressing her against the wall.

Now, the girl was directly restrained by Fang Li.

“Let me go!”

The girl immediately struggled.

However, Fang Li not only didn’t let go but instead exerted a little more force, making the girl even more firmly locked.

“Behave.” Fang Li, holding the girl’s hand, pressed her against the wall and said, “I don’t like women like you who cling.”

Hearing this, the girl couldn’t help but retort.

“I don’t like crude men like you!”

This sentence didn’t provoke Fang Li but instead stirred up Natsuki Subaru.

“Isn’t this basically setting a flag? If a 2D beautiful girl says such things, she’s definitely going to be conquered, right? Definitely! However, I’m not the male main character!”

Stimulated, Natsuki Subaru was in tears.

This time, the tension in the scene disappeared without a trace due to Natsuki Subaru’s reaction, leaving Fang Li and the girl simultaneously speechless.

“Is he your companion?” The girl couldn’t help but ask Fang Li. “Being with someone like that, you’ll become foolish sooner or later.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t find words to refute you either.” Fang Li almost covered his face and could only say, “What’s even more unfortunate is that I still have to continue working with him.”

“Is that so?” The girl said in a low voice. “That’s really too bad!”

As the words fell, the girl suddenly turned around and swung her hand behind her.


Instantly, a sharp blade edge swept by.

At some point, the girl’s other hand had gripped a curved knife and, without mercy, swung it at Fang Li’s head.

Fang Li quickly took a step back, dodging the sharp blade edge but also releasing the girl’s hand.

Regaining her freedom, the girl forcefully kicked off the wall and leaped onto the roof.

Shortly afterward, the girl grinned, lifting one hand.

In that hand, she held a pure white activation body.

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