IUD-Chapter 457 Powerful

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The flame tornado formed by turbid purple flames rubbed against the air, sweeping through with the hum of the atmosphere.


The light rays, containing powerful force, seemed like a meteor shower tearing through the sky, enveloping Fang Li.


Chains, carrying brilliant golden flames, created a faint breaking space aura.

At this moment, the three most powerful Crimson Lords of the Crimson World, known as Trinity, exerted all their strength. Without any mercy, they unleashed their strongest attacks on Fang Li, illuminating the entire starry sky of Seireiden with blue, purple, and golden flames, creating a dazzling spectacle.

Facing Fang Li’s sudden eruption in power, Trinity no longer cared about capturing Fang Li alive and finally unleashed truly lethal attacks.

Unfortunately, they met a tremendous blade that seemed capable of splitting the heavens and the earth in half, leading everything toward its ultimate demise.

The ice-blue Mystic Eyes gleamed with a chilling light.

At this moment, Fang Li pushed the power of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception to its limit. Wherever his sight reached, everything was covered with crack-like Death Lines.

They were on the flame tornado formed by turbid purple flames.

On the meteor-like light rays.

On the chains carrying the brilliant golden flames.


A surge of white phosphorescence covered Fang Li’s entire body.

In this instant, Fang Li also exerted all his strength, tightly holding the enlarged Bo Xie. Facing the crack-like Death Lines, he treated them as if turning them into a single trajectory. He swung ruthlessly along that trajectory as if connecting them together.

“Pū Chī————!”

The enormous flame tornado formed by turbid purple flames was slashed in half amidst the sound of tearing fabric.

“Pū Chī————!”

The powerful meteor-like light rays were cut in half amidst the sound of tearing fabric.

“Pū Chī————!”

The chains, carrying the brilliant golden flame, were similarly cut in half amidst the sound of tearing fabric.

Trinity’s full-powered attacks, within the tremendous blade that seemed to split the entire world in half, were all cut cleanly in two. They either turned into scattered sparks or transformed into countless fragments, disappearing from sight.

Witnessing this scene unfolding before their eyes, Trinity’s eyes widened to the limit simultaneously.

Only Fang Li, after slashing out that earth-shattering blow, immediately clenched his fist and infused Prana into Bo Xie.

The pure white Ogre Lux instantly shrank back to its original size.

However, Fang Li, gathering Prana beneath his feet, transformed into a ray of light, darting out explosively.

The speed was as swift as a meteor.


Trinity finally reacted, and their complexions simultaneously changed.

Watching Fang Li speeding towards them at an astonishing pace, Sydonay, the strongest in Trinity, was the first to react. He took a bold step forward, wielding the heavy steel spear. The purple flames condensed, and with no frills, he thrust it forward towards Fang Li.

This thrust wasn’t particularly cunning or ruthless, but it carried an overwhelmingly immense force. The surrounding space twisted slightly, and the airflow seemed to whirlwind around the spearhead. Accompanied by a resounding and ear-piercing screech, it advanced towards Fang Li.

In response, Fang Li’s ice-blue Mystic Eyes flashed slightly. Without any evasion, he directly faced the heavy steel spear that was thrusting violently towards him and resolutely swung down Bo Xie.


In the moment of the collision between the light blade and the steel spear, a loud collision sound suddenly echoed in the surroundings, buzzing in mid-air and reverberating continuously.

The majestic aura ripples spread in all directions like water waves, but it had no impact on both sides of the clash, causing the light sword and steel spear to come to a halt.

However, with the first attack blocked, Fang Li immediately reversed his grip on the Moonlight Dagger held in his other hand. In the bright blade light, it swiftly cut towards Sydonay’s side.


The collision sound resonated once again.

To everyone’s surprise, Fang Li’s swift strike was blocked by a suddenly leaping chain. It directly rubbed against Sydonay’s side, generating intense sparks and constant bursts.

Shortly afterward, the chain suddenly spun around, and with a series of “ding ding ding” sounds, it directly entangled Fang Li’s Moonlight Dagger. With a forceful pull, Fang Li was forcefully separated from Sydonay’s side.

On the other end of the chain, Bel Peol also tightly gripped it, pulling on the chain forcefully while speaking aloud.


As the voice fell, a petite figure flashed before Fang Li. Lifting a pair of emotionless eyes, she raised Trigon towards Fang Li, pointing it at his chest.


In Hecate’s soft whisper, the sky-blue flames surged, reconverging at the tip of Trigon, forming a ball of light.

A terrifying power gathered within, stimulating Fang Li’s nerves and senses. Just as Fang Li was about to react, the other end of Bo Xie, which collided with the heavy steel spear, emitted a low roar from Sydonay.

“No way!”

With this low roaring sound, Sydonay’s arm swayed, and the hand gripping the heavy steel spear suddenly transformed into a thick and enormous snake. It wound around the heavy steel spear, directly climbing onto Bo Xie, which collided with the steel spear. It entwined Bo Xie and Fang Li’s hands, forcefully pulling them apart.

This time, Fang Li’s hands, along with the two weapons, were simultaneously restrained by Sydonay and Bel Peol, forming a straight line, exposing Fang Li’s defenseless chest to Hecate’s Trigon.


The tip of Trigon in Hecate’s hand became increasingly bright.

If this continued, Fang Li would have to endure Hecate’s full-force attack with his vulnerabilities exposed.

That strike, even for Fang Li, would result in severe injury if directly hit at point-blank range.

At the critical moment, Fang Li shouted loudly.

“Get away!”

In an explosion of white phosphorescent flames burning all over Fang Li’s body, it erupted like a substantial impact, shaking all around.

Trinity never expected that, under such circumstances, Fang Li could still launch a counterattack. Caught off guard, they were all hit by the berserk white shockwave.


A stifling sound, like thunder, reverberated through the air.

Hecate, Sydonay, and Bel Peol all groaned simultaneously, as if struck by lightning, and were all sent flying.

The substantial shockwave explosively expanded in mid-air, causing a hurricane, and shaking the atmosphere. Everyone saw a ring of light waves spreading out in a circular pattern, sending the invincible Trinity flying.

As a result, everyone was stunned.

“Is this human a monster?”

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