IUD-Chapter 414 Trinity

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This is an extremely vast space.

If it could be described with a single word, it would be called a “temple.”

Rows upon rows of white columns stood in perfect harmony around.

On both sides extended an endless void.

Above, an infinite expanse of starry sky.

Thus, there were no walls, no ceiling, only beams, and a pitch-black, crystal-like floor.

In the center of this circular space, enclosed by the rows of white columns, stood an altar made of pure white stone.

On the altar, a girl knelt, her eyes tightly closed in what seemed like a prayer. Her entire body emitted no discernible aura, creating an atmosphere of extraordinary sanctity and solemnity.

She was a petite girl, dressed in loosely fitted robes and a large hat. Her shoulder-length hair was a light blue, and her predominantly white attire resembled that of a priestess. However, the hat on her head was more like a scholar’s cap, seemingly mismatched but harmonious on her figure, giving an impression of perfect coordination.

The posture of the girl praying on the altar was undoubtedly pure and sacred.

Unfortunately, the visage of this pure girl seemed to lack emotion. Her delicate and tender face carried an inorganic feel, resembling a meticulously carved statue, adding a touch of coldness.

The girl remained in this position with her eyes closed and remained expressionless, and absorbed in her prayers.

This scene seemed to have maintained its sanctity for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, permeating the surroundings with a profound silence.

This silence was shattered in the next moment.

At a certain point in time, within this temple-like space, an abrupt sound of footsteps echoed.

The girl did not open her eyes.

Not that she hadn’t heard the footsteps, but she simply didn’t care about the identity of the newcomer.

Seemingly aware of this, the newcomer remarked, “Ah, my cute Hecate is as cold as ever, just like before.”

Accompanying these words was a middle-aged man in a suit, tall in stature, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, exuding the aura of a mafia boss.

It was none other than Sydonay.

Uncharacteristically, Sydonay took off the sunglasses on his face, and a hint of nostalgia and indulgence appeared in his eyes as he looked at the girl kneeling on the altar.

Then, Sydonay spoke in a tone that seemed to lament, “Rarely do I come back, and you won’t even welcome me?”

However, the girl referred to as Hecate continued to kneel there, expressionless, seemingly indifferent to Sydonay’s existence, she looked cold to the point of heartbreak.

Sydonay shrugged as if rejected by a beloved daughter and sighed.

“Could it be that I’ve been away for too long, and she’s angry now?”

It wasn’t Hecate who responded to Sydonay’s words but another voice.

“You’re overthinking it, General. You should know that Hecate has always been like this.”

It was a very mature, slightly seductive female voice.

Hearing this voice, Sydonay turned his head and looked in another direction.

There, a tall figure with elegant footsteps, resembling the crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground, walked slowly toward him.

It was a woman with a proud figure, wearing a pitch-black evening gown. Adorning her body was a large chain-like accessory, and her waist-length red hair naturally cascaded behind, accentuating her mature presence.

The female exuded an enchanting aura, but within this allure, there lingered an atmosphere of malevolence and eeriness.

This was because the female wore a particularly unsettling eyepatch over her right eye, and on her forehead, an eye was also present.

Seeing this female, Sydonay raised an eyebrow, adopting a casual attitude quite different from when facing Hecate, and spoke, “So, Granny, you’re here too.”

The footsteps of the other suddenly came to a halt.

Immediately, with a smirk that seemed half-smile and half-sneer, she said, “General, I’ve asked you to change that address more than once, haven’t I?”

Hearing this, Sydonay raised his hands in a somewhat exaggerated gesture, surrendering, “Yes, our great strategist, Bel Peol.”

“Drop that outdated title now,” Bel Peol corrected. “Currently, everyone in the ‘Bal Masqué’ refers to me as the strategist, not general.”

“Is that so?” Sydonay grinned, glancing at Bel Peol and then at Hecate, and said, “Anyway, now that the Trinity is gathered, let’s not dwell on these petty matters.”


The three individuals here were the Trinity of the “Bal Masqué,” holding positions only beneath the Leader.

The general responsible for leading troops, ‘Thousand Changes’—Sydonay.

The strategist in charge of operations, ‘Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning’—Bel Peol.

And the Great Priestess responsible for receiving the Leader’s Grand Order, ‘Master Throne’— Hecate.

These three Crimson World Crimson Lords were currently at the apex of the “Bal Masqué,” leading its existence for thousands of years during the Leader’s mysterious absence.

Of course, it was more of a nominal leadership.

“Sorry about that, General,” Bel Peol said with a dismissive smile. “You’ve been wandering outside, not attending to your duties, and Hecate has been in this reclusive state, only praying. I’ve been practically supporting the operation of the ‘Bal Masqué’ all these years. I truly hope you both can understand and help me ease the burden a bit.”

“Well, you seem to enjoy it,” Sydonay said nonchalantly. “And this time, I brought back extremely important intelligence. Let me make amends for my absence.”

With that, Sydonay directly revealed the content of the intelligence.

“I’ve located the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child).”

When these words left Sydonay’s mouth, the atmosphere on the scene completely changed.

“Hehe…” Bel Peol smiled enchantingly, though, beneath the laughter, the emotion of joy was hard to conceal. She muttered, “So we finally found it.”

On the altar, the girl who had been praying opened her eyes.

They were a pair of transparent, crystal-like eyes.

Soon after, the girl named Hecate spoke in a voice devoid of any fluctuations, slowly uttering, “We must retrieve the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child).”

In one sentence, she voiced the sentiments of everyone present.

Shortly afterward, Hecate turned around, looking at Sydonay directly, and asked, “Where is the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child)?”

Without the slightest hesitation, Sydonay responded, “Misaki City.”

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