IUD-Chapter 439 Slaughtering

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In one of the corridors in Seireiden, a figure swept through like a gust of wind, carrying the whistling sound of the wind, moving at an astonishing speed through this space.

Racing at the fastest speed through the corridors of Seireiden, Fang Li’s gaze looked straight ahead, and his inner thoughts began to spin rapidly.

For Fang Li, the first challenge in escaping Seireiden was to find a way out.

Otherwise, he would just be wandering within Seireiden, never able to leave.

As for directly breaking through the ceiling and running out, that would definitely not work.

After all, Seireiden is a mobile fortress with barriers all around— It’s not just a castle, but also a vast land.

There are undoubtedly many Crimson World Denizens guarding there.

Once he directly rushed out from above, he would be absolutely surrounded by an army coming from all directions.

“So, first, I need to find a way out.”

This point wasn’t very difficult.

No matter where you are, there must be wind blowing in from the outside.

Based on the feel of the air, the size of the wind, and even the sensitivity to airflow, even if you don’t know the terrain here, you can still determine which direction leads to the sky, which also means the way out.

This is knowledge Fang Li learned at Butei High after he had applied for escaping lessons and this was one of the many things that were taught when trapped in enclosed terrain or encountering confinement by criminals.

In this situation, Fang Li closed his eyes slightly and felt the changes in the surrounding airflow.

Soon, in Fang Li’s mind, a simple route map gradually formed.

“This way!”

The next moment, without opening his eyes, Fang Li suddenly made a turn, leaping into the adjacent corridor, and continuing to dash through it at a wind-like speed.

Along the way, Fang Li encountered many forks.

However, each time he was faced with a fork, Fang Li, without the slightest hesitation, chose the side where the airflow was more pronounced, still without opening his eyes, sprinting through one corridor after another.

If he continued at this rate, Fang Li would sooner or later find the entrance leading outside.

If the enemy hadn’t discovered Fang Li.


At a certain moment, Fang Li suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of the corridor, strange creatures suddenly emerged from all directions, like soldiers patrolling in a castle, wielding weapons, discovering Fang Li rushing over.

These strange creatures, some resembling humans and others beasts, although their auras were not very strong, their numbers were abundant.

These were Rinne created by the Crimson World Denizens of the “Bal Masqué.”

The Rinnen who spotted Fang Li successively shouted.

“There he is!”



“Get him!”

Whether humanoid or beast-like, the Rinnen, showing hostility, pounced on Fang Li who was charging forward with their claws and fangs.

Fang Li’s situation was not widely known within the “Bal Masqué,” and only some high-ranking and related personnel were aware of his existence.

As for the rest of the members, they only knew that a human was locked deep inside Seireiden, and nothing more.

Since these Rinnen are treated as convenient servants and helpers, naturally, they have no knowledge of Fang Li’s abilities.

In the eyes of these Rinnen, the human in front of them is just food that cannot be eaten. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain to the Master.

Of course, not a single Rinne would think that they couldn’t deal with a mere human.

Exactly because of this, these pitiful Rinnen do not know that they are about to face a terrifying presence.

Watching a group of Rinnen rushing towards him with claws and fangs, Fang Li sighed, and then his gaze suddenly became indifferent.


Amidst the sound of air exploding, Fang Li crushed the ground, his figure turning into an afterimage, rushing forward at a breakneck speed.

The sharp dagger was already gripped in his hand.

The icy blue Mystic Eyes had already manifested.

“It’s been a while since I went on a killing spree…”

With such an emotionless murmur, Fang Li rushed forward, meeting the incoming legion of Rinnen.

“Flashing Scabbard-Eight Point Opposition!”

Countless blade lights appeared around Fang Li.

“Pū Chī—— Pū Chī—— Pū Chī——!”

Like a gust of wind carrying sharp blades, the ghostly figure directly rushed into the crowd of Rinnen. The dagger transformed into countless slashes, tearing apart every attacking Rinne, splitting them in half.




The screams began to echo in the crowd.

Accompanying them were flames, representing the dissipation of the Power of Existence, splattering like blood.

Fang Li rushed directly into the crowd, his ice-blue Mystic Eyes rotating, capturing the Death Lines of each Rinne in his surroundings. The Moon Blade in his hand turned into countless blade lights, appearing around Fang Li and striking in all directions, hitting each Rinne’s body.

“Pū Chī—— Pū Chī—— Pū Chī——!”

The sound of sharp blades piercing through physical bodies resounded continuously.


The wails of the Rinnen echoed incessantly in the surrounding.

All Rinnen near Fang Li’s surroundings were effortlessly cut in half by the high-speed slashes, like cutting paper with a knife. With flames spouting instead of blood, they let out cries, turning into a pile of limbs and debris.

The scene was as if a meat grinder had charged into the crowd.

If it weren’t for the fact that neither Denizens nor Rinnen would bleed but instead release flames representing the blood-like Power of Existence, this place would have long turned into a bloody hell.

Despite this situation, Fang Li’s speed showed no signs of diminishing. He continued to dash forward like the wind, simultaneously unleashing innumerable blade lights to cut down the Rinnen blocking his path.


Before long, the area where Fang Li passed was filled with the limbs and debris of Rinnen. They burned like flames, turning into ashes and dissipating.

Among the Rinnen that had pounced on Fang Li, those who had not yet reached him, witnessing the shocking scene, looked on in astonishment.

“No… impossible!”

“Just a human…!”

“How… how is this possible?!”

However, the one-sided massacre played out in front of everyone present and told all the Rinnen the reality they were facing.

Watching Fang Li, with a pair of ice-blue Mystic Eyes, rushing at an extremely frightening speed while killing his way out, a group of Rinnen shouted one after another.


“Quick, inform the Master!”

“This human… this human…!”


Under the screams filled with fear and despair, in the end, not a single Rinne survived.

Fang Li, like kicking away pebbles blocking his path, rushed out of the corridor.

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