IUD-Chapter 408 Risking Life

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“Hand over the Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child)!”

As Sydonay’s words fell, Fang Li, whose arms were tightly bitten by the two snakes, forcefully raised his head.

His ice-blue Mystic Eyes had vanished.

The dual daggers in his hands slipped to the ground, leaving him empty-handed.

Nevertheless, even in this state, Fang Li suddenly spun around, ignoring the intense pain from the bites on his arms. His foot, like an iron hammer, heavily slammed into Sydonay’s face.


With the shockwave of swirling wind, Sydonay, who never expected Fang Li to resist in such a condition, took a direct hit from Fang Li’s powerful kick.

This strike, fueled by all of Fang Li’s gathered Prana, along with the enhanced leg strength and double damage from the Heavy Silver, delivered a terrifying blow comparable to Sydonay’s forceful attack. It resonated like an explosion, creating a heavy sound that pierced the eardrums.

Under this powerful kick, Sydonay’s entire colossal figure was kicked away.

The two giant snakes extending from his shoulders, resembling torn fabric, were snapped off in the resounding tearing sounds, falling away from Fang Li’s body.

“Dí Dā…”

Crimson blood dripped from Fang Li’s violently torn arm, creating a gruesome sight.


Sydonay directly crashed into a large rock, smashing it to pieces.

Looking at the massive body covered in shattered stones, Fang Li, drenched in blood, revealed a calm smile and spoke to Sydonay.

“Keep dreaming!”

With these words, Fang Li stepped directly on the ground, swiftly appearing in front of Sydonay like a phantom. He aimed another kick, carrying the forceful impact of the wind.

“You are really a daring human!”

Seeing Fang Li daring to charge at him in such a state, Sydonay’s eyes flashed with hostility. Without dodging, he raised his claws and heavily swung them towards Fang Li.

One side was a human.

The other side was the Crimson Lord of the Crimson World.

Both sides seemed determined to mutually inflict harm, ignoring the attacks about to land on their bodies. They charged towards each other.

As a result, powerful kicks and claws with terrifying force brutally landed on both sides.


A heavy impact echoed almost simultaneously.

Fang Li and Sydonay both groaned as if struck heavily and retreated.

In the end, Fang Li, with the skills of the Nanaya Assassination Technique, managed to dissipate the force first. His foot landed on the ground, stabilizing his figure.

Then, abruptly closing in, he lifted a blood-drenched hand, tightly clenched into a fist. Ignoring the flowing blood from the torn wounds, he gathered all the Prana in his body, transforming it into substantial attack power. He thrust it into Sydonay’s chest.


A heavy punch exploded on Sydonay’s chest.

The berserk impact caused Sydonay to scream in pain. Immediately, a fierce and aggressive aura filled his eyes. Opening his mouth, full of sharp fangs, he bit directly at Fang Li.

“Pu Chi!”

The sharp fangs pierced into Fang Li’s shoulder, making blood spurt.

“Wu… AaahAah————!”

The intense pain from the shoulders made Fang Li involuntarily cry out. Shortly afterward, a fierce expression appeared in his eyes. He extended his hands, firmly gripping Sydonay’s head, while his knee shot up like a rocket, violently colliding with Sydonay’s abdomen.


The fierce power transformed into a gust of wind that expanded on Sydonay’s abdomen.


Sydonay let out another scream and involuntarily released his fangs that had bitten into Fang Li’s shoulder.

In this situation, Fang Li continued to tightly grip Sydonay’s head, gathering all his Prana before his forehead. He then delivered a headbutt, forcefully colliding with Sydonay.


It was unimaginable how a human’s strength could forcefully crash into Sydonay’s forehead, making him feel dizzy, and he staggered backward.


Fang Li, covered in blood, roared loudly and relentlessly charged forward.


Sydonay felt his blood boiling and roared, refusing to back down as he met Fang Li head-on.

In the next moment, the most intense collision occurred between both sides.

“Bang— Bang— Bang— Bang— Bang—!”

Deep winds tearing and muffled collisions resounded continuously in the arena.

Each collision, each explosion, represented the most direct attacks launched by Fang Li and Sydonay against each other. It caused concentric waves of aura to spread as shockwaves expanded in waves, and even the ground beneath them started to crack and break making the scene look as if a scattering fragment like a hurricane passing through, creating an exceptionally terrifying scene.

And so, blood splattered towards the sky.

And so, skin cracked.

And so, bones resonated with cracking sounds.

And so, muscles revealed bulging veins.

Fang Li and Sydonay clashed in the most brutal way, one transformed into a berserk warrior, the other embodying the fierceness of a wild beast.

They continuously launched fists and claws at each other’s bodies, pounding flesh, claws tearing into muscles. In the echoes of collisions and shockwaves, they fought desperately, shaking the hearts of those who witnessed it.

Undoubtedly, it was the most vicious and cruel battle in the world.

It was incredibly violent.

It was incredibly bloody.

Yet, neither Fang Li nor Sydonay were willing to give up. Roaring loudly, they relentlessly clashed, making the atmosphere inside the Fuuzetsu/Seal incredibly brutal.

This scene was clearly observed by Shana.

Thus, Shana was completely shaken.

Seeing Fang Li drenched in blood, still gritting his teeth, bravely confronting the ferocious savage beast, even though his fists were breaking, muscles bursting, he continued to attack with a majestic demeanor. Shana could only murmur softly.


This was the only question in Shana’s heart.

“Why, when he’s clearly human, does he fight to this extent?”

This was a significant shock to Shana. In her mind, the mission to eliminate Denizens had always been the Flame Haze’s mission, and humans were at most the objects they protected along the way.

However, Fang Li, this human, fought to the extent of being covered in blood, facing monsters that could devour their own existence without any retreat, confronting difficulties head-on.

The impact of this sight on Shana was immense.

“Why exactly?”

Shana could only continue whispering this question.

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