IUD-Chapter 452 Breaks Through

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Observing the almost imperceptible gap in the encirclement, Fang Li’s lips couldn’t help but curl up slowly.

“Just as I anticipated…”

Ambushing the members of the “Bal Masqué” within Seireiden, Fang Li’s goal wasn’t solely to avoid being surrounded during an escape. Once the forces inside Seireiden were reduced, the opponents would surely bring in reinforcements from the external guards to join the search and pursuit within Seireiden.

This way, the more Fang Li killed within Seireiden, the more external forces would enter Seireiden, joining the pursuit.

Ultimately, this led to situations like the current one, making it difficult to avoid the appearance of gaps in the external encirclement.

“That is my hope for escaping…”

Fang Li thought silently in his heart while closing his eyes slowly.

At this stage, Fang Li only lacked one opportunity. An opportunity that would allow him to burst out through the gap in the encirclement and escape Seireiden.

Therefore, Fang Li continued to hide his figure, crouching in the corner beside the window. Simultaneously, he allowed the Prana consumed within his body to circulate gradually, preparing for a sudden burst.

In this situation, time gradually passed.


A brisk, cold night wind, carrying a bit of sand, swept through the entire Seireiden.

Seireiden, named a Noble Phantasm (Treasure Tool), was a mobile fortress, but it wasn’t just a single structure. With Trinity at the helm, most of the higher-ups and personnel of the “Bal Masqué” operated within the central castle.

Radiating from the castle’s center were numerous towering and magnificent structures, forming an enormous complex.

The scale of Seireiden was equivalent to that of a small city. Otherwise, Fecor wouldn’t have needed to deploy the majority of his forces outside for guarding, as the external area was vast, contributing to the current situation.

As for the sky above Seireiden, it was as its name suggested— a night sky.

Of course, it wasn’t the real night sky but rather a barrier.

Encompassing the entirety of Seireiden, the “Crypta” barrier concealed Seireiden’s traces and aura. With this barrier, external individuals could never perceive Seireiden’s presence.

Fang Li only had one task.

That was to break through that barrier, escaping from the mobile combat fortress known as Seireiden.


The brisk night wind blew once again, lifting an even denser cloud of dust.

Under the assault of this sand, many teams on alert outside had their vision obscured, and quite a few even closed their eyes.

At this moment, Fang Li suddenly opened his eyes.


Amidst the sound of breaking space, Fang Li’s figure transformed completely into an arrow released from its bowstring, charging towards the outside.

At this moment, Fang Li pushed his speed to the limit.

“Flashing Dash-Reflected Moon!”

Like the elusive moon in the water that one could see but not touch, Fang Li’s figure completely turned into a mirage, seemingly blending into the night wind that swept up, shooting towards the night sky.

If viewed from a distance, one could witness such a scene.

Around the towering castle at the center of Seireiden, teams of personnel gathered, surrounding it from all sides, creating a dense sea of figures.

However, after a night wind laced with sand swept through, a figure suddenly burst forth from one corner of the castle, rushing in a particular direction.

Surrounding the area were dense crowds of people.

Except in that direction, where only a few Wanderers and dozens of Rinne remained.

So, when Fang Li leaped from below, arriving in front of the lone Wanderers and dozens of Rinne, they only managed to open their eyes.

Immediately, a chilly blade light became the last scene they witnessed.

“Pū Chī————!”

It was the simultaneous resounding slash.

Witnessed under the razor-sharp blade light, the lone Wanderers and dozens of Rinne were simultaneously enveloped, and in a glittering moment, they were cleanly bisected.


A wail echoed through the entire night.


The urgent cries startled the densely packed army around, abruptly turning their heads towards the source.

Immediately, everyone saw countless pieces of flesh showered down from midair, transforming into ethereal blue flames and disappearing completely.

Meanwhile, a figure, like a streak of lightning, rose into the sky, soaring out of the encirclement surrounding the castle.

From the encircling formation surrounding the entire castle.

The Crimson World Denizens of the “Bal Masqué” finally reacted.

The next moment, chaos erupted completely.

“It’s that human!”

“That human is out!”

“Capture him!”

“Don’t let him escape!”

One by one, the Crimson World Denizens of the “Bal Masqué” were infuriated, shouting angrily, leading countless Rinne to form a massive army, pursuing Fang Li.


Roars and shouts echoed throughout Seireiden, like a stampeding herd, causing countless soldiers to fly towards the sky, chasing after the solitary figure.

However, how could they easily catch up to Fang Li, who was already a speed type?

Therefore, as Fang Li ascended into the sky, he didn’t even glance at the soldiers chasing behind him. While ascending, he lifted his eyes and gazed at the brilliant night sky.

His ice-blue Mystic Eyes manifested.

A sharp dagger fell into his palm.

At this moment, Fang Li needed the maximum range of attack.

To shatter that night scene.

To cut through the crack-like lines that almost spread all over the entire night sky.

“Flashing Scabbard-Ten Lives!”

This was the largest-scale slash Fang Li had unleashed so far.

As if gathering all his power into a single strike, a massive blade light suddenly appeared, sweeping towards the night sky like a crescent moon.

The scene was akin to a falling moon preparing to return to the sky, exceptionally beautiful.

Then, the enormous crescent moon descended upon the night sky.


Like shattered glass, the night sky was directly cleaved by the colossal crescent moon, turning into fragments that showered down.

Beyond the shattered night sky, the vast blue sky appeared in Fang Li’s sight.

“It worked!”

Fang Li couldn’t help but rejoice while soaring into that azure sky.

Just as Fang Li was about to break out of Crypta, an unexpected event occurred.


An extremely terrifying pressure suddenly swept through the entire space.

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