IUD-Chapter 445 Dark Red Flame

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The ice-blue Mystic Eyes quietly concealed themselves, causing the chilly air to gradually dissipate, returning to a calm state.


Fang Li slowly exhaled, allowing his tense body to relax slightly. The murderous aura that had been fluctuating around his body also began to converge, returning to its usual state.

Recovering from the state of the Murdering Demon, Fang Li raised his head and surveyed the surroundings.

The vast hall remained as solemn as before, permeated with a solemn atmosphere. The Denizens and Rinne that Fang Li had killed had all turned into flames of Power of Existence, disappearing.

Therefore, the hall didn’t bear any corpses or bloodstains. If not for the ground being littered with numerous weapons and the carpets around burnt due to the flames, one might not believe that a massacre comparable to a thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses had just taken place here.

However, the thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses were not the ones committing the slaughter but the ones being slaughtered.

Of course, Fang Li wasn’t as relaxed as he appeared earlier. Because Fang Li knew.

“The troops here are just an inconspicuous part of the ‘Bal Masqué.'”

Although it seemed like a grand formation, Rinne almost dominated the entire army surrounding Fang Li, while the number of Denizens was less than a hundred.

Moreover, Rinne was merely a servant created by Denizens using the Power of Existence. Even if they suffered losses, as long as there was sufficient Power of Existence, they could continue to produce more.

So, as Fang Li had mentioned, the recent display of forces was just an extremely inconspicuous part of the ‘Bal Masqué.’

“I’m afraid most of the members in the organization have dispersed around the world. Even the members still in the base are mostly deployed around for security. I can handle it for now, but when the large force arrives, it will be challenging.”

Fang Li didn’t become complacent due to the recent slaughter. He analyzed the situation calmly.

“Now is the time to quickly escape from Seireiden.”

This series of thoughts took less than three seconds.

From an objective perspective, Fang Li merely relaxed his body slightly, expelled the suppressed aura from his chest, and then quickly analyzed and started to act.

Fang Li lifted his pace, preparing to leave from the direction where the large army had blocked him just moments ago.

In that instant, an anomaly occurred.

“Pā jī…”

A faint and fleeting unusual sound suddenly burst forth.


Fang Li, who was about to leave towards the door, felt a sudden change in the surrounding air. His heart started to beat rapidly.

A sense of crisis surged from Fang Li’s heart.

And it was of a lethal degree.

Fang Li didn’t have time to react.

The next second, the world changed.


Accompanied by a resounding roar, the ground of the entire hall exploded.

A berserk dark red flame, filled with countless sharp swords, erupted from the ground, evaporating the air. It was like a volcanic eruption from the depths of the underground, overturning the rock formations and rushing into this space.

The scale of that raging dark red flame was beyond imagination.

In just a short split second, the entire hall, equivalent to the size of a football field, was overwhelmed.

Stone pillars turned into debris amidst the torrent of flames.

The ceiling shattered under the onslaught of swords.

The dark red flames, intermingled with countless swords, erupted violently, exhibiting a terrifying power not inferior to a volcanic eruption, turning the entire hall into fragments.

In an instant, it became a ruin.

It was a torrent that allowed no existence of life.

It was a disaster that spared nothing intact.

Even a city under such a terrifying power would likely instantly become ruins, leaving only remnants.

This power mercilessly turned the surrounding area into hell, sending sharp swords in all directions. The berserk dark red flames swept across the land, utterly destroying everything in the vicinity.

The duration of this calamity, caused by such power, remained unknown.

When the terrifying flames, akin to a volcanic eruption, finally subsided, and the dreadful impact ceased, the hall, resembling an audience with an Emperor, had disappeared without a trace. Not even the ground and ceiling showed a hint of their former state.

Only a wasteland remained, continually burning under the influence of the dark red flames, turning into a sea of fire.

“Pā… Pā…”

Some fragments pierced the sky and, without any hindrance, fell from above, pounding on the ground, and creating crisp sounds.

The dark red flames covered every corner, causing the entire ruins to slowly burn, releasing a continuously diffusing smoky aura.

In one corner of this ruin, a hand suddenly emerged from a pile of rubble, bracing against the ground and slowly lifting a body.

Other than Fang Li, who else could it be?


A slight, muffled sound escaped from Fang Li’s mouth.


A large amount of blood seeped from his body, dripping down, gradually forming a small pool of blood.

Upon closer inspection, Fang Li’s entire body was covered in knife wounds, densely packed and resembling a horrifying sight.

Though not to the extent of severe injuries, it was still gruesome.

However, this situation actually made Fang Li breathe a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, I timely elevated the Prana within the body to the limit at the critical moment, upgrading the defensive power.”

In addition to Fang Li’s Light Breath, which had the effect of reducing damage by half, he was able to survive the terrifying and unexpected disaster just now, suffering only this degree of injury.

If not for this, Fang Li might have turned into a pile of debris just now.

“And only one person comes to mind with such power in my memory.”

Fang Li raised his head with force, looking forward.

There, a silhouette silently emerged in the dark red flames, holding two sharp swords, slowly approaching.

“To actually survive under my Akaneiro no Dotou?” A deeply resonant voice emanated from the figure.

“The first person to endure my attack to this extent. You are the first, human.”

As the words fell…


The black figure suddenly surged forward at an astonishing speed, reaching Fang Li in an instant. Facing Fang Li’s throat, it unleashed a powerful sudden thrust.


A collision sound akin to gold and iron suddenly resounded in the surroundings.

The crescent-like dagger blocked the incoming thrust.

Looking at the unexpected assassin before him, Fang Li spoke in a low voice.

“‘Kaijin (Destructive Blade)’…”

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