IUD-Chapter 409 Truth

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In the Bright Red World, the stifling sound echoed once again, marking who knows how many times.

Fang Li and Sydonay’s figures were simultaneously sent flying, heavily crashing onto the ground. Both transformed into rolling gourds, continuously tumbling away.

The distance between both sides began to widen.

Crimson blood and purple flames continuously splattered along the way.

By the time both sides came to a stop, they had created a considerable distance between them.


Fang Li couldn’t help but cough up a mouthful of blood, creating a blood flower on the ground in front of him.


Sydonay also emitted a muffled groan, his fur all over his body emitting a turbid purple fire resembling bloodstains, undulating like molten lava.

Regardless of which side, both lay on the ground, unable to get up for a moment. It wasn’t until after a while that Fang Li and Sydonay struggled to stand up from the ground, their figures swaying, as if they could collapse at any moment.


The Prana circulating in Fang Li’s body had begun to dim.

It was a sign of imminent depletion.


The turbid purple fire on Sydonay’s body also began to extinguish, seemingly unable to assist in healing his wounds any longer.

It was also a sign that the Power of Existence was about to run out.

Even so, Fang Li and Sydonay continued to struggle to stand up.

On the side, Shana had forgotten to breathe.

There was no way; the scene before her couldn’t tolerate anyone to desecrate it. Even breathing seemed like it would disturb this battle, causing Shana’s gaze to involuntarily shift.

Only Fang Li and Sydonay, still struggling to rise, one with a pale complexion, the other breathing irregularly, completely exhausted.

In this situation, Sydonay laughed, a laughter filled with delight.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve fought someone to this extent, especially a human. Just for that, kid, you can be proud.”

Saying so, Sydonay changed the topic, stating, “However, you cannot win against me, as long as you remain a human.”

It wasn’t arrogance on Sydonay’s part; it was an undeniable fact.

Fang Li was a human.

Therefore, when attacked, Fang Li would get hurt. When launching an attack, his Stamina would deplete. Once a battle started, exhaustion would accumulate until he fell.

On the other hand, Sydonay was a Crimson World Denizen.

Crimson World Denizens did get injured, and they did tire, but that was based on the consumption of the Power of Existence.

As long as there was Power of Existence remaining, a Crimson World Denizen could use it to repair wounds, and restore Stamina, until the Power of Existence was completely exhausted.

Now, Sydonay’s Power of Existence was almost depleted.

If he continued to consume it, even his existence couldn’t be maintained.

However, the remaining Power of Existence was still enough to help Sydonay heal his body once, restoring it to a perfect state.

In this way, even though Sydonay’s power would be significantly weakened due to the impending depletion of the Power of Existence, it was still much better than Fang Li’s condition of being covered in blood and full of scars.

In such a situation, who would win and who would lose was not even worth considering.

And if…

“If you could use your full strength, then it would be even more impossible for me to win.”

A statement that seemed to see through Sydonay’s inner thoughts suddenly resounded.

“You want to say it like that, right?”

Hearing these words, Sydonay’s eyes widened.

Fang Li, struggling to maintain his figure, presented an unwavering calm smile to Sydonay, as if his heavily wounded body had no impact on him. He lightly spoke, “I know, for certain reasons, you haven’t exerted your full strength. But do you think I have no trump cards?”

“Or, shall we have another round and see who wins and who loses?”

The calm words made Sydonay’s eyes change, and he fell into silence.

It had to be said that the current situation made Sydonay hesitate.

(Is he bluffing?)

Sydonay couldn’t be sure.

However, even if Fang Li did have hidden tricks, Sydonay wouldn’t find it strange.

(A human having such combat power, fighting me to this extent, is nothing extraordinary. Who would believe it?)

Moreover, Fang Li’s true strength lay not solely in his power but also in his mentality.

Otherwise, how could he engage in a life-and-death battle with a Crimson World Crimson Lord in such a bloodied state?

(If he does have some other means hidden, and I recklessly attack, it will absolutely lead to a catastrophe.)

This was absolutely not allowed.

After all, Sydonay held extremely important intelligence.

That was the whereabouts of the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child).

This information had to be taken away.

If Sydonay was countered here and died directly, it would be a colossal blunder.

(So, I can’t take the risk.)

Realizing this thought in his mind, Sydonay suddenly reacted.

To have such a thought was equivalent to believing, right?

Believing in Fang Li’s ability to counterattack.

Believing that this heavily wounded human, covered in blood, would continue to fight without showing any weakness.

With these thoughts, Sydonay fell silent for a while, then, facing Fang Li, he spoke.

“Why would you, a human, be willing to fight to such an extent?”

Sydonay unexpectedly asked the same question as Shana.

It was only natural.

Whether for Flame Haze or Crimson World Denizens, they always believed that only each other were opponents and enemies.

Humans, for Flame Haze, were merely residents of this world, and for Crimson World Denizens, they were just a source of sustenance.

In other words, throughout history, Flame Haze and Crimson World Denizens have always been in conflict with each other.

Humans were just ignorant bystanders.

But now, there was an exception with Fang Li.

So, Sydonay had this question, and Shana had the same question.

At this moment, both Shana and Sydonay directed their gazes at Fang Li’s body.

Facing these two gazes, Fang Li just smirked and gave such an answer.

“You came here to kill me after I provoked you guys, do I need any other reason to kill someone like you or should I just accept a beating?”

This seemingly casual and matter-of-fact statement left Shana stunned and Sydonay as well.

Then, Sydonay burst into laughter.

“Yes, you’re right. Since we ‘Denizens’ can treat you humans as food, naturally, you humans have the privilege to fight back. It’s a reason so correct that it couldn’t be more correct!”

After saying that, Sydonay flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

“Human, I’ll remember you!”

“Next time, I will absolutely get the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child) from your hands. Be prepared!”

Leaving behind these words, Sydonay turned around and flew towards the distance.

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