IUD-Chapter 421 I Am Really Alone

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Under the tremors in the air, ripples, imperceptible to the naked eye, swept across the entire sky of Misaki City, akin to the concentric circles formed when a drop of water falls onto the surface of Misaki City, causing ripple-like fluctuations to expand in all directions.

This fluctuation could only be felt by Fang Li and Shana.

Of course, Alastor could sense it as well.

“Is it an Unrestricted Spell of the Search system?” Alastor remarked, “With such a large-scale Unrestricted Spell, the opponent must be a highly skilled Unrestricted Spell Master. We need to be cautious.”

This statement was not only directed at Shana but also at Fang Li.

After all, for close combat specialists like Fang Li and Shana, facing opponents with diverse abilities was undoubtedly the most challenging.

“Using Unrestricted Spells so boldly.” Shana calmly commented, “The opponent should be able to sense my aura.”

What did this prove?

It proved that the opponent, at least, did not have any fear of Shana.

So, Shana continued, “Could it be a Denizen of the ‘Bal Masqué’?”

“Can’t be certain, nor can it be denied.” Alastor replied truthfully, “If there’s only one aura, it shouldn’t be the ‘Bal Masqué,’ but we can’t rule out the possibility that it’s an assassin or a vanguard sent by the opponent.”

Feeling the aura based on the opponent’s disruption to the world had its drawbacks—sometimes it was impossible to specifically identify the opponent.

“Anyway, let’s go check it out.” Shana made this decision and promptly stood up.

However, Fang Li seemed a bit indifferent.

Seeing this, Shana paused, frowned, and inquired.

“Aren’t you going?”

Hearing this, Fang Li replied directly.


This direct response nearly caught Shana off guard, and she asked with a puzzled expression.


To Shana’s question, Fang Li casually stated, “Because there’s no need. If the opponent is from the ‘Bal Masqué,’ going there now is like walking into a trap. If the opponent is not from the ‘Bal Masqué,’ then what’s the point of going now?”

This matter-of-fact statement stirred a fire in Shana’s heart.

Without hesitation, Shana raised her voice and said, “What if the opponent is a Denizen? What if they are currently devouring the Power of Existence recklessly?”

“What does that have to do with me?” Fang Li met Shana’s gaze head-on and straightforwardly delivered his line, “I’m not a Flame Haze.”


At that moment, Shana felt like she had been unexpectedly attacked, her delicate figure swaying slightly.

Internally, it was as if a huge void had been ripped open, making her feel extremely empty.

When she finally reacted, Shana sensed it.

An uncontrollable surge of immense anger.


Fang Li was not a Flame Haze.

Therefore, Fang Li had no reason to engage in the battle.

Before, Shana felt confused by Fang Li’s bloody and heroic figure because of this perception, but she was also attracted by such a posture.

Because, for Shana, who takes pride in the mission of a Flame Haze, a brave figure that doesn’t compromise with Denizens like Fang Li’s has always been the ideal form.

Therefore, in Shana’s eyes, Fang Li shone brightly.

However, now, Shana is forced to face reality.

This person is not a Flame Haze.

His battles are not for a mission but for himself.

This makes Shana feel betrayed.

(He clearly said such things…)

Fang Li had said it before.

(He said that this mission is not something only I have…)

But now…

(Now, is he planning to let me fight alone?)

The disparity between words and actions fills Shana’s heart with an uncontrollable rage.

Shana knows that Fang Li is right.

As a human, Fang Li indeed has no reason to fight in this situation.

Similarly, even though Fang Li mentioned that the mission of a Flame Haze is not only Shana’s, it is also not Fang Li’s.

So, Fang Li is entirely correct.

Even though he is right, Shana can’t restrain her anger.

At that moment, Shana lowered her head, turned away from Fang Li, and walked towards the balcony.


Accompanied by a sound as if the air were being shattered, Shana erupted in a burst of fire powder, Flame-Haired and Burning-Eyed manifested, turning into a fiery red streak, rushing towards her destination.

Watching Shana leave silently with heavy anger, Fang Li sat on the bed, gazing at the gradually diminishing crimson figure, sighing quietly.

“She really is a difficult little girl to handle…”

If you really want me to go with you, why not just say so?

Even at this level, it would be enough of a reason for Fang Li.

After all, Fang Li is someone who does as he pleases.

On the other side, leaping back and forth at the tops of buildings like a nimble meteor, Shana headed straight toward her destination.

Flame-Haired left crimson fire powder in the air.

Burning-Eyed reflected a beautiful glow in the space.

This was the reason why she is referred to as the “Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Assassin.”

However, beneath this resolute exterior, the void in Shana’s heart was growing larger, and the emptiness invading her body became denser.

In this situation, Shana couldn’t help but speak in a low voice.

“I… am really alone after all…”

The effect of this statement was only to make the emptiness in her heart grow deeper.


Alastor seemed unsure of what to say, remaining silent.

Soon after, the united Flame Haze leaped high and headed towards Misaki Bridge.


At the top of Misaki Bridge, Marchosias’ shout suddenly echoed from a large hardcover book.

“I know!” Margery shouted back, shortly afterward, she closed her hand, and the totem that had expanded from the center of her fingertips with imperceptible fluctuations instantly retracted, disappearing above Margery’s head.

In this process, Margery also absorbed the Power of Existence from several Torches to replenish the part consumed by her use of Unrestricted Spell.

The skilled technique, as Marchosias had mentioned, could only be accomplished by a proficient Unrestricted Spell Master.

Soon after, Margery raised her head and looked in a certain direction.

There, a fiery red meteor descended from the sky, violently landing heavily on the top of a bridge ahead.

Red Lotus’s fire powder danced around that petite figure, exceptionally splendid.

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