IUD-Chapter 438 Action

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Bel Peol had mentioned that when Fang Li was transferred here, she had already thoroughly searched his entire body to find Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child), even scrutinizing within his body.

Naturally, if Fang Li had any weapons on him, they would have likely been confiscated long ago.

Unfortunately, Fang Li’s weapon wasn’t carried on his person; it was stored in the space of the Black Ring he had decided not to sell.

“Fortunately, as a precaution, I took off the Ionic Spark and instead wore the Black Ring.”

So, the Black Ring was also worn as Virtual Equipment by Fang Li, always hidden, and undiscovered by Bel Peol.

Since this bracelet with a personal space was equipped, no matter how immobilized Fang Li was, with just a thought, he could retrieve items from the bracelet.


With a faint sound, a dagger like a crescent moon suddenly appeared, landing in Fang Li’s palm.

Fang Li tightly gripped the Moonlight Dagger, and the ice-blue Mystic Eyes subtly turned their gaze to the chains restraining his limbs.

These thick chains should be a Treasure Tool specifically designed for binding and imprisonment.

Under the scrutiny of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, a series of crack-like Death Lines appeared on them, covering every corner of the chains.

Staring at the chains that held the Moonlight Dagger, Fang Li clearly saw the Death Lines on them.

With a movement of his palm, Fang Li reversed the Moonlight Dagger, lightly tracing over the Death Lines on the chains.


With a crisp sound, the sturdy chains surprisingly snapped under the gentle stroke.


In the next second, three slashing sounds followed one after another, cleanly severing the chains holding Fang Li’s other hand and the chains binding his feet.

This seemingly impressive Treasure Tool, in the face of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, that it couldn’t defend against, proved to be so fragile that it was effortlessly cut through.

At this moment, Fang Li regained his freedom.

Of course, Fang Li hadn’t completely escaped yet.

“I must escape from Seireiden…”

Otherwise, Fang Li wouldn’t consider himself out of danger.

So, Fang Li surveyed all around and finally locked his gaze in one direction.

That direction was precisely where Trinity had left.

“That should be the exit, right?”

After all, this temple situated in the void showed no walls or doors, only an endless void spreading all around.

To find an exit, following the direction Trinity left was the only way.

“But, if I do that, escaping from Trinity would be even more challenging.”

Just facing Sydonay alone with ‘Thousand Changes’ was already a formidable task; adding the other two Trinity members of the same rank meant that Fang Li would almost certainly fail to escape if encountered.

“In that case…”

Fang Li raised his head, looking upward.

There, an endless starry sky stretched out.

However, since Fang Li regained consciousness, it seemed like a day had passed, and the starry sky hadn’t changed at all— which means that it was clearly a simulated scenario.


“As an exit, it should work, right?”

With these words, Fang Li suddenly leaped, flying towards the starry sky above.

His ice-blue Mystic Eyes glittered.

The dagger in his hand cut through the sky.

“Pū Chī————!”

The next moment, the endless starry sky was directly sliced in half, suddenly disappearing.


In a room on the lower floor of Seireiden, a voice of surprise suddenly echoed.

The voice of surprise came from a person.

He was a middle-aged man dressed modestly in a suit. Horns protruded from his head, bat-like wings extended from his back, a hooked tail hung at his waist, and he carried a large scimitar. He looked like an ordinary salaryman but also resembled a somewhat ineffectual Devil.

Hearing the middle-aged man’s surprised voice, an assistant-like staff member turned around, astonished, and spoke.

“What happened, Manager-Sama?”

Upon hearing this, the man referred to as the manager didn’t respond immediately but stared at a device in front of him.

It was a device resembling a globe.

At this moment, on the device, in one of its corners, an area suddenly turned red, glittering like a warning light.

“That is…”

In a split second, the middle-aged man almost understood what was happening.

Beside him, the staff member hesitated before speaking again, “Manager-Sama?”

“Apologies.” The middle-aged man finally reacted and said to the staff member, “Where is the Great Priestess now with the General?”

“It seems they are with the General and the Great Priestess.” The staff member truthfully replied, “Excuse me, has something happened?”

“Yes.” The middle-aged man said directly, “It seems the prisoner in custody has escaped.”

“What?” The staff member was instantly surprised. “Do you mean that human?”

“Yes.” The middle-aged man honestly replied, “So, I must inform the three of them now. The Treasure Tool carried by that human’s body is closely related to our ‘Bal Masqué,’ and we cannot let him escape.”

“Understood.” The staff member immediately respectfully asked, “But before that, how should we handle the situation?”

The middle-aged man fell into contemplation.

This middle-aged man with Devil features held a respectable position in the ‘Bal Masqué.’

His name was Fecor, known as the ‘Tempest Hoof’ of the Crimson World Crimson Lords.

In the ‘Bal Masqué,’ Fecor held the position of guarding the manager, and he was responsible for protecting Seireiden and making decisions in Bel Peol’s absence.

In other words, in the ‘Bal Masqué,’ besides the Leader and Trinity, this guardian manager was equivalent to the highest-ranking official.

Now, with Trinity absent, the one making decisions was naturally Fecor.

Fecor didn’t think for too long.

After a brief pause, Fecor immediately issued orders.

“Inform the Jaegers in Seireiden to search for the escaped human. Once the target is found, have the surrounding Wanderers rush over and make sure to recapture the escapee.”

Hearing this, the staff member was puzzled.

“Even the Wanderers need to take action? Is the target just a human?”

Although the staff member had questions about this, they accepted the order and asked, “What about before the Wanderers arrive at the target person?”

“Let the Rinnens patrolling Seireiden intercept first,” Fecor said. “I will go inform the three leaders.”

“Understood.” The staff member immediately started to relay the instructions.

As for Fecor, he glanced at one corner of the globe-like device that was glittering like a warning light before slowly leaving the room.

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