IUD-Chapter 402 Full Force In The True Sense

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“Bang… Bang, Bang…”

In the Bright Red World, above the Mana River, the pale white fire wave continued to surge, causing the air within to explode, emitting bursts of explosive sounds.

Fang Li and Friagne faced each other across the fire wave, yet neither was injured.

The recent explosion was indeed quite intense. Despite using Prana, Fang Li couldn’t help but let fragments of starlight manifest around him, reinforcing his defensive power just enough to withstand the explosion’s force.

On the other side, Friagne’s body was enveloped in a barrier-like protective shield.

This protective shield made Friagne emerge unscathed from the recent explosion.

“That is…”

Observing the protective shield, Fang Li seemed to recall something, and his gaze immediately fell on a ring adorning one of Friagne’s hands.

On that hand, Friagne wore a ring emitting a faint glow.

“Have you noticed?” Friagne suddenly smiled, raising his hand to showcase the ring.

“This is one of my proud Treasure Tools, the Annealing Ring, named Azure. Its effect is flame expulsion. With this, any kind of flame attack becomes ineffective against me.”

In other words, Friagne dared to trigger such a fierce explosion while being in the midst of it due to possessing this ring.

Then, Friagne raised his other hand, displaying a glass bell pinched between his fingers to Fang Li.

“This Treasure Tool is called Dance Party. It allows me to freely control objects affected by my traps, breaking them down into the Power of Existence. By using it, I can, as demonstrated just now, detonate the Dolls within my set traps directly, and you’ve already experienced the effect.”

In other words, the extremely intense explosion just now was formed thanks to the effects of this Treasure Tool.

Similar to the origin of his title “Hunter,” Friagne possessed numerous Treasure Tools, placing him at the forefront of modern Crimson Lords.

“Of course, even for me, there’s a missing treasure in my collection— a gem that can shake the entire Crimson World, the ‘Denizen.'”

Smiling, Friagne added, “Don’t you think Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child) is qualified for such a role?”

The implication was clear, to the point that no further explanation was needed.

So, Fang Li smiled as well.

“What ‘Hunter’? Just call it a robber; won’t that be sufficient?”

Extending his hand toward Friagne, Fang Li playfully wiggled his fingers and said, “Enough with the talk, come and snatch it if you dare!”

This provocative gesture and words caused a subtle distortion in the elegant smile on Friagne’s face.

Soon after, Friagne sighed.

“Indeed, there’s no reasoning with mere humans.”

A berserk murderous aura began to emanate from Friagne’s body.

“Then let me kill you first!”

Once again, Dolls appeared around Friagne, accompanied by a pale white flame. Like missiles, they violently shot toward Fang Li.

“Dance, my cute Dolls…”

Friagne, resembling a nobleman reciting poetry at a dance party, calmly declared, swaying the bell in his hand.

“Dīng Líng————!”

In the melodious ringtone, the Dolls once again emitted a dazzling light.

As long as they approached a certain distance, these Dolls would surely burst open, creating a grand explosion, just like the one before.

Faced with such a powerful explosion, if Fang Li continued to defend, his Prana would eventually be depleted, leading to his demise. Avoiding it was an option, given Fang Li’s speed and agility.

As long as he maintained some distance, he could evade at any moment. However, Friagne still had Dolls around his body. If Fang Li got too close, the result would likely remain unchanged.

In the end, Fang Li would be the one defeated, worn down to the point of defeat.

“Even if things are tough, a Crimson Lord remains a Crimson Lord, right?”

Moreover, facing one of the top five Crimson Lords of the modern era made the situation even more challenging. Adding the multitude of Treasure Tools, it was safe to say that even in a confrontation with warriors like Wu Xiaofei and Amagiri Ayato, the ultimate result would likely be defeat.

However, despite all this, Fang Li remained unmoved.

“After all, this isn’t just a sparring match between peers or a competition among students…”

Saying this, Fang Li’s Moonlight Dagger suddenly disappeared from his hand.

In its place appeared an activation body.

A pure white activation body.


A holy radiance shimmered from the pure white Urm Manadyte, instantly illuminating the surroundings.

At this moment, a dense Mana surged out of the Urm Manadyte, transforming into a pure white blade. Like a sword formed from highly concentrated energy, Fang Li tightly gripped it.

“What is that?”

Seeing this scene clearly, Friagne couldn’t help but be stunned.

The next second, a chill ran up Friagne’s spine, reaching his brain.

Because of a pair of ice blue eyes.

Fang Li was right.

This wasn’t just a sparring match between peers or a student competition. It was a life-and-death struggle where only one side could survive.

Therefore, Fang Li could use his full power without any reservations.

Real, unrestrained full power.


The ice-blue Mystic Eyes glittered with a cold light.


The pure white Ogre Lux trembled as if invigorated.

A surging Prana, like a rushing river, flowed into the pure white Urm Manadyte, causing it to emit an unprecedented dazzling light.

Then, the pure white blade began to expand.

Under the impetus of the rich Prana swirling around it like a vortex, the entire pure white blade, as if gathering countless energies, expanded to hundreds of meters in length, transforming into a colossal sword that Fang Li raised high into the sky.

“What… is this…”

Friagne’s complexion suddenly turned pale on seeing this.

Only the Dolls, gleaming with intense light-like projectiles, violently shot out, welcoming Fang Li’s icy and unwavering gaze.

A gaze that seemed to be looking straight at death.

Then, the colossal sword descended abruptly, cutting through each Doll, the dense air currents, the motionless rivers below, and finally, aiming at the face of the despairing Crimson World Crimson Lord.


Amid Friagne’s desperate screams, the pure white giant sword descended from the heavens, landing on his body.

“Pū Chī————!”

In the sound of the slashing, pale white flames, like blood, scattered towards the sky.

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