IUD-Chapter 395 Different Power

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The next day, as soon as dawn broke, Fang Li awoke from his slumber.

Glancing at the clock, it was only the early hours of the morning, and the sun had yet to rise. However, Fang Li inevitably woke up because he had grown completely accustomed to it.

“If this were in Jie Long Seventh Institute, wouldn’t morning practice have already begun by now?”

After all, the training regimen designed by Fan Xinglou was both intensive and efficient. After half a year of persistence, Fang Li’s internal body clock had long adapted to waking up at this time.

Waking up at this particular time was also due to this reason.

“If it were before entering the Main God’s Dimension, it would be unimaginable.”

Back then, Fang Li was still a Hikikomori who could stay up all night just to play games. At this early hour, it wouldn’t be strange if he hadn’t even gone to sleep.

Moreover, if it were before entering the Main God’s Dimension, asking Fang Li to wake up for morning practice at such an early hour would also be unimaginable.

“Now I’m completely used to it.”

Unfortunately, even if he wanted to practice in the morning here, it was impossible.

“I hope my skills haven’t rusted.”

From the moment Fang Li entered the Main God’s Dimension, the nature of the Primary Divine Envoy had already changed. To become stronger, one could completely disregard potential. Even without training, improvement could be achieved through Attribute enhancement.

Conversely, as long as Attributes didn’t decline, even if daily training wasn’t maintained, the body’s condition wouldn’t deteriorate. Like Flame Haze, the age of the Primary Divine Envoy’s body would remain fixed, neither growing nor regressing, accumulating only in years.

Therefore, there was no need to worry about the body getting rusty; only the skills needed consideration.

However, Fan Xinglou once said something like this: “The ultimate realm of martial arts is being able to integrate it into your body like instinct. If you can reach that realm, even if you forget those techniques, your body will naturally use them when you start a battle.”

If Fang Li could truly reach that realm, coupled with the Primary Divine Envoy’s characteristic of not regressing, he wouldn’t need to worry about weakening.

Of course, Fang Li had not reached that realm yet; it was just wishful thinking.

“Although I can’t practice in the morning, I can still continue with Prana training.”

With this in mind, Fang Li rose from his bed, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began adjusting his breathing slowly.


The next moment, fragments of blue starlight began to glitter from Fang Li’s body, causing a slight tremor in the surrounding air.

Fang Li adeptly raised the Prana within his body, setting it into motion.

Suddenly, the surging Prana, under Fang Li’s control, began to flow slowly.

In the previous Dungeon World, Fang Li’s INT (Mystery) was not even close to 50 points, and while the amount of Prana was not weaker than some Fourth-Ranked Genestellars, compared to entities like Amagiri Ayato, he fell short.

Amagiri Ayato’s Prana, even before the full unsealing of his powers, could shoot straight up to the ceiling of the Sirius Dome like a pillar of light. He was undoubtedly the person with the most Prana that Fang Li had ever seen.

Compared to Amagiri Ayato, Fang Li’s Prana seemed pitifully insufficient.

However, after ascending to the Fourth Rank, Fang Li invested all 60 points of his freely distributable Attribute Points into INT (Mystery), raising it directly to 100 points, and doubling its value.

This sudden increase caused Fang Li’s Prana to skyrocket, now surpassing even that of Amagiri Ayato.

Yet, as the quantity of Prana increased, its control became more challenging.

If he couldn’t control it well, Fang Li could, at most, use Prana to strengthen his defensive power; he wouldn’t be able to perform more intricate enhancements.

Therefore, even within the Main God’s Dimension, Fang Li did not neglect the training of his Prana. He consistently utilized Fan Xinglou’s personally transmitted breathing techniques to enhance his control over Prana.

In this way, when it came to battle, the substantial increase in Prana could provide Fang Li with tremendous benefits. Additionally, with the acquisition of Reiji Maigo (Midnight Lost Child) and Ionic Spark, Fang Li no longer had to worry about issues of consumption, and this Ability could not be overlooked.

Currently, under Fang Li’s rhythmic breathing and control, the radiance of Prana in his body has become increasingly dazzling.

But, Fang Li had completely forgotten something.

He forgot that in this room, there were other guests besides himself.

On the adjacent bed, Shana had awakened at some point. Watching Fang Li, enveloped in the radiant starlight, with blue fireworks rising around him like fragments, her wide eyes stared in amazement.

After a moment, Shana couldn’t help but speak softly.

“What is that?”

Someone answered Shana’s question.

“…I don’t know,” Alastor spoke with a somewhat heavy tone. “It feels somewhat similar to the Power of Existence, but it should be a different power from the Power of Existence.”

“A power different from the Power of Existence?” Shana inquired. “Are there such powers in this world as well?”

“…I don’t know.” Alastor sighed. “At least, I don’t know.”

Since even Alastor didn’t know, it was likely that nobody in this world understood.

Because, in terms of existence, Alastor could be considered one of the oldest.

Therefore, Alastor could only give this explanation.

“Perhaps, this is why, as a human, he can possess such a powerful power, enough to rival Flame Haze and Crimson World Denizens.”

Hearing this, Shana immediately stared at Fang Li, her eyes flickering, pondering something.

On the other hand, Fang Li’s circulating Prana gradually began to converge, causing the stellar fragments lingering around his body to dim and slowly disappear.

Not long after, Fang Li opened his eyes.

Coincidentally, he met Shana’s gaze.

“Uh…” Fang Li was somewhat at a loss for words.

So, Fang Li could only spread out his hands and say, “Don’t ask me what this is. Just know that it’s not a power that will distort the world.”

“I haven’t said anything yet!” Shana exclaimed in anger.

Shortly afterward, Shana became irritated once again.

(Why does it always seem so easy to get angry in front of this guy?)

Before encountering Fang Li, Shana’s mood had not been this restless for a long time.

With such emotions, Shana glared at Fang Li and uttered a challenging line.

“I’m telling you, come and spar with me!”

This straightforward statement left Fang Li momentarily stunned.

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