IUD-Chapter 423 Out Of Control

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The deep blue flames exploded inside the Fuuzetsu/Seal, instantly covering Margery’s entire body and gradually expanding.

Throughout the process, the flames transformed into substantial fur, carrying a fierce aura, and shaping into a towering figure.

By the time the deep blue flames subsided, the towering figure appeared in the air.

It was a wild beast.

Resembling a bear in height and bulkiness, with deep blue fur all over its body, and a wolf-like appearance for its head, it looked like a large puppet designed to amuse children, yet it exuded an exceptionally fierce aura as a wild beast.

“Roar! Oooh, Oooh, Oooh——!”

The deep blue wild beast emitted a roar that seemed to combine Margery and Marchosias, resonating together.

Under that roar, the air seemed to tremble slightly, generating a powerful gust that made Shana’s black attire rustle and ripple.

“What is that…” Shana’s Burning-Eyed glittered slightly as she muttered.

“That is a flame robe called Tōga, exclusive to the Flame Haze of ‘Claw and Fangs of Violation,’ much like your Yogasa. It is a unique power manifested after the fusion of ‘Chanter of Elegies’ and ‘Claw and Fangs of Violation.’ It not only enhances the user’s combat ability but also provides a certain level of defensive power. Be cautious,” Alastor immediately answered Shana’s question.

Before Alastor’s words could fully settle, the opponent made the first move.

“Let’s start with a greeting!” Margery’s voice now carried the characteristic ferocity of a battle maniac.

In this situation, the wild beast named Tōga grinned.

“Sunshower! Ha!”

“Ascend to the Western Heaven in three seconds! Oh!”

Margery and Marchosias’ voices resounded simultaneously.

Instantly, deep blue fire powder began to hover around Tōga’s body.


Without any hesitation, Shana lifted the black attire on her body, using it as a shield.


Almost simultaneously, the fire powder hovering around Tōga’s body condensed suddenly, forming flame projectiles, a rebellion/riot, rushing forward and landing directly on Shana’s body.

“Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom——!”

Accompanied by a series of explosions, the deep blue fire wave burst around Shana’s body, unleashing a powerful blast wave that enveloped her entirely.

This was the Improvisational Poem of Slaughter, an Unrestricted Spell woven on a whim according to the situation or needs, combining effects such as attack, defense, and support. It was Margery’s proof of being a skilled Unrestricted Spell Master.

The formidable firepower covered the entire bridge in a split second, causing the iron structure to be instantly shattered, turning into pieces of iron and debris that rained down below.

Within the deep blue fire wave, Shana, wrapped in Yogasa, was violently thrown out, losing her foothold. Like a kicked soccer ball, she flew out under the roaring sound of the wind.

“Shana!” Unknowingly, Alastor called out that name.

“I know!” Shana accepted the call as a matter of course.

Then, the flames of the Red Lotus suddenly ignited from Shana’s body.

After Fang Li’s guidance, Shana could finally utilize her own power to manifest her flames. Although it was merely an advancement in the ability to produce flames, compared to relying solely on Nietono no Shana to wield fire as before, it marked a significant improvement.

Yesterday, under Fang Li’s guidance, Shana attempted to condense the flames into various forms, replicating a portion of Alastor’s original power. This portion of power could take the form of flame blades, Red Lotus flame waves, or even condense into flame wings, achieving effects akin to Unrestricted Spells.

Therefore, in the upcoming battle, Shana only needed to follow yesterday’s practice, condense the flames into wings, and escape the predicament of having no foothold.

(Yes, just like yesterday…)

As this thought flashed through Shana’s mind, she suddenly became aware.

(Like yesterday?)

So, what was yesterday like?

How did she manifest this power?

It was under Fang Li’s guidance.

However, now Fang Li wasn’t by Shana’s side, and understandably, there was no one to guide her.

(No… guidance?)

This wasn’t a problem.

Fang Li only played the role of a guide.

Even without Fang Li’s guidance, after yesterday’s training, Shana should have remembered how to use the flames.

Therefore, Shana could control the flames entirely on her own.

However, at this moment, Shana seemed to be in a state of amnesia, and she was unsure of how to control her own flames.

Because there was no guidance today.

No Fang Li by her side guiding her.

(I’m alone…)

This thought caused the Red Lotus flames around Shana’s body to seemingly lose control, bursting out uncontrollably.


A thunderous roar echoed in the air.

The woven red fire wave suddenly blossomed in the sky like fireworks.


With a painful groan, Shana was unexpectedly blasted away by her own flames. The entire person emitted a smoky, charred scent, falling from the Red Lotus fire wave towards the ground.

“Shana!” Alastor’s voice held both surprise and astonishment.

Shortly afterward, the voices of Margery and Marchosias followed suit.

“A Flame Haze blasted away by her own flames? Is this little girl here to make us laugh?!”

“The renowned contractor of the God of Retribution turns out to be of this caliber? It’s truly laughable!”

As they spoke these words, the wild beast named Tōga soared into the sky, extending its massive palm as if embracing something. It condensed the deep blue flames within.

The next moment, the deep blue flames turned into a pillar of fire descending from the sky, steaming the atmosphere and traversing space. Accompanied by an ear-piercing buzz, it descended towards Shana.

Shana, covered in burns, could only watch helplessly as the colossal pillar of flames descended upon her body, her Burning-Eyed widening slowly.

Just as the deep blue pillar of fire was about to land on Shana’s body, a sudden change occurred.


It was an extremely pleasant sound of a sword hum.

A streak of cold light suddenly shot violently from the far end of the distant sky, like a meteor appearing abruptly.

Its true form was precisely a dagger, spinning extremely fast like a spiral. It stirred up the surrounding airflow, creating a tornado-like whirlwind that enveloped the dagger.

This dagger shot violently and heavily landed on the descending deep blue pillar of fire from the sky.

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